Why does MAGA hate MLK day?

The real fix is to get cheating in elections out of our system

Then we will will have a real democracy

Then kids can learn how to operate in a real democracy

You don’t not teach a subject because those kids parents believe only lies

That will kill a nation real quick

Agreed and that takes a bipartisan agreement. The best way is NOT to wait for politicians to do the right thing but to get more people to vote and contact their reps.

Here is what I wrote to Senator John Cornyn:

Senator Cornyn, please push for a bipartisan voting rights plan before November 2022. It's important that Americans know they live in a democracy, not a budding dictatorship with a One Party system as is happening now in Texas and other states. Instead of 50 laboratories of democracy, our nation will end up with several One Party states run by an increasingly Alt-Right, white supremacist political party. Please do not let this happen to my country, sir.

I wrote a slightly different one to Cruz and my House Rep.
How do you “know” what I do in real life ass mouth?

It's so kind of you to give the bitter old bitch some attention. You're just about the only one who will reply to her goading and bullying and baiting anymore. She's afraid of Darla already. :laugh:
Sometimes I just like to throw bone to the brain dead

Just to prove to the readers only (hey gentle reader) that the tactics of the right suck ass

And how to deal with the real people in life who act like that
Good for you dutch

I sure wish all sane republicans would do so

All sane Americans need to do so.

This One Party, One Country, One Leader bullshit needs to be nipped in the bud. It takes a clear majority of Americans to participate to kill it. Congress must understand that Americans prefer democracy over a One Party system.
Not hung, sent to the electric chair.
Plagiarize? I wrote it. Why would you think it was plagiarized?

Electric chair it is, thank you. It seems rather professional. Something tells me I've encountered you before, not that that's a bad thing.

Your writing skills are pretty good! :)

I dare say better than 99% of MSM "journalists".
All sane Americans need to do so.

This One Party, One Country, One Leader bullshit needs to be nipped in the bud. It takes a clear majority of Americans to participate to kill it. Congress must understand that Americans prefer democracy over a One Party system.

So when do you give Republicans and Americans a chance in this farce you're bullshitting with?
So when do you give Republicans and Americans a chance in this farce you're bullshitting with?

LOL So you admit there's Republicans and then there's Americans in your world. :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:

FWIW, I never bullshit when it comes to supporting the Constitution and American rights.

You're the asshole who supports attacking the Constitution, Matt, no matter how much bullshit you spread on JPP.