Why does the American left hate this country so much?

February 21, 2021

That’s the date of your article

Biden had been president for about a month shit lips

Your article was years old

What’s todays reality

The reality is more info that proves your lying about economic results

today's reality is the biden admin is trying to replace all Americans with illegal aliens who have lower standards and demands.
today's reality is the biden admin is trying to replace all Americans with illegal aliens who have lower standards and demands.


Your guy said right out loud he wants to be the dictator

That’s provable

What you just spew cones with nothing to prove the claim

It just came from the crap catcher that your brain on trump cult has reduced it self to
Got no expert to back that trash?

Just concocted it you beer sloshed brain?

Who did you learn economics from?

What book?

it's basic supply and demand.

glut lowers price.

stop being retarded.

this is econ 101

literally the first day.

just admit you're rather hate than do anything that actually helps anyone.

Your guy said right out loud he wants to be the dictator

That’s provable

What you just spew cones with nothing to prove the claim

It just came from the crap catcher that your brain on trump cult has reduced it self to


we better be totalitarian so the the totalitarian doesn't take over?

not this time, idiot child.

go make a sandwich.
it's basic supply and demand you ignorant twat.

a labor glut drives wages down.

no serious economist disputes this.

do you dispute it, dumb bint?

The unemployment rate is 3.9%. There is no labor glut. To the extent that wages are suppressed because undocumented workers take jobs, that's because Republicans allow it. Try again, dumb fuck.
look, another shining example of...


Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another. For example, if someone continuously bullies and ridicules a peer about his insecurities, the bully might be projecting his own struggle with self-esteem onto the other person.

No, it's not. The Left wants socialism and a socialist society. That requires the population to be altruistic. Since the Left either knows or figures out few people will willingly be altruistic to the level they need for socialism to work, they impose it through government in the form of regulations, taxes, welfare, and other tools. These need big government and one that is fairly to totally authoritarian and dictatorial.

The reason the Left wants this sort of situation can be pinned on their reluctance or inability to produce what they want and need on their own for whatever reason that might be. It if very much a maternalistic societal view and it doesn't work without a massive government.
No, it's not. The Left wants socialism and a socialist society. That requires the population to be altruistic. Since the Left either knows or figures out few people will willingly be altruistic to the level they need for socialism to work, they impose it through government in the form of regulations, taxes, welfare, and other tools. These need big government and one that is fairly to totally authoritarian and dictatorial.

The reason the Left wants this sort of situation can be pinned on their reluctance or inability to produce what they want and need on their own for whatever reason that might be. It if very much a maternalistic societal view and it doesn't work without a massive government.

You Trump people are psychotic and detached from reality.
The unemployment rate is 3.9%. There is no labor glut. To the extent that wages are suppressed because undocumented workers take jobs, that's because Republicans allow it. Try again, dumb fuck.

yes there is.

that's why wages are so low and everyone needs side hustles.

I say keep immigrants in their home countries.

quit being a globalist citizen replacement traitor.
The unemployment rate is 3.9%. There is no labor glut. To the extent that wages are suppressed because undocumented workers take jobs, that's because Republicans allow it. Try again, dumb fuck.

Given that the labor utilization rate in the US is at a low of about 62%, that means about a third of those that can work aren't working. That in turn means with unemployment where it is and the method of counting the U30 uses, that the two-thirds that are working are taking on second jobs to make ends meet and are getting double counted.

That's due to the high inflation we've seen since Bribem took office.

Illegals only take bottom end jobs like fast food, menial labor, and the like because they don't have the education, training, skills, or intellect to do anything more.
Given that the labor utilization rate in the US is at a low of about 62%, that means about a third of those that can work aren't working. That in turn means with unemployment where it is and the method of counting the U30 uses, that the two-thirds that are working are taking on second jobs to make ends meet and are getting double counted.

That's due to the high inflation we've seen since Bribem took office.

Illegals only take bottom end jobs like fast food, menial labor, and the like because they don't have the education, training, skills, or intellect to do anything more.

they will be taking everything soon enough.....

and h1b visas are allowing them to take all the tech jobs too.

they will replace us all, dim neocon.