Why does MAGA hate MLK day?

The practice referred to as "Critical Race Theory" is not about teaching an honest history of America.

If a genuinely honest history of America were taught, Republicans and conservatives would, for the most part, scream bloody murder.
And so would Democrats and progressives.

All history, as it is written, and taught, is done so through a mental filter held by the writer and teacher.

The great historian EH Carr, in his small and highly-recommended volume, What Is History, gave a good example of why 'objective' just-the-facts history is impossible:
Everyone knows -- or everyone with a half-decent education -- knows, that Caesar crossed the Rubicon. This fact has even been turned into a saying, someone who has made an irreversible, important decision, has "crossed the Rubicon". It's a historical fact. But ... why was this particular crossing by this particular man, considered important? After all, many other people crossed the Rubicon, and Caesar crossed many other rivers. (And he crossed the Rubicon as well, although without an accompanying army, which was the point.

Doing this, for generals, was a no-no in ancient Rome, since having thousands of soldiers in the capitol meant that the Senate could be intimidated. ) So this crossing by this man was considered important, and was chosen out of thousands of other crossings by others, to receive our attention.

Similarly, if you want to teach the unvarnished truth about America, or any other country, you will have to include lots of unpleasant facts.

We're a nasty species, just intelligent chimpanzees (and probably more like Pan Troglydytes than Pan Bonobo).

People on the Right will want to teach a history that focusses on America's achievements, and not on her failures. With respect to the Black population, they cannot ignore Jim Crow in the South, lynchings, police shootings, but they will want to put them in context: the great progress that has been made in implementing civil rights, the achievements of great Americans like Thomas Sowell, the late Walter Williams, and many other Black conservatives; and the fact that America twice elected a Black President; and, on the other hand, they will not neglect the astonishingly high Black crime rate, welfare dependency, poor educational achievements -- and the very difficult situation that police have to work in, when they are in Black areas.

When looking abroad, they will point to the near-universal failure of any government run by Blacks -- the horrible lynchings and inter-tribal slaughters in Africa, for example, and the plunge into economic failure after the whites relinquished their rule.

People on the Left will want to do just the opposite. They will take the approach of the late Howard Zinn's Peoples History of the United States, and emphasize all the bad parts. With regard to race -- and this is what Critical Race Theory is all about -- they will claim that any problems Black people have, are caused, directly or indirectly, by white racism, including that good-for-everything excuse, 'the legacy of slavery'.

They will call on Walter Rodney's How Europe Undeveloped Africa, to explain why Black self-rule has been such a disaster. They will want whites to feel personally guilty, to acknowledge their 'White privilege'. They certainly will not want their students leaving the classroom thinking that America is, all things considered and especially in comparison to other countries, a great nation and worthy of their love. Just the opposite.

For liberals, a real American patriot is the Soviet spy Ethyl Rosenberg, who helped Stalin get the atom bomb.

So what we are seeing is, basically, is the newest generation coming into power, a generation that despises its own working class, whom they consider to be their social inferiors, and sneers at things like saluting the flag. It's America in decline.

Patriots need to start thinking about what to do in this situation, which will not stand still, but will get worse.

In the meantime, of course, take every advantage to slow things down a bit. (In particular, do what you can to encourage liberals to push hard for teaching Critical Race Theory in the schools, and, of course, for de-funding the police and de-criminalize shoplifting. The popular reaction, expressed electorally, will buy us some much-needed time.)

But we're not in a situation now, where a Ronald Reagan will come along, and put America back on course. Our country has cancer, not pneumonia.

Rosenberg was hanged for being a commie traitor, no?

Now did you plagiarize that, or write it?
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How many firearms were brandished at this yuge "1/6 insurrection" you keep blabbering on about?

Hmm? Do you not fucking realize this is America and just everybody over 18 can have a gun?!

If they really meant deadly business, the first thing to do would be to have some guns, no?

I realize you can't have one because you're mentally unstable or some shit, but these people own firearms and did not bring them to DC.

They upset your Democrat jackboot "we gonna do it all" apple cart, sure.

Not as much as can be done by a 100x that and more by a long shot motherfucker, believe that. That was nothing to the amount of Americans that are pissed off at people just like you.

75% or so are not liking it.

And then all those people probably have guns. You believe all that FBI fantasy and bullshit you got goin' or whatever, but there's enough pissed off and armed Americans to do whatever needs to be done no matter what right now.

Enough to obliterate all you suck up to every day forever if it comes to that.

Figure around 35 million.

No less than 20 million. Put that up against all your Nazi Army and FBI figurings and how you'll laugh with glee as Americans die. However, after that kerfluffle is over, who's to say they won't come after you for causing shit like that?

:dunno: I wouldn't bet against it.

