Why do people still believe in Jesus and Christianity?

I saw one, he was standing @ the airport in Baltimore waiting for a plane to Delaware for a boat ride w/ General Washington..;)

You ask stupid questions then tell yourself how smart you are because someone can't answer it........

It serves to promote your inferiority, not superiority....:palm:

IMHO your best course of action would be keep your fuckin yap shut & give up on trying to empress anyone here........

It's called mocking you idiots that ask for proof you know can't be provided. The difference is when you don't get what you want, you use it to deny God's existence and when you can't provide what is requested, you still expect belief of what you support.

Your opinion is less valuable than an unqualified black getting hired under affirmative action.

IMHO, before you tell someone what to do, learn to use the correct term, boy. Or were you trying to "empress" me?
Translation: I don't have a fucking clue. I'm just making this shit up as I go.

No worries.

Whether your agree or not, your sessions with the prison psychiatrist are mandatory just like they were for your Mommy-Sister.

Then put me on ignore like the other nutjobs do.

It's OK, boy. Realize that I do for her what you never could. Also, realize there isn't a damn thing you can do to stop me from fucking her.
what is your point?
Christianity is not based on sacrifice, suffering and dying for our sins, and rising from the idea to eternal life?
It's the basis

Christianity came directly from Judaism - not these other religions
( unless you wanna talk about "Jesus was a Buddhist monk")

It's the promise of a savior revealed.. I'm not an expert on Judaism, but atonement thru sacrifice is the common theme. The idea of an afterlife is only briefly mentioned in the Torah -but it's there

Maybe the ressurection part cam from Zoroastrian etc... dont know
Many ancient cultures taught a tradition of sacrifice and ethics.

No one had to invent a story out of whole clothe about a peasant being tortured, humiliated, and executed as a common criminal, with the goal of basing a religion on that story. That would have been totally out of historical context for the times.

It only seems natural to you because you are looking back with 2000 years of hindsight, and you are thinking anachronistically
It's called mocking you idiots that ask for proof you know can't be provided. strawman.gif

Several of you fools do that & think it makes you look smart:|

As per this example, it has only made you look stupid again....:dunno:

You have not figured that out yet, prob never will..........

Be that on you, you always have that option I mentioned, keeping your mouth shut.. :thup:
Many ancient cultures taught a tradition of sacrifice and ethics.

No one had to invent a story out of whole clothe about a peasant being tortured, humiliated, and executed as a common criminal, with the goal of basing a religion on that story. That would have been totally out of historical context for the times.

It only seems natural to you because you are looking back with 2000 years of hindsight, and you are thinking anachronistically
Not the Greeks or Romans.
You should familiarize yourself with Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Seneca, Stoic philosophers, et al
Very familiar. Where did Aristotle talk about sacrifice?

As Plato explained in the Dialogues, Socrates' death was all about sacrifice for a higher principle and a higher truth.

Socrates' friends offered to break him out of jail to a life of exile, but he chose death instead.
As Plato explained in the Dialogues, Socrates' death was all about sacrifice for a higher principle and a higher truth.

Socrates' friends offered to break him out of jail to a life of exile, but he chose death instead.

Nothing you said refers to a sacrifice. Socrates believed in being a citizen of Athens. Nothing abstract about that.
He mentions a lot about prison that only someone having been there would know. He's projecting.

well it seems no matter what you say if you get a discussion with him he's going to grossly misrepresent your argument and then call you names for his misrepresentation, and then maybe cry about people ignoring him
Second time, for you, because you're an expert. Where did Aristotle talk about sacrifice?

You need to respond to what I wrote, not to what you wish I wrote.

Originally Posted by Cypress
Many ancient cultures taught a tradition of sacrifice and ethics

You said Greco Romans did not speak to ethics and sacrifice.

You are demonstrably wrong. Plato's Story of Er is all about the immortal soul, ethics, and punishment in the afterlife for the immoral and reward for the virtuous.

Socrates death is a sacrifice for a higher principal. It does not matter if you think the sacrifice was not abstract enough. Or if you do not think it was the right kind of sacrifice.

The fact is, sacrifice for a higher principle is ubiquitous in the mythology and philosophy of antiquity.

The Aeneid is all about the sacrifices Aeneid has to make on behalf of the proto-Romans. Roman mythology is rife with stories of sacrifice for the welfare of the community.

I presented an example list of Greco-Roman philosophers who spoke to ethics or sacrifice.

The fact is you were wrong to suggest the Greeks and Romans did not speak to ethics and sacrifice. You made a claim that was wrong.

Dead, ass backwards wrong.

Christianity has a unique take on sacrifice and ethics. But that does not make your claim about the Greco Romans any less wrong
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