Why do right wingers hate education?

The only people that the right wing extremist can indoctrinate with their ideology with ease are the feeble minded, once an individual is educated he is much more incline to question the purpose of extremism.
LOL. You don't know what you're talking about. Besides: what do YOU know about universities??????

He probably knows enough to not use multiple punctuation.

In general, you should not use more than one ending punctuation mark (period, question mark, exclamation point) in a row.
A college degree is not prestigious. Neither is a high school diploma. Both are little more than participation awards. I don't hire on whether you have any degree or not. I hire based on whether you know your shit and can do your job.

College degrees and High School Diplomas are still something to be proud of.

But, I do agree with you that knowledge and experience of the job you are hired to do is really more important.

SO, as we rarely agree, we should probably have a toast or something this time!


hey everyone - cell phones are free

yeah - Cardinal Ignorant here thinks that since programs help the poorest with getting a free phone, that means phones are free, just like education

He probably knows enough to not use multiple punctuation.

In general, you should not use more than one ending punctuation mark (period, question mark, exclamation point) in a row.

Suck that Putin cock trash heap