Why does the American left hate this country so much?

I say limit hiring to citizens only and enforce the border and see what the market brings.

it will go up.

corporations would rather use border destruction to glut the market rather than let the real market decide wages.

The market doesn't bring a minimum wage. The market's minimum wage is zero. That's why governments establish minimum wages.

So try again. What do you think the minimum wage should be? You can't bitch endlessly about the depressive forces of undocumented employment if you don't understand the issue.
of course you like the neocon war nut.

you are a neocon.

You are a delusional crackhead. I don't like Terry. I tolerate him because he's intelligent, although thoroughly brainwashed and wrong about most things.

You are the only person in my 40 years of life to ever call me a neocon. Similarly, evince is the only person in my life to ever call me a libertarian.

Go figure, right? Two shit shows on an anonymous internet site telling me who I am for the first time in history. You're both sloppy messes.
You are a delusional crackhead. I don't like Terry. I tolerate him because he's intelligent, although thoroughly brainwashed and wrong about most things.

You are the only person in my 40 years of life to ever call me a neocon. Similarly, evince is the only person in my life to ever call me a libertarian.

Go figure, right? Two shit shows on an anonymous internet site telling me who I am for the first time in history. You're both sloppy messes.

its only recently that Dems have become the neocons.

you gotta pay attention.
The Left hates themselves, you, me, the world. They think, somehow, they've been wronged and everybody else is getting ahead, unfairly, of them. They want others to take care of them cradle to grave where they don't have a care in the world. They're petulant little children mentally.

Great points. :thumbsup:
Liberals don't hate this country or want to see it destroyed.

Then why do they engage in policies that do just that.

They hate the unborn.

They are allowing unfettered illegals to flood into the nation.

They defend criminals and re-release them to prey on the innocent in our streets.

They are antisemitic. Their terrorist loving constituents bombard us with antisemitic terrorist propaganda in our cities.

They're autocratic and desire a one-party system in this country.

They have weaponized the DOJ against their political opponents.

They are bankrupting us in trillions of debt.

They have created an unsustainable energy policy that denies choice and forces citizens to buy cars they don't want.

They want to destroy families.

They declare Christians to be Fascists calling them Christian Nationalists as if they are the Ku Klux Klan.

There is much more to add to the list, but I think this is a good place to start.
look, another shining example of... Projection

Weak, dumb and misplaced argument.

flail (flāl)
To wave or swing vigorously; thrash: flailed my arms to get their attention.
To move vigorously or erratically; thrash about: arms flailing helplessly in the water.
To strike or lash out violently
If only you could provide any proof to back up that claim.

Sadly, you can't. It's just another hysterical, flailing attempt at demagoguery

I have posted the proof. But alas, you would need a brain, open your eyes and a modicum of honesty to comprehend it. :palm: