Why do right wingers hate education?

The relatively small core of oligarchs who run the republican party do not hate education for themselves.

They hate education for their white trash rank and file.

The ruling oligarchs are totally dependent on their working class minions to vote in perfect, 180º opposition to their own best economic interests.

They have very effective means for doing this, many of them based on racism and xenophobia,

but those means will not work on a literate electorate.

Stop lying, Nifty.

The left supports perversion taught to six (6) year olds.

Remember…the Grim Reaper.

Poor Nifty,
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Stop lying, Nifty.

The left supports perversion taught to six (6) year olds.

Remrnber…the Grim Reaper.

Poor Nifty,
also the poorest performing schools are in places controlled by democrats and democrats fight to prevent families from picking a better school
democrats fight to prevent families from picking a better school

For those of us who learned a bit of history the invention of "free public education" is arguably one of the greatest things the US ever helped introduce. But when some people realize they can buy their way out of the same travails that hit others they tend to wall themselves off by merit of their money.

The education system in the US right now clearly has some issues. There are places where it is godawful and places where it is great. The solution is NOT to create a multi-level, multi-class system in which poor Americans are relegated to horrible educational outcomes and rich Americans are guaranteed better outcomes. That isn't what made America great.

When Conservatives pull their kids from the schools and vouchers help shift money from public education to private education we WILL end up with that very scenario.

The brilliance of public education is (and should be) that we are all invested in its success.

I pay my taxes to support education even though my wife and I have no children and never will. We see the value of an educated populace, not some fractured hellscape where education is dictated solely by wealth.
For those of us who learned a bit of history the invention of "free public education" is arguably one of the greatest things the US ever helped introduce. But when some people realize they can buy their way out of the same travails that hit others they tend to wall themselves off by merit of their money.

The education system in the US right now clearly has some issues. There are places where it is godawful and places where it is great. The solution is NOT to create a multi-level, multi-class system in which poor Americans are relegated to horrible educational outcomes and rich Americans are guaranteed better outcomes. That isn't what made America great.

When Conservatives pull their kids from the schools and vouchers help shift money from public education to private education we WILL end up with that very scenario.

The brilliance of public education is (and should be) that we are all invested in its success.

I pay my taxes to support education even though my wife and I have no children and never will. We see the value of an educated populace, not some fractured hellscape where education is dictated solely by wealth.

the notion that money is the issue is absurd

we spent far less on education per kid adjusted for inflation at every point in this nations history and had better results than we see today

This mostly comes down to a weakening of the family unit and too many parents using schools as a a subsidized day care system
also the poorest performing schools are in places controlled by democrats and democrats fight to prevent families from picking a better school

The far left Democratic Socialist loons prefer to teach perversion to six year olds rather than educate them.

Math, English, History, Science…all are lower priorities than social engineering.

Social and morality issues are the purview of the parents, not the schools.

Parents all across America are winning on this issue and the far left is losing.

Differences Are Widening America’s Political Rift
College graduates are now a firmly Democratic bloc, and they are shaping the party’s future. Those without degrees, by contrast, have flocked to Republicans.
From preschool to grad school
The front lines of America’s cultural clashes have shifted in recent years. A vigorous wave of progressive activism has helped push the country’s culture to the left, inspiring a conservative backlash against everything from “critical race theory” to the supposed cancellation of Dr. Seuss.

These skirmishes may be different in substance from those that preceded them, but in the broadest sense they are only the latest manifestation of a half-century trend: the realignment of American politics along cultural and educational lines, and away from the class and income divisions that defined the two parties for much of the 20th century.
Nate Cohn is a domestic correspondent for The Upshot. He covers elections, polling and demographics. Before joining The Times in 2013, he worked as a staff writer for The New Republic. More about Nate Cohn
The far left Democratic Socialist loons prefer to teach perversion to six year olds rather than educate them.

Math, English, History, Science…all are lower priority than social engineering.

Social and morality issues are the purview of the parents, not the schools.

Parents all across America are winning on this issue and the far left is losing.
critical thinking and being responsible for yourself is detrimental to them maintaining power.
For those of us who learned a bit of history the invention of "free public education" is arguably one of the greatest things the US ever helped introduce. But when some people realize they can buy their way out of the same travails that hit others they tend to wall themselves off by merit of their money.

The education system in the US right now clearly has some issues. There are places where it is godawful and places where it is great. The solution is NOT to create a multi-level, multi-class system in which poor Americans are relegated to horrible educational outcomes and rich Americans are guaranteed better outcomes. That isn't what made America great.

When Conservatives pull their kids from the schools and vouchers help shift money from public education to private education we WILL end up with that very scenario.

The brilliance of public education is (and should be) that we are all invested in its success.

I pay my taxes to support education even though my wife and I have no children and never will. We see the value of an educated populace, not some fractured hellscape where education is dictated solely by wealth.

