Why does Ilhan Omar hate America?

True. We need to remove all the spenders in Congress, balance the budget then reduce that 10%, and pay off the debt. Eliminate a federal programs not specifically enumerated in the Constitution will make that so easy...

Dark Soul very clearly hates America. Conversely, civilized Americans would reasonably hate Dark Soul.
Eliminating federal programs not specified in the Constitution would pretty much dissolve the republic and institute anarchy.
Anybody with two functioning brain cells interacting knows that the Constitution REQUIRES instituting federal programs not specified within (specific direction to form a more perfect union).
most of those are in pursuit of the destruction of America, so you lie.

Really? I can get a business loan and declare bankrupcy and it goes away. The same with home loans ect. But student loans? Never go away.

I think our nation needs some sort of basic medical care for those who cannot afford regular healthcare.

I have been critical of US foreign policy for years. Our meddling in the gov'ts of other nations is bullshit. And our reason are almost always related to private businesses.
How come when Trump talks about what's wrong with America, it's ok, but when four non-white women talk about what's wrong with America, they're trashing America and should leave?

How come you think that out-of-context quotes from Trump make your arguments look less stupid?

Trump loves this country; those four women, not so much. ;)
You have a political difference with her, that does not mean she hates America... it means you disagree on what's best for America. Can you tell the difference?

Wrong; she actually hates what we stand for and would like to turn this country into a Fascistic third world shit hole like the place she ran away from.

It's kind of like the Liberal morons who leave New York because of the confiscatory tax policies of the leftist dumbfucks they elect only to move to Florida and vote for the same type of politicians.
Really? I can get a business loan and declare bankrupcy and it goes away. The same with home loans ect. But student loans? Never go away.

I think our nation needs some sort of basic medical care for those who cannot afford regular healthcare.

I have been critical of US foreign policy for years. Our meddling in the gov'ts of other nations is bullshit. And our reason are almost always related to private businesses.

^^America is bad. Communism good. :laugh:
^^America is bad. Communism good. :laugh:

How does pointing out that a business loan or a home loan can be removed by declaring bankrupcy, but a student loan cannot, even imply that I support communism?

How does saying I think we need some sort of safety net for basic medical care for those who cannot afford it, saying I support communism? Supporting a safety net for medical care for the poor is no more communism than the local fire department is communism.

And the fact that I think we need to stop meddling in the sovereign gov'ts of other countries is the exact opposite of communism. Historically, communist countries spend huge amounts of resources fighting in other countries to bring communism to them.

Nothing I said even hints that I think Communism is good. So if you are going to quote me, at least address what I actually said instead of making it up.
How does pointing out that a business loan or a home loan can be removed by declaring bankrupcy, but a student loan cannot, even imply that I support communism?

So your point is not FREE higher education?

How does saying I think we need some sort of safety net for basic medical care for those who cannot afford it, saying I support communism? Supporting a safety net for medical care for the poor is no more communism than the local fire department is communism.

So your point is not FREE healthcare?

And the fact that I think we need to stop meddling in the sovereign gov'ts of other countries is the exact opposite of communism. Historically, communist countries spend huge amounts of resources fighting in other countries to bring communism to them.

So you're okay when despots, dictators and tyrants enslave their populations and attack our interests?

Nothing I said even hints that I think Communism is good. So if you are going to quote me, at least address what I actually said instead of making it up.

Flail away snowflake.

You do realize that this is the sort of thing that gets conservatives panned far and wide as morons.

Normal Person -"I have a suggestion for improving government."
Moron Conservative "Well go back to where you came from.".
Normal Person "I'm from Minnesota."
Moron Conservative "Why do you hate America?".
There you go lying again; there was nothing racist about his tweet you dishonest asshole. And you morons on the left wonder why people hate you.

Nothing racist! I mean, he never mentioned race, right?
And when he burns a cross on the White House lawn, the excuse will be the same. He never mentioned race, he simply burnt a cross.