Why does Ilhan Omar hate America?

So your point is not FREE higher education?

So your point is not FREE healthcare?

So you're okay when despots, dictators and tyrants enslave their populations and attack our interests?

Flail away snowflake.

No, my point was not free higher education. Read what I said.

Did I say anything about free healthcare? What I said was "we need some sort of safety net for basic medical care for those who cannot afford it". Unless you think healthcare costs have gotten so high that no one can afford it. Although, the fact that 46% of all bankruptcies are due to medical conditions and bills shows the costs are outrageous.

Did I say I am ok with despots, dictators and tyrants? What I think is that it is not our job to police the world. And while we are talking about despots, dictators and tyrants, why is it you and your ilk are only concerned about them enslaving their populations when there is something in it for us or our businesses? And how many of those despots, dictators and tyrants are we responsible for putting in place?

Flail away? You misquote me and pretend I am saying something I did not say, but I am the one flailing? That is hilarious. Your method of arguing is to insist the other person says something they did not say, and then attack them for saying it. It is a joke.
Nothing racist! I mean, he never mentioned race, right?

No; and when you were asked, you came up with NOTHING. But yet, you continue to parrot that moronic lie as if it might make you look less stupid. FAIL. ;)

And when he burns a cross on the White House lawn, the excuse will be the same. He never mentioned race, he simply burnt a cross.

There you go with the laughably stupid fabrications again. It's all you leftists have, lies, crying and strawmen.
Ilhan Omar; her LIES and what she really thinks:

she contends that America was "founded by genocide" and maintains "global power through neocolonialism."

“In 1933, there were concentration camps. In 1941, they were death camps and that is where we are going if our consciousness are not quickly pierced, it is a problem — do not laugh it off,”

“Kids are dying in cages on our border. Families are being put in ‘freezers’ & ‘dog pounds.’"

“This country was founded on the ideas of justice, of liberty, of the pursuit of happiness. But these core beliefs are under threat. Each and every day. We are under threat by an administration that would rather cage children than pass comprehensive immigration reform.”

"...many of the sanctions that we impose ultimately lead to devastations—and we are seeing it now in Venezuela—and ultimately lead to having severe problems in that country, which doesn’t stabilize life for the people, and certainly puts us here in the United States at risk."

“I concur with what Professor Sachs was saying, you know, I mean a lot of the policies that we’ve put in place has kind of helped lead the devastation in Venezuela and we’ve sort of set the stage for where we are arriving today this particular bullying and the use of sanctions to eventually intervene and make regime change really does not help the people of countries like Venezuela and it certainly does not help and it’s not in the interest of the United States and, uh, I think finally we have folks in Congress that see what Professor Sachs was referencing.”

“CAIR was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people did something, and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties.”

“America was founded on the history of Native American genocide, on the backs of black slaves,”
“This is not going to be the country of white people.”
How does pointing out that a business loan or a home loan can be removed by declaring bankrupcy, but a student loan cannot, even imply that I support communism?

How does saying I think we need some sort of safety net for basic medical care for those who cannot afford it, saying I support communism? Supporting a safety net for medical care for the poor is no more communism than the local fire department is communism.

And the fact that I think we need to stop meddling in the sovereign gov'ts of other countries is the exact opposite of communism. Historically, communist countries spend huge amounts of resources fighting in other countries to bring communism to them.

Nothing I said even hints that I think Communism is good. So if you are going to quote me, at least address what I actually said instead of making it up.
