Why do we trust the church?

What he did was criminal.

Many criminals of the worst sort attend church.

Pretending to be ignorant of their crimes does not excuse their criminality.

Pretending that an imaginary invisible creature "forgives" their crimes does not excuse their criminality.

Yes what he did was a criminal act and that was addressed. The family is trying to move forward now and so we should let them. Criminals come in all shapes, sizes, faiths, and non faiths. One child out of 19 did something bad and you judge the family as a whole and their faith, which is wrong. The other 18 are not criminals and percentage wise they prove you wrong.
Yes what he did was a criminal act and that was addressed. The family is trying to move forward now and so we should let them. Criminals come in all shapes, sizes, faiths, and non faiths. One child out of 19 did something bad and you judge the family as a whole and their faith, which is wrong. The other 18 are not criminals and percentage wise they prove you wrong.

You only know about 1 of 19...and not all Josh's victims were his sisters, were they?

Why are you covering up his crimes?
If you are not judging them all then you really should say so from the beginning so that there isn't any confusion in my opinion. I think when you consider how many millions of people that attend church every week it is "few" that commit these sorts of crimes yes, and when it comes to the Duggars it should be considered that out of that whole family it was just one and he is trying to make it right in their eyes now, but the rest from all information are good people and shouldn't be assumed to be bad people.

I agree that when referencing the Duggars it was one individual but others who knew about his crimes covered for him so they don't escape culpability.

On the whole you're right though. You can't judge all by one bad example.
Just like you with your speculation about it being because they go to church.

I used the same process of elimination as I did with determining you and now your buddy christiefan are cowards. I looked at who thread bans me and who doesn't. Since the two of you are the only ones, through the process of elimination, you two are cowards.

I thread ban you because I don't need your or anybody's filthy sexual slurs tainting my threads.
I have presented proof that blacks go to church.

Get back to me if you have proof that blacks commit crimes for another reason. :)

You haven't presented anything showing that one is because of the other.

Get back to me when you can show one causes the other. I'll understand if you don't.
You're someone who I think misinterprets what it should mean to be a Christian. Since you push your beliefs on others, I have no problem commenting on that.

I don't judge the lives of others, or proclaim that they're going to hell if they don't do as I say. I guess it's a matter of scale.

I don't define the beliefs of Christianity......that was done centuries ago.......all I have done is passed the information on to those who seem ignorant of it.....