“The solution is NOT to create a multi-level, multi-class system in which poor Americans are relegated to horrible educational outcomes…”

This is exactly what the teachers’ unions and the Democrats have done.

“When Conservatives pull their kids from the schools…”

They do so for a reason…the far left Democrats have ruined public education.

Let’s not do that anymore.
This mostly comes down to a weakening of the family unit and too many parents using schools as a a subsidized day care system

Is there any actual research which supports that?

And I am willing to accept that lack of money isn't the primary issue with our failing education system (that's probably more related to administration and how the money they have is actually allotted). But the solution is NOT the wholesale abandonment of free public education in preference to a wealth-based system of outcomes where the wealthy will have better schools.
The far left Democratic Socialist loons prefer to teach perversion to six year olds rather than educate them.

Math, English, History, Science…all are lower priorities than social engineering.

Social and morality issues are the purview of the parents, not the schools.

Parents all across America are winning on this issue and the far left is losing.

Link lie sack of Russian disinformation
“The solution is NOT to create a multi-level, multi-class system in which poor Americans are relegated to horrible educational outcomes…”

This is exactly what the teachers’ unions and the Denmocrats have done.

Let’s not do that anymore.

How so? It isn't the Left that is demanding vouchers to go to non-public schools in an attempt to get away from public education.
Is there any actual research which supports that?

And I am willing to accept that lack of money isn't the primary issue with our failing education system (that's probably more related to administration and how the money they have is actually allotted). But the solution is NOT the wholesale abandonment of free public education in preference to a wealth-based system of outcomes where the wealthy will have better schools.

Paying teachers a wage that reflects what their educational attainment would produce in the greater society is KEY
“The solution is NOT to create a multi-level, multi-class system in which poor Americans are relegated to horrible educational outcomes…”

This is exactly what the teachers’ unions and the Democrats have done.

“When Conservatives pull their kids from the schools…”

They do so for a reason…the far left Democrats have ruined public education.

Let’s not do that anymore.

It’s what republicans policy creates ass smear
Paying teachers a wage that reflects what their educational attainment would produce in the greater society is KEY

Which is why I worry that too much $$$ may go to administration and less to the people doing the actual work (teachers). I will freely admit to not really knowing how education $$ are spent within the system, but at the end of the day the teachers aren't getting enough. And sapping the system of needed money by siphoning off some in the form of vouchers so the wealthy can abandon the ship is NOT going to help the ship stay afloat.

This is also why I dislike it when the rightwing culture warriors want to make it sound like it's the fault of "society" (ie the breakdown of the family unit). That's an easy suggestion. And it doesn't seem to correlate to the problem. It certainly can't be used to explain the difference in outcome, but money most assuredly can.
How so? It isn't the Left that is demanding vouchers to go to non-public schools in an attempt to get away from public education.

Only ten percent of all K-12 students in United States are educated in private schools.

Why do you think that parents want to leave public schools?

I do not want government involved in private schools, financially or otherwise.

We paid for 42 private school years for our three children.

I paid for public schools that my children never attended.

It was our choice to avoid what is being taught and not being taught in public schools.
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Is there any actual research which supports that?

Odd you ask for evidence when evidence shows dumping money at the problem has been useless.

And I am willing to accept that lack of money isn't the primary issue with our failing education system (that's probably more related to administration and how the money they have is actually allotted). But the solution is NOT the wholesale abandonment of free public education in preference to a wealth-based system of outcomes where the wealthy will have better schools.
it isn't free. it is compulsory.

I didn't pay for it when I was a kid, but I pay as an adult, regardless of having kids, so it is essentially just a delayed method of payment, but far from free education
Why do you think that parents want to leave public schools?

For obvious reasons. We are a nation of "consumers" and when we can't get the widget we want from Store X we go to Store Y. It's a natural response. The key to governance and leadership is to remind everyone that we are all on the same ship and if it goes down there isn't going to be special lifeboats for the wealthy (unless we truly want to be known as the society that gladly let the poor suffer while the rich enjoyed).

I do north want government involved in private schools, financially or otherwise.

Why not? WE are the government. Do you not think yourself capable of that role?
Which is why I worry that too much $$$ may go to administration and less to the people doing the actual work (teachers). I will freely admit to not really knowing how education $$ are spent within the system, but at the end of the day the teachers aren't getting enough. And sapping the system of needed money by siphoning off some in the form of vouchers so the wealthy can abandon the ship is NOT going to help the ship stay afloat.

This is also why I dislike it when the rightwing culture warriors want to make it sound like it's the fault of "society" (ie the breakdown of the family unit). That's an easy suggestion. And it doesn't seem to correlate to the problem. It certainly can't be used to explain the difference in outcome, but money most assuredly can.

The republicans want public school destroyed

They don’t even think America should be called a democracy