You are arguing with an America hating idiot wannabe. Save your breath and sit back with the knowledge he/she/alphabet really needs much stronger meds.
Why is CRT being discussed so much these days?

Because Obama torched the legacy of MLK Jr. while he was president. That's why.

I figured America would heal itself within a couple years of him being out of office, but it didn't work out like that. :nono:

It's a damn shame.

On the other hand, if Romney or McCain had won..WW3 would already be over or still ongoing.

America was probably blessed with what she got for those years, after all.
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Agreed the leaders know it. It's the fucking nutjobs and dumbasses who voted for them that are convinced masks don't work and Jesus only takes sinners with the COVID.

Better education is the solution, but We, the People are obviously 30-40 years too late for our nations poorly educated.

Ostensibly, the RW reason to to prevent poor little white kids with being saddled with 500 years of Euro domination of Europe, the Americas, Africa and Asia. Obviously an agreeable idea since only fucking morons would want to saddle any kid with the sins of their fathers.

Just like the RW leaders know and their followers don't, the LW has a similar problem; their leaders know the truth but their dumbass followers don't have any more of a clue than their RW counterparts. The result is the harassment of kids over racist issues, Cancel Culture (which even the Left is trying to pull back) and other very racially divisive issues in a tit-for-tat exchange.


I was taught the basics of slavery just like all American children

It never made me feel BAD ABOUT MY SELF

It made me feel proud that America refused the practice and even fought a self war to stop it

Teaching the REAL history is the only decent choice

If you don’t learn the real history

You don’t learn the real lesson
Ask her to teach you what CRT means. $20 to a charity of your choice if you can get answers that are like a teacher who knows what the fuck she is talking about.

Seriously. I'm game. TOP refuses to answer me. I don't know why. She never said.

Because it’s a Siberian Putin slaves computer project
I was taught the basics of slavery just like all American children

It never made me feel BAD ABOUT MY SELF

It made me feel proud that America refused the practice and even fought a self war to stop it

Teaching the REAL history is the only decent choice

If you don’t learn the real history

You don’t learn the real lesson
Agreed. That said, I can't verify that isn't true today.

Politics is in schools and children often emulate their parents. If their parents are playing Fox News or MSNBC for hours on end and bitching about their opposition, the kids will take it with them to school.

That isn't new. I still remember being in Third Grade during the LBJ-Goldberg election with 9 year olds arguing about the election. AFAIK, not kids were hurt. Certainly not shot or beaten. Can't say the same now in "Modern America".

We should get politics out of school, but too many parents refuse to do so.....then they bitch about violence in schools. LOL
Agreed. That said, I can't verify that isn't true today.

Politics is in schools and children often emulate their parents. If their parents are playing Fox News or MSNBC for hours on end and bitching about their opposition, the kids will take it with them to school.

That isn't new. I still remember being in Third Grade during the LBJ-Goldberg election with 9 year olds arguing about the election. AFAIK, not kids were hurt. Certainly not shot or beaten. Can't say the same now in "Modern America".

We should get politics out of school, but too many parents refuse to do so.....then they bitch about violence in schools. LOL

The real fix is to get cheating in elections out of our system

Then we will will have a real democracy

Then kids can learn how to operate in a real democracy

You don’t not teach a subject because those kids parents believe only lies

That will kill a nation real quick
Plagiarize what? Rosenberg was executed by electric chair. The prosecution actually
did not want to execute her -- they wanted her to confess. But she called their bluff.
I have no idea if any were recycled.

As for the next insurrection attempt, I suggest mass body burning.


There won't be another Insurrection attempt. It'll be quashed by the FBI and DHS before it gets started.
But, I hope the treasonous TrumpTards try. It'll be fun to watch the feds slap the cuffs on all those right wing thugs.

I'm bringing popcorn.
There won't be another Insurrection attempt. It'll be quashed by the FBI and DHS before it gets started.
But, I hope the treasonous TrumpTards try. It'll be fun to watch the feds slap the cuffs on all those right wing thugs.

I'm bringing popcorn.

I tend to agree. However, that doesn't stop a terrorist attack. As STY often pointed out with his hero Timothy McVeigh; all it takes is one guy with a truck bomb to blow up a daycare center.

Note Eric Rudolph* did the same. He was a Christian Identity member, a white supremacist anti-government movement popular with the Trumper Terrorist mob.

Christian Identity is a unique antisemitic and racist theology that rose to a position of commanding influence on the racist right in the 1980s. “Christian” in name only, it asserts that white people, not Jews, are the true Israelites favored by God in the Bible. The movement’s relationship with evangelicals and fundamentalists has generally been hostile due to the latter’s belief that the return of Jews to Israel is essential to the fulfillment of end-time prophecy.

*now in prison for life at ADX Florence, Supermax of the Rockies!