Why do right wingers hate education?

Why do LibTARDS hate reality? Inquiring minds WANT TO KNOW.

They don't hate reality, theirs is just different from everyone else's...


Guess who the Liberal / Leftist is...
You could use the word "compare", or "evaluate", discrimination means you automatically discount someone from something do to an inherent trait.

you are mistaken. Just because you incorrectly apply a negative connotation, I do not have to choose a different word when mine is perfectly cromulent
you are mistaken. Just because you incorrectly apply a negative connotation, I do not have to choose a different word when mine is perfectly cromulent

Quit using obscure words to make yourself sound more intelligent.

Nobody uses the word cromulent.

I hate people that do that.

Just say acceptable.
Quit using obscure words to make yourself sound more intelligent.

Nobody uses the word cromulent.

I hate people that do that.

Just say acceptable.

discriminate is not an obscure word

you can't discriminate based on race, religion, or so on - but you obviously are based on other factors

sorry your vocab is poor, but I refuse to change because you lack intelligence

as for cromulent, that is just a Simpsons reference. it hardly makes one intelligent watching a tv show
discriminate is not an obscure word

you can't discriminate based on race, religion, or so on - but you obviously are based on other factors

sorry your vocab is poor, but I refuse to change because you lack intelligence

Obfuscation through pedantic, gratuitous, profundity, particularly when meritless makes one a intellectual cuckold.

I called you out on your claim of education being free - and you ran from your mistake like the poser moron you are

No, I believed I tasked you with learning how progressive tax systems like the US has work and THEN getting back to me with your actual knowledge so you'd understand the topic.

I didn't run away from anything unless it was your ignorance.
No, I believed I tasked you with learning how progressive tax systems like the US has work and THEN getting back to me with your actual knowledge so you'd understand the topic.

I didn't run away from anything unless it was your ignorance.

bwahahahaha. I already laughed at this idiocy

progressive tax does not make programs free. it just shifts the burden on who pays the visible portion of these programs.

We don't have free cell phones, food, or education.

You also might want to familiarize yourself with fiat currency, inflation, and how poor people pay a hidden inflation tax because of our deficit spending - which is heavily regressive