Why does the American left hate this country so much?

After electing Trump Biden, the right LEFT can't really point any fingers about honesty anymore.

Fixed this to be factual.

After January 6th, the right can't really point any fingers about "hating America" anymore.

Why? Because you say so? The protests on January 6th were nothing more than that. The blame for what happened rests entirely on the Democratic Party, Nancy Pelosi and Mayor Bowser.

None of whom wanted the optics of the National Guard for sinister purposes and denied Trumps offer to send them in. Those are the facts halfwit.
No, asshole, you made the claim.

Terry: Given that the labor utilization rate in the US is at a low of about 62%, that means about a third of those that can work aren't working. That in turn means with unemployment where it is and the method of counting the U30 uses, that the two-thirds that are working are taking on second jobs to make ends meet and are getting double counted.

Terry: That's due to the high inflation we've seen since Bribem took office.

More Terry: Illegals only take bottom end jobs like fast food, menial labor, and the like because they don't have the education, training, skills, or intellect to do anything more.

Support it with data.

What have you supported your puerile, laughably stupid points with other than "because you say so?"
Fixed this to be factual.

Why? Because you say so? The protests on January 6th were nothing more than that. The blame for what happened rests entirely on the Democratic Party, Nancy Pelosi and Mayor Bowser.

None of whom wanted the optics of the National Guard for sinister purposes and denied Trumps offer to send them in. Those are the facts halfwit.

Boy you are deep in denial.
At first I thought it was a TDAK thread, but you're alright, and you're right.

They hate the history and concept of America, because they can't wrap their heads around freedom and having personal responsibility and being productive members of society.

Oh yeah, and God. In God We Trust.

Not leftist shibirds. :nono:

What does it say on our money, hmm?

Fuck these pussy ass "Johnny-come-latelies" that didn't build ary a fucking thing but think they can take over America.

They're in for the rudest awakening they've ever seen and might be mentally broken when it's all said and done.

Yeah, they lied to you people. America is a good place, and was better before the commie shitlords somehow managed to indoctrinate you.

We were all one, all races. Yeah, I'm not naming all of them lest I leave one out.

Right up until Obama.

Here's a song to illustrate that point:

( and it's definitely pre-Obama)

Along with knowing a sensible question. These prerequisites disqualify our Righties as their juvenile arguments in this thread attest.

flail (flāl)
To wave or swing vigorously; thrash: flailed my arms to get their attention.
To move vigorously or erratically; thrash about: arms flailing helplessly in the water.
To strike or lash out violently

li·ar | \ ˈlī(-ə)r \
: a person who tells lies
has a reputation as a liar
The market doesn't bring a minimum wage. The market's minimum wage is zero. That's why governments establish minimum wages.

What a dumb, inept, moronic claim. Link to your source of this laughably stupid malarky.

You can't bitch endlessly about the depressive forces of undocumented employment if you don't understand the issue.

Irony from an assclown who bitches like a whiny little girl when the facts slap him upside his thick. empty skull. You leftists are a hoot. No wonder you're stupid enough to vote for a corrupt, dishonest, inept creep like Biden. That takes some serious stupid.
You are a delusional crackhead. I don't like Terry. I tolerate him because he's intelligent, although thoroughly brainwashed and wrong about most things.

You are the only person in my 40 years of life to ever call me a neocon. Similarly, evince is the only person in my life to ever call me a libertarian.

Go figure, right? Two shit shows on an anonymous internet site telling me who I am for the first time in history. You're both sloppy messes.


There you go again, assclown, lying your dumb ass off as usual. Run along retard. You just litter the board with boorish bullshit.

You wanna do another thread where I beat the shit out of you?

Like how I did in the last thread you ran away from because you're a cowardly piece of shit who believes stupid things.

Oh and you also lie too, like how you lied about the Russia Tax Cut creating revenue by showing the tax revenue data from a year that had no tax cuts.
There you go again, desperate to prove what a whiny, dishonest lying halfwit you are again. We get it. Now run along if you have nothing substantive to add.

Another asinine bloviation. How do I hate America? Specifics, not opinions.

You support 1/6.

BTW it's funny how you asked me how you hate American while at the same time claimed that we hate America with no explanations, just your halfwit opinion.
You support 1/6.

BTW it's funny how you asked me how you hate American while at the same time claimed that we hate America with n9 explanations, just your halfwit opinion.

He says the 2020 election was stolen, but he doesn't actually believe that.

He knows why Trump lost in 2020...his big, fat, stupid, lying mouth.