Why do right wingers hate education?

Why would you ask a possible employee what their political leanings are?

sometimes I do regret having that retard on ignore

the interview process is completely about discrimination. that is how it works. you find a reason to discriminate in order to reject some

you just can't discriminate based on a few protected things

but I always discriminated against dumb people such as evince when hiring

discriminate = recognize a distinction; differentiate.
That substantial minority of conservative voices on college campuses began to diminish sharply in the late 1980s and early 1990s. When the Carnegie Foundation conducted its faculty survey in 1999, it found that a mere 12% of professors were conservatives, down from 27% in 1969. Using a different dataset from the Higher Education Research Institute, political scientist Samuel Abrams discovered a similar decline. Overall, Abrams estimated that the ratio of liberal to conservative professors has increased by about 350% since 1984, even though there was no equivalent change among the American public or college students. As a consequence, very few of today's college presidents can claim that one in four of their faculty members are conservatives.

These vanishing conservative thinkers have not been replaced by moderate ones. Since the late 1960s, self-identified liberal professors have become increasingly common on college campuses. In fact, according to Abrams, most of the growth in liberal faculty in recent decades "came at the expense of the moderate identifiers who are now identifying as liberal."

Allowing the grievance studies departments, which never should have been allowed to set up at all, ramp up in the 60's and 70's and 80's was the critical mistake conservatives made. From that point on their days were numbered as the Universities became HQ for the WOKE Revolution.
Get back to me when you've learned a bit more about progressive tax systems.

you enjoying the united states free food system tardo?

that's how it works right? Since some people get food for free, America is a free food system.

Free Education. Free Cell phones. Free groceries.

all free free free
Everyday racists bash Blacks and education. Why is that? Afraid that your high school diploma is not as prestigious as a college degree?



Fast forward!

sometimes I do regret having that retard on ignore

the interview process is completely about discrimination. that is how it works. you find a reason to discriminate in order to reject some

you just can't discriminate based on a few protected things

but I always discriminated against dumb people such as evince when hiring

discriminate = recognize a distinction; differentiate.

That is a very protracted argument to make.
it isn''t an argument, it is axiomatic

you have to discriminate in order to judge between candidates.

You could use the word "compare", or "evaluate", discrimination means you automatically discount someone from something do to an inherent trait.

As someone who hires you should never count out a candidate for something they have no control over since they may still have value.

I've hired plenty of stupid people on purpose, I've hired smart ones, it depends on the job, I've hired felons, I've hired people with no resume's, I've hired millionaires.

The only person I would never hire would be a sex offender.