Why do you hate the pope?

Anyone who is guilty of aiding and abetting pedophiles, deserves scorn. Anyone who works to prevent pedophiles from being prosecuted deserves scorn.

Those who protect the child molesters are as bad as the child molesters themselves.
Stalker, as predicted. :D


You post a question on a topic I have discussed and been vocal about and you call me a stalker when I respond??

I have been involved in numerous threads about the pedophile priests and the catholic church's lack of response and the protection they have afforded these perverts.

My avatar is a humerous pic about arresting the pope. You knew when you started this thread that I would post here.

Stalker? Not bloody likely.
the topic is your stalking, now proved.

The topic is why people hate the pope. YOU asked a question and now are running from discussion or debate on the issue.

You asked a question on a topic you knew was one I would post on.

This doesn't prove me a stalker. This proves you incapable of real debate.
If Old Southern Man didn't exist, I'd make him up as a means of discrediting the Conservatard cause.

He's the gift the keeps on giving. You should see the looks on people's faces here when I show them his posts.
Some of the people I show your crap to are Libertarian, some are Independents and some are Republican.

Many are - like the American electorate - amazed, amused, or disgusted by your rants. I am often accused of posting them myself under a made-up moniker.

I would, but since you do it for me, it spares me the trouble of pretending to be a stereotypical Teabagger.

You're doing a great job! Keep it up.

Back to the topic, SM do you support the pope in his recent decisions and comments concerning the pedophile priests that the church is protecting from prosecution?

So you post a topic that is current and relevant, and then when someone answers it you turn it into something about stalking? You are more narcissitic than I thought. You wanted to turn this thread into something about you? "Oh look at me! I am Southernman and I get stalked when I created threads. Oh look at me and how much people obsess over me!" I bet you were a pagent child as a kid. Either that or mama never showed you enough love and attention so now you have seek it in childish ways like this.
This fits Southernman pretty damn close.

Symptoms of Narcissism
Narcissistic personality disorder symptoms stem from the narcissist's self-absorption and over-exaggerated sense of self-worth. People with narcissistic personality disorder are quite willing to take advantage of, manipulate, or lie to others to achieve their own desires and gratification. When a narcissist values a person, it is only because that person has something to offer. Narcissism reduces other people to the status of servants or useful tools.

Common symptoms include:
•a lack of feeling, empathy, or concern for others
•a willingness to take advantage of others
•excessive feelings of self-importance
•exaggerated personal achievements and abilities
•an expectation to be seen as superior without cause
•a fantasy or is preoccupation with power, wealth, beauty, personal abilities, or success
•a demand for favorable treatment without appropriate reasons
•an insiststance on being the object of admiration and attention
This fits Southernman pretty damn close.

Symptoms of Narcissism
Narcissistic personality disorder symptoms stem from the narcissist's self-absorption and over-exaggerated sense of self-worth. People with narcissistic personality disorder are quite willing to take advantage of, manipulate, or lie to others to achieve their own desires and gratification. When a narcissist values a person, it is only because that person has something to offer. Narcissism reduces other people to the status of servants or useful tools.

Common symptoms include:
•a lack of feeling, empathy, or concern for others
•a willingness to take advantage of others
•excessive feelings of self-importance
•exaggerated personal achievements and abilities
•an expectation to be seen as superior without cause
•a fantasy or is preoccupation with power, wealth, beauty, personal abilities, or success
•a demand for favorable treatment without appropriate reasons
•an insiststance on being the object of admiration and attention

Yep, that is an accurate description of SM.