Why do people still believe in Jesus and Christianity?

Science contacts things outside the universe? What does that even mean?!

Science only concerns itself with the physical universe. There is zero evidence of multiverses, multidimensions or anything before the Universe began or anything, if anything, outside of it. So far, even life off planet Earth is only theoretical. For all we know, we're alone in a sterile Universe.
Science only concerns itself with the physical universe. There is zero evidence of multiverses, multidimensions or anything before the Universe began or anything, if anything, outside of it. So far, even life off planet Earth is only theoretical. For all we know, we're alone in a sterile Universe.

Okay. What does "sterile universe" mean?
Possibly by quantuum physics.
You are a prisoner of classical mechanics - that every event must have a cause.

This is a false premise.

It is well established in quantum mechanics that the creation of matter can be uncaused— it can spring from nothing.

It is not implausible to speculate that the singularity at the origin of the universe did not necessarily have to have a cause; that we are required to assume something had to exist before the singularity.
Quantum Foam
"At the quantum level, matter and antimatter particles are constantly popping into existence and popping back out, with an electron-positron pair here and a top quark-antiquark pair there. ... The idea that space is a bubbling brew of ephemeral particles sounds like complete nonsense, but the idea has been confirmed."

Source: Fermi National Particle Physics Lab
time or energy





singularity plurality







There is absolutes. Science uses absolutes like a baker of beard does.

The Cosmos is composed of OPPOSITES. Aka Duality. Aka ying-yang

We see duality in all things great and small. Ie: Something and Nothing.

Dualities CANNOT be separated! They exist together.

Here's a brain teaser koan about absoluteness: Is it an absolute when you want to turn right ---you turn right. There is no other way to "turn right" except to "turn right". It's an "absolute".

So all the in-absolute scientific documentations (recipes) are existing because PERSONA is the steward.

God is a persona. The Created cosmos is persona paradigm
Its a simple thing........if the BS hypothesis concerning (wink, wink) Quantum Mechanics is a FACT OF SCIENCE.......just demonstrate this fact through the accepted method of SCIENCE. Show us the experiment that used the Scientific Method to demonstrate that Matter can be produced from nothing......this is what REAL SCIENCE requires, Empirical evidence that is Observable, Reproducible with consistency upon each application. Just produce Matter from nothing.........or not, as there is nothing FACTUAL about a hypothesis that dreams of producing matter from nothing. Clearly the seculars are propagating a false premise.....that false premise, "The First Law of Thermodynamics" does not exist. Thus, the false premise that Matter can pre-exist the ENERGY required to cause the effect of Matter. Even with the supposed theory of the BIG BANG..........Energy existed (from where did such energy come?). You can't answer that, thus the BS statement that Quantum Mechanics proves that matter can come from NOTHING. Yet....such as never been OBSERVED, Reproduced or consistency applied to demonstrate that knowledge as being FACTUAL.

In other words you are demonstrating FAITH....blind faith. It takes faith to believe that everything COULD HAVE came from nothing (BIG BANG) void of proof. It takes faith to believe that life came from non-living matter void of proof. It takes faith to believe that non-living matter can be created from NOTHING void of proof. It takes faith to believe that life and everything you see in this reality came from 2 simple elements....hydrogen and helium void of observed proof.

Why FAITH? Because these things sure as hell can't be OBSEVERED, Reproduced, or consistency APPLIED as being objectively TRUE.

There have been countless attempts to reproduce LIFE from non-living matter using the scientific method.....all failures, as every experiment simply confirms the scientific fact pointed out by Pasteur, life can only be reproduced through the reproduction of pre-existing life of the same species. Now demonstrate the scientific experiment that proves the creation model revealed in scriptures is debunked.

The scriptures are clear as to where Human Life came from and its consistent with the Scientific Method. Life was first created and then reproduced, each after its own kind.

Follow the history presented in Scripture. 1. Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God CREATED (the heavens and the earth) ....time, space and matter. 2. Genesis 1:21 God created living creatures
3. Genesis 1:27 God created man in his own image (God is a Spirit, unseen, unexplainable......man has an unseen, unexplainable spirit that animates life that cannot be reproduced in any lab)

Most importantly and observed on a daily basis in the real world.......God made things to reproduce after their own kind (just as proven via Pasteur) Genesis 1:11-12, 21, 24-25.

Simply present the scientific experiment that proves these things to be FALSE. :bigthink:

Now comes the expected replay: Where did GOD COME FROM? Nowhere.......God is ETERNAL unlike the ever expanding universe. (disprove that statement). This statement is presented in the text of the holy scriptures...God is an eternally existing spirit. Deut. 33:27, Genesis 21:33.
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