Why do people still believe in Jesus and Christianity?

That's what he means when he says "farm/ranch girls"... ;)

LOL. Thanks for the additional evidence you are not a Christian or a truth-teller. Most already know that as fact, but it's always nice of you to confirm it INT/IBDa/gfm
The raising of Lazarus is one that has multiple references in Gospels, and was a main factor in driving the crowds for Palm Sunday

The miracle of the raising of Lazarus, the longest coherent narrative in John aside from the Passion, is the culmination of John's "signs". It explains the crowds seeking Jesus on Palm Sunday, and leads directly to the decision of Caiaphas and the Sanhedrin to kill Jesus.

:thinking: You seem to know much more & clearer than I would have believed. :hand:

I guess those Nuns didn't waste their energy whacking you w/ that ruler a time or two..... :)
Of course "Jesus" was a common name (well, in the language of the time).

Today Jesús is extremely common.

Interesting. Who owns the correct Christianity?
Nobody owns Christianity: the trick is to read the New Testament, especially the Sermon on the Mount and see how particular groups' actions and beliefs compare.
Of course ....
Interesting. Who owns the correct Christianity?

So another election to continue SCOTUS Rehnquist's Christian Nation Reichquest since Bicentennial fabricated misnomer immaculate drug conceptions granting standing to that "serve the Pope or die" from Islam "death to the infidels" diatribe of one must vote after an acknowledgement of thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament - absentee voting ballots arsonists lynching enforcement dhimmitude servitude precedent for those burning Bush's 9/11 Arab health care plan where Mengele "Angel of Death" baptize thine eyes by urinations to one of Eisenhower's WW II Pentagon staff sergeants acknowledged as not an Arab flying carpet terrorist Freudian slip to maintain survival of the fittest fascists suicidal sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming master race condescending arrogance as one nation under God with equal justice under law Christiananality pedophilia cognitive dissonance.
Nobody owns Christianity: the trick is to read the New Testament, especially the Sermon on the Mount and see how particular groups' actions and beliefs compare.
I presume that the trick includes a critical final step of drawing conclusions, yes? What are the conclusions that you drew when you performed the trick?
Jesus was a profoundly revolutionary figure who cared nothing for wealth and power, and whose followers shared all they had. Naturally, like everyone at that time, he expressed his opinions in terms of a 'God'. The Imperialists executed him, as would their present American or Chinese equivalents, but something happened to convince his followers that didn't matter. I find that interesting.
:thinking: You seem to know much more & clearer than I would have believed. :hand:
I guess those Nuns didn't waste their energy whacking you w/ that ruler a time or two..... :)
sure. growing up Catholic taught me a thing or 2.
But comparative religious study helps flesh out the perspectives beyond rote learning.
You learn to look for themes and similarities, as well as sharp differences in the world's religions
Jesus was a profoundly revolutionary figure who cared nothing for wealth and power, and whose followers shared all they had. Naturally, like everyone at that time, he expressed his opinions in terms of a 'God'. The Imperialists executed him, as would their present American or Chinese equivalents, but something happened to convince his followers that didn't matter. I find that interesting.

Sharing and using the government force people to do something aren't the same.
sure. growing up Catholic taught me a thing or 2.
But comparative religious study helps flesh out the perspectives beyond rote learning.
You learn to look for themes and similarities, as well as sharp differences in the world's religions
Yes, there is a name for that.........:thup:
Yes, there is a name for that.........:thup:

It's like a Monopoly get out of jail free card where invoking that fabricated misnomer immaculate Jesus the Christ conception in SCOTUS Christian Nation renders those burning Bush's 9/11 "serve the Pope or die" from Islam "death to the infidels" granted patriot act standing higher than one nation under God.
Yes, there is a name for that.........:thup:
curiosity? lol
what first got me interested was the philosophical idea:
"if these are good people -but not Christian -can the be saved"? (salvation)

which opened up my mind to understanding what they believe and how they act. and then comparing world religions
It's like a Monopoly get out of jail free card where invoking that fabricated misnomer immaculate Jesus the Christ conception in SCOTUS Christian Nation renders those burning Bush's 9/11 "serve the Pope or die" from Islam "death to the infidels" granted patriot act standing higher than one nation under God.

That is not it but that about sums up our new century is a fart beat.............:rolleyes:
curiosity? lol
what first got me interested was the philosophical idea:
"if these are good people -but not Christian -can the be saved"? (salvation)

which opened up my mind to understanding what they believe and how they act. and then comparing world religions

Religious studies~comparative religion..

Yes, that is one of those questions that trouble many..

We all know ppl that are far better ppl than most, & are not Christian, although their "actions" are in line w/ the moral/ethical teaching & tenets of love etc......

Something often missing in the politicized hearts of pampered posers...
there you go then.......you have your beliefs.......

I have a range of beliefs, speculations, educated guesses. Not sure what is controversial about that.
While I consider some of the miraculous deeds of Jesus in the Gospels to probably be apocryphal or allegorical, I can still maintain there is a certain kernel of historicity to the NT and that as a scripture it contains higher truths acquired by genuine inspiration.