why does god allow evil to exist

The Theory of Evolution is about the diversification of species. Origination of life is not a part of it at all. It only deals with existing life forms.

And the word "theory" in scientific terms is much different than in everyday language.

In scientific jargon, the word "theory" is just one step back from "law". The reason it is one step back is that science does not attempt to prove things, only to disprove them.

And in the case of something that happened 4.5 billion years ago, you cannot PROVE anything anyway.
Thorn, please explain. He isn't going to believe me.

Here's the gist. Science does not create, prove, or concern 'facts'. It is a means by which one can test an hypothesis, if after testing it is supported by evidence it then advances into the level of Theory. In no way is that "proof" of something, it is a means by which to test and use evidence to support ideas.

With it we can gain knowledge, but it is not designed to produce proof or facts.
The Theory of Evolution is about the diversification of species. Origination of life is not a part of it at all. It only deals with existing life forms.

And the word "theory" in scientific terms is much different than in everyday language.

In scientific jargon, the word "theory" is just one step back from "law". The reason it is one step back is that science does not attempt to prove things, only to disprove them.

And in the case of something that happened 4.5 billion years ago, you cannot PROVE anything anyway.

The proof is coursing through your veins at this very moment.
There is ample evidence coursing thru my veins at this moment. But not proof from a scientific standpoint.

I think you are underestimating how strong a theory is within the scientific method.

Its not just a guess, its a hypothesis that has withstood experiments, observations and multiple attempts to disprove it.

That you accept the theory of evolution as fact is fine. But as a scientific principle, it is a theory.

But then, so is gravity.
There is ample evidence coursing thru my veins at this moment. But not proof from a scientific standpoint.

I think you are underestimating how strong a theory is within the scientific method.

Its not just a guess, its a hypothesis that has withstood experiments, observations and multiple attempts to disprove it.

That you accept the theory of evolution as fact is fine. But as a scientific principle, it is a theory.

But then, so is gravity.

I guess I'm not getting your point.

Religion is philosophy, nothing more. No facts contained within.

DNA is fact and tells the human journey including where you came from.

I understand the concept of theory in science, but that does not dispel the fact of evolution.

I think our only disagreement here is semantics.
You are probably right. I accept evolution as the explanation of where I came from.

I guess all those years studying biology and other sciences has warped my ability to converse in "normal" terms.
There is ample evidence coursing thru my veins at this moment. But not proof from a scientific standpoint.

I think you are underestimating how strong a theory is within the scientific method.

Its not just a guess, its a hypothesis that has withstood experiments, observations and multiple attempts to disprove it.

That you accept the theory of evolution as fact is fine. But as a scientific principle, it is a theory.

But then, so is gravity.
People constantly misunderstand what a theory is in science. It means it has strong supporting evidence, so much that it can be treated as well-supported knowledge.

A theory is a conceptual framework that explains existing observations and predicts new ones.
People constantly misunderstand what a theory is in science. It means it has strong supporting evidence, so much that it can be treated as well-supported knowledge.

A theory is a conceptual framework that explains existing observations and predicts new ones.

too many people do not want to be confused by facts - unfortunately they also vote

i find it difficult to understand a religion that condemns good people to hell because they do not have the 'correct' belief

one poster claims that about 4/5 of the people on earth will go to hell because of wrong actions and beliefs - i, of course, am one of the 4/5
People constantly misunderstand what a theory is in science. It means it has strong supporting evidence, so much that it can be treated as well-supported knowledge.

A theory is a conceptual framework that explains existing observations and predicts new ones.

i wonder what they think about the 'laws' of gravity or should i say theories

or should i say the attraction of masses rather than gravity

or 'everybody should believe in something so i believe i will have another drink':clink:
To me--evil and good need eachother, like a checks and balances thing. A lot like the evil liberials social commies always pitching their crap at the good people they want to control. Good vrs evil---modern day communisum vrs individual freedom--are both cycles that will never end as long as humans are alive. Bofre Palin---evil might have won. Well--evil will still win bercause there is no Paul/Palin ticket.

The part of your sig--"insure domestic Tranquility" is a utopian dream as long as humans live. That does not leave you many options.
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To me--evil and good need eachother, like a checks and balances thing. A lot like the evil liberials social commies always pitching their crap at the good people they want to control. Good vrs evil---modern day communisum vrs individual freedom--are both cycles that will never end as long as humans are alive. Bofre Palin---evil might have won. Well--evil will still win bercause there is no Paul/Palin ticket.

evil and good exist and will continue to contend as long as free will exists

personal freedom requires personal responsibility - then human societies come along and mix everything up

care to forecast where the nation will go now that the baby boomers are joining the ranks of the retired - AARP has a lot of political influence and it will only get stronger...

move our troops out of iraq and into afghanistan where they should have been deployed if bushco did not iraqi oil for his friends
evil and good exist and will continue to contend as long as free will exists

personal freedom requires personal responsibility - then human societies come along and mix everything up

care to forecast where the nation will go now that the baby boomers are joining the ranks of the retired - AARP has a lot of political influence and it will only get stronger...

move our troops out of iraq and into afghanistan where they should have been deployed if bushco did not iraqi oil for his friends

So, because every human being on earth has a will to be free (free will), does that mean that free will is the root of evil, and has to be extinguished by modern day communisum?

I will fight to my death to fight that philosophy. I will fight to my death to fight the commie Obamie phiolosophy that was taught to him by real communists.

we have not taken any oil yet---are we fighting for oil--or to put democracy in a region to help democracy in a new world order?
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