Why do people still believe in Jesus and Christianity?

Justice, courage, temperance, aesthetic beauty, benevolence, propriety, compassion, equanimity, charity, unconditional love, empathy.

All real things, all part of reality, and all beyond the physical reality of subatomic particles and energy.

Works for me.
Quantum mechanics blew Albert Einstein's mind, and if a mind as brilliant as his had trouble accepting it, I can see how it would literally seem like voodoo to persons of inferior intelligence, such as yourself

Lie. Quantum mechanics did not blow Einstein's mind. He helped invent it!

Matter cannot be created from nothing nor destroyed into nothing. Neither can energy. You are denying the 1st law of thermodynamics and the law of special relativity.
quantum physics is a faith statement that some folks pretend is science........but there are no facts involved in the field of study......no experimentation, no scientific theories......nothing but fantasy......

Quantum mechanics are science. They are all theories that are falsifiable. Science is not experiments nor a study or research.
You asked for a possible origin of the universe using physical principles.

I gave you one.

Quantuum fluctuations and virtual particles are known to result in matter springing out of nothing. Smarter people than me have made this observation.

No one knows how the universe originated. Seems to me that quantum fluctuations are just as plausible as the literal account in the book of Genesis. I personally think we do not even yet understand the physics of how the universe originated and maybe we never will. It may always be the realm of conjecture.

Matter does not spring out of nothing. It is not possible to create or destroy matter or energy.
Its a simple thing........if the BS hypothesis concerning (wink, wink) Quantum Mechanics is a FACT OF SCIENCE.......just demonstrate this fact through the accepted method of SCIENCE. Show us the experiment that used the Scientific Method to demonstrate that Matter can be produced from nothing......this is what REAL SCIENCE requires, Empirical evidence that is Observable, Reproducible with consistency upon each application. Just produce Matter from nothing.........or not, as there is nothing FACTUAL about a hypothesis that dreams of producing matter from nothing. Clearly the seculars are propagating a false premise.....that false premise, "The First Law of Thermodynamics" does not exist. Thus, the false premise that Matter can pre-exist the ENERGY required to cause the effect of Matter. Even with the supposed theory of the BIG BANG..........Energy existed (from where did such energy come?). You can't answer that, thus the BS statement that Quantum Mechanics proves that matter can come from NOTHING. Yet....such as never been OBSERVED, Reproduced or consistency applied to demonstrate that knowledge as being FACTUAL.

In other words you are demonstrating FAITH....blind faith. It takes faith to believe that everything COULD HAVE came from nothing (BIG BANG) void of proof. It takes faith to believe that life came from non-living matter void of proof. It takes faith to believe that non-living matter can be created from NOTHING void of proof. It takes faith to believe that life and everything you see in this reality came from 2 simple elements....hydrogen and helium void of observed proof.


Fermi Lab - America's premier particle physics lab - states that matter-antimatter particles are constantly popping into and out of existence, in a quantuum foam state, and this has been confirmed scientifically:

Fermi Lab is an authoritative source, unlike anonymous mesaage board poster "Ralph"
Did it say some place in the bible that God is a physical object?? :thinking:
Essentially, yes. Jesus Christ is the son of God. He is a person, therefore God is also. God also speaks as a person to various people, including Adam and Eve, Abraham, and Isaac.
Are you a physical object?? Like a sock or clone??
Yes he is, just as you are.

This is essentially correct. Science is a set of falsifiable theories. It simply doesn't go where religion goes. Religion is an initial circular argument, with arguments extending from that; otherwise known as the argument of faith. It serves no purpose other than to comfort those making that initial argument, through the use of non-scientific theories based on faith.

Science does not make use of supporting evidence. Religion does.

There are no proofs possible either in religion or in science, other than the falsification of a theory. No theory is ever proven True, whether scientific or otherwise. A falsifiable theory (a scientific theory) may be proven False. This utterly destroys the theory. A non-scientific theory can neither be proven True nor False. Such a theory can never be destroyed.

Example: The Theory of the Terracentric Universe (a theory of science at one time) was utterly destroyed by Galileo, when he showed that moons orbit Jupiter (thus blowing the whole idea of Earth being the center of everything right out of the water).
The Theory of Natural Selection (a theory of science at one time) was utterly destroyed by the application of logic, showing that such selection presupposes a variety to select from, yet the concept of selection tends to reduce variety. Today, it is a fallacy.

The Theory of Evolution (which states that more primitive life evolved into today's life forms) is not falsifiable. It is not testable. No one can go back to see what actually happened. It can neither be proven True nor False. It remains a circular argument. It has arguments extending from it. It is a religion.

