Why do right wingers hate education?

bwahahahaha. I already laughed at this idoicy

progressive tax does not make programs free. it just shifts the burden on who pays the visible portion of these programs.

We don't have free cell phones, food, or education.

You also might want to familiarize yourself with fiat currency, inflation, and how poor people pay a hidden inflation tax because of our deficit spending

When you are a grown up and have a real job you'll understand it all a bit better. Until then let mommy and daddy worry about the big stuff.
You want respectful debate?

Accept facts

Go with the facts

Quit calling facts meaningless

Respect facts or be derided until your death idiot
Dear fucking Russian tool
Putin is a socialist...like DEMOCRATS.
Your team has to cheat to get elected
Yes. DEMOCRATS have to cheat. Biden was never elected.
You win presidencies without the popular vote for decades now
The President is not elected by popular vote.
You assholes spent decades saying America was not a democracy idiot
It isn't. It's a federated republic.
Fuck you very much
Why does the right always call American schools need for funding “throwing money at the problem”

I don't. I call American schools a joke. They don't teach anyone anything anymore.

I see high school graduates all the time that apply for work here. They can't even fill out a fucking application form, nor do basic math, nor understand even the simplest theories of science.
Obviously, they don't get hired here.
I did
Then I realized you were foreign disinformation bot holes and not humans
You deserve every name you are given you snack size zip lock bag of rat bile and cockroach droppings

You really need to cut back on the sherm there E... :cig: It's making you crazy...
The relatively small core of oligarchs who run the republican party do not hate education for themselves.
Not an oligarchy.
They hate education for their white trash rank and file.
Inversion fallacy. You are describing yourself again.
The ruling oligarchs are totally dependent on their working class minions to vote in perfect, 180º opposition to their own best economic interests.
Senseless statement. Paradox. Irrational.
They have very effective means for doing this, many of them based on racism and xenophobia,
Projection (inversion fallacy).
but those means will not work on a literate electorate.
You don't WANT an electorate.