Why does the American left hate this country so much?

Your hate lie screed is why you are the minority party that has to use the electoral college to win elections instead of votes
You have to strip Americans of their rights to votes to get there even

mental case
: a crazy person
That guy is a complete mental case.

1. delay or hold back in terms of progress, development, or accomplishment:
"our progress was retarded by unforeseen difficulties"
1.a person who has an intellectual disability (often used as a general term of abuse).
Why should I waste any time answering any question with no basis in reality?

First, you have to prove your delusional fantasy is actually happening.

Translation: this leftist hack acknowledges his failure and dishonesty on the topic and therefore prefers to engage in whining, deflecting and pounding his tiny fists on the table.
Show me where wages have been depressed due to "massive immigration and race to the bottom globalist policies".

We can show you, but you will need to open those tightly closed eyes and brain of yours. Is the leftist Democrat loving NY Times an okay source?

Employers Exploit Unauthorized Immigrants to Keep Wages Low


Evidence shows immigration reduces wages significantly

it's basic supply and demand you ignorant twat.

a labor glut drives wages down.

no serious economist disputes this.

do you dispute it, dumb bint?

You cannot argue with a lying leftist mental case. It's better to just point at the lying leftist mental case and laugh. ;)
I find it hard to comprehend how anyone with a scintilla of intelligence and education can hate this country so much they wish to destroy it. Biden, the PHONY media, the lunatic left and this administration appear to be doing everything in their power to destroy and embarrass this nation.

While they moronically and derisively call Trump an "existential threat", in fact, they are. Why is that?

We don't hate the country, we just hate Nazi-loving, Nazi-voting, lying shitbags like you.
Why do Right wingers put up foolish attack threads like this one?

Why do dishonest, low IQ leftist hacks fabricate moronic strawmen in lieu of debating with facts?

How is this an attack thread. I have the facts to back up the assertion. Take a look at them and get back to me when you have something more substantive than crying and stomping your tiny little feet.

Answer: they feel a need to be heard but composing an actual debate argument is beyond them.

and for no reason they can express in adult language they seriously dislike lefties.

This is ironic in the sense that you just described your own desperate efforts to deflect and bloviate strawmen.
We are still waiting for you to post a link that proves US worker wages have been depressed due to "massive immigration and race to the bottom globalist policies".

Why? So you can deflect, whine and pound your tiny fists on the table in defiance of reality?

Translation: this leftist hack acknowledges his failure and dishonesty on the topic and therefore prefers to engage in whining, deflecting and pounding his tiny fists on the table.

I find it hard to comprehend how anyone with a scintilla of intelligence and education can hate this country so much they wish to destroy it. Biden, the PHONY media, the lunatic left and this administration appear to be doing everything in their power to destroy and embarrass this nation.

While they moronically and derisively call Trump an "existential threat", in fact, they are. Why is that?

Who are you to project your hate on us?

Remember 1/6? That is you hating America.
Wages in the United States increased 5.72 percent in January of 2024 over the same month in the previous year.

Link to this lie filled malarky. You don't get to cherry pick stats. Comparing the month of January to last January is weak, uneducated and dishonest.

Average weekly earnings haven’t kept pace with prices. After adjusting for inflation, “real” weekly earnings declined 3.4%.

The unemployment rate is 3.9%. There is no labor glut. To the extent that wages are suppressed because undocumented workers take jobs, that's because Republicans allow it. Try again, dumb fuck.

Moronic bullshit as usual. I don't think you can post without lying, looking like an ignoramus and making asinine claims. :palm:
Does anyone else feel like evince and AssEater arguing is like watching two retarded, quadriplegic goats fight over a bowl of water that neither of them can reach?

Indeed, particularly when a bottom feeding, IQ retarded dipshit like you chimes in.
What do you think the minimum wage should be?

It should be whatever the market demands. Arbitrary Government mandated minimum wages do nothing but distort the markets. But alas you, being an uneducated, ignorant dumbass on steroids, are incapable of comprehending the OBVIOUS.
Into the dark has to be the most ignored.TDAK is in the running. Stone is amusing because you want to see how big a jerk he can be. He rarely disappoints.


douche·bag | \ ˈdüsh-ˌbag \
an obnoxious, offensive, or disgusting person