The Theory of Creation (which states that life arrived on Earth through the action of some kind of intelligence) is not falsifiable. It is not testable. No one can go back to see what actually happened. It can neither be proven True nor False. It remains a circular argument. It has arguments extending from it. It is also a religion.

Christianity is a religion. It does not conflict with science nor prove science. They are unrelated.
Newton's law of motion (F=mA) is a theory of science. It does not conflict with religion nor prove religion. They are unrelated.

It's not so much that either science nor religion has a purpose of any kind, it is simply that they are unrelated.
what did he do, mail letters to places outside the universe and count the replies he got?.......


the best he has ever come up with is a theory that since there is something happening that cannot be observed or tested it "proves" the existence of a place where things cannot be observed or tested......
Heisenberg did not create this theory. It has been around since Plato. The reason we remember Heisenberg's work today is that he showed how something that can be considered a 'particle' can also be a 'wave', and he showed by this method that you can know where a particle is, but not how fast it's moving, OR you can know how fast it's moving, but not where a particle is.

This is a theory of science. It is falsifiable. It is testable. So far, the theory remains intact. It has not yet been falsified.
Fermi Lab - America's premier particle physics lab - states that matter-antimatter particles are constantly popping into and out of existence, in a quantuum foam state, and this has been confirmed scientifically:

Fermi Lab is an authoritative source, unlike anonymous mesaage board poster "Ralph"

-U-R- attempting to present the false premise of using Speculation (language you have already used), Subjectivity, Conjecture laced hypothesis and theory as facts of science. A theory is called a theory for a reason, its an IDEA that does not possess the required evidences to be called a FACT OF SCIENCE. If such evidence was produced you would no longer have a theory but rather a LAW of NATURE/PHYSICS. All these IDEAS are based upon FAITH if they are to be believed as truth. You attempt to chastise others for following blind faith when its you that demonstrate that trait more than any religion on earth.

And this does away with the necessity of CAUSALITY? How? As I have stated previously.......its always the fault of the STUPID (like the anonymous message board poster RALPH) and his/her inability to comprehend what is being taught as truth. Simply reproduce any matter from NOTHING through experimentation. Because someone states they "OBSERVE" something void of having the ability to reproduce that observation does not constitute a FACT of science. Why is this anti-matter non-reproducible void of cause? By self confession the supposed (wink, wink) anti-matter is not a STABLE entity....its an effect caused.

You might call using a "particle accelerator" to create what is called Anti-Matter particles .....or watching these particles being CAUSED by NATURAL processes such as cosmic ray collisions or radioactive decay.........POPPING into existence......as coming from nothing, even anti-matter particles must have a natural CAUSE.

Thus......Truth is not established, Prima Facie wise or otherwise as demonstrated there is more than enough established REASON TO DOUBT that MATTER can be created from nothing, especially when even this effect called anti-matter has an observed demonstrable CAUSE and EFFECT. Simply because observable matter can be shattered or demonstrate radio active decay and called ANTI-MATTER simply proves the point....nothing measurable or quantifiable can come from NOTHING.

Now.....use science to refute the scriptures provided concerning creation and reproduction.....you cannot because you cannot produce Observable, Reproducible, and consistent facts to debunk the scriptures statement concerning CREATION.
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Quantuum mechanics is one of the most verified theories in the history of science.
Quantum mechanics is not a theory. It is a branch of physics, and a set of models and theories concerning the atom and it's components.
That does not mean there isn't more to learn about it.
A theory of science is not knowledge nor a proof. It is simply a theory of science.
You use technology on a daily basis which uses the principles of quantum mechanics: smart phones, GPS, computers, not to mention MRIs and medical technology.
None of these use quantum mechanics (other than any LEDs they might have).

A smart phone is simply a hand held computer with some radios built in. Like any computer, it uses software to do it's tricks.
GPS is a radio receiver, built on the concept of Doppler shift and a set of low orbiting satellites referencing their position to a base station and by time.
Computers, along with other solid state devices, make use of transistors (usually MOSFET style these days). These are linear devices that do not make use of quantum mechanics on any level.
MRI imaging machines make use of the polarized nature of a water molecule. They align them, then listen to them as they twang back to random positions. Quantum mechanics is not used.
Medical technology is a broad field. Generally depending on oil products and chemistry and electronics, many useful devices have been produced to help doctors treat their patients. Quantum mechanics is not used (other than the periodic table of the elements in chemistry).

No theory of science is ever proven True. No amount of supporting evidence will ever change that. A single piece of conflicting evidence can prove a theory of science False.

Only religion makes use of supporting evidence.

Quantum physics to you is a meaningless buzzword.