Why do right wingers hate education?

Odd you ask for evidence when evidence shows dumping money at the problem has been useless.

Absence of evidence is not evidence for you point.

I didn't pay for it when I was a kid, but I pay as an adult, regardless of having kids, so it is essentially just a delayed method of payment, but far from free education

You are paying because a lot of poor people can't. That's called living in a "society". If you don't like it then leave society.

And at the end of the day YOU will pay the price for those poorly educated kids coming out of the schools even if you don't have kids. I don't have kids and I realize that my future existence will be a function of how well these kids can learn and do their jobs as adults because I'll be old and in need of help.
Onl ten percent of all K-12 students in United States are educated in private schools.

Why do you think that parents want to leave public schools?

I do not want government involved in private schools, financially or otherwise.

Schools should be policed by government

Some assholes abuse kids
Odd you ask for evidence when evidence shows dumping money at the problem has been useless.

it isn't free. it is compulsory.

I didn't pay for it when I was a kid, but I pay as an adult, regardless of having kids, so it is essentially just a delayed method of payment, but far from free education

Your statement is a fucking lie idiot

Can we make our military better by defunding it?
You are paying because a lot of poor people can't. That's called living in a "society". If you don't like it then leave society.

you seem pretty ignorant

most education is paid for with property taxes. landlords bake taxes into the monthly rent

very few people are so poor that they are not assisting in paying for public education
For obvious reasons. We are a nation of "consumers" and when we can't get the widget we want from Store X we go to Store Y. It's a natural response. The key to governance and leadership is to remind everyone that we are all on the same ship and if it goes down there isn't going to be special lifeboats for the wealthy (unless we truly want to be known as the society that gladly let the poor suffer while the rich enjoyed).

Why not? WE are the government. Do you not think yourself capable of that role?

You are morbidly naive.

There will always be the wealthy who live better lives…and their children.

“The poor will always be with you.”

You are never going to change these metrics.
Everyday racists bash Blacks and education. Why is that? Afraid that your high school diploma is not as prestigious as a college degree?

Liberals don't want blacks to get an education which is why they keep trying to lower the standards.

They want to keep them dumb so they can manipulate them for votes.
you seem pretty ignorant

most education is paid for with property taxes. landlords bake taxes into the monthly rent

very few people are so poor that they are not assisting in paying for public education

I can’t refute anything in your post, so I will not try,
No, I can just conceive of a better system. The fact that you lack imagination doesn't impact me.

Of fucking course there will be! But that doesn't mean we need to make the entire SYSTEM like that.

Your conception is nonsense.

“The poor will always be with you.”

It doesn’t take much imagination to understand that.

Lose the ad Homs…
Lowering test standards for blacks or removing programs such as algebra because it's too difficult isn't helping them.

It's telling them they are too stupid to succeed.

I've taken math up to calculus. But other than adding subtracting and dividing, that's about all the math I use.
Your conception is nonsense.

“The poor will always be with you.”

It doesn’t take much imagination to understand that.

Lose the ad Homs…

I'll lose the ad homs the minute you do. YOU were the one who insulted me first. :)

If you can't NOT insult someone then be prepared to be insulted.