Why does the American left hate this country so much?

You wanna do another thread where I beat the shit out of you?

You couldn't beat your way out of a wet paper sack. What I would like you to do is kill yourself. No one would care. No one would notice. One less lying leftist dumbass in the world.

This douchebag is another good argument for the pro-abortion movement. Sad this asshats mom didn't do just that.

Like how I did in the last thread you ran away from because you're a cowardly piece of shit who believes stupid things.

The only thing you beat is your meat halfwit. Of course, in moron land where you wallow, lying your dumb ass off, banging your tiny fists on the table when beaten is winning.

Oh and you also lie too,

Name one shit-for-brains.

like how you lied about the Russia Tax Cut creating revenue by showing the tax revenue data from a year that had no tax cuts.

I gave you the facts. Then you went full retard and came back with something as profound as NUH UH!!!. Then you stomped your little feet and pounded your tiny fists on the table.

Once again, for uneducated mental cases, tax cuts have never led to reduced revenue. Tax cuts increase revenue through increased job creation and investment. This country does not have a revenue problem, it has a SPENDING problem.

Now run along halfwit and work hard to extract your empty head from your oversized asshole.
You support 1/6.

BTW it's funny how you asked me how you hate American while at the same time claimed that we hate America with no explanations, just your halfwit opinion.

your hostility towards citizens and naked preference for aliens proves you hate the American people.
You couldn't beat your way out of a wet paper sack. What I would like you to do is kill yourself. No one would care. No one would notice. One less lying leftist dumbass in the world.

This douchebag is another good argument for the pro-abortion movement. Sad this asshats mom didn't do just that.

The only thing you beat is your meat halfwit. Of course, in moron land where you wallow, lying your dumb ass off, banging your tiny fists on the table when beaten is winning.

Name one shit-for-brains.

I gave you the facts. Then you went full retard and came back with something as profound as NUH UH!!!. Then you stomped your little feet and pounded your tiny fists on the table.

Once again, for uneducated mental cases, tax cuts have never led to reduced revenue. Tax cuts increase revenue through increased job creation and investment. This country does not have a revenue problem, it has a SPENDING problem.

Now run along halfwit and work hard to extract your empty head from your oversized asshole.

So much anger and hatred.
He says the 2020 election was stolen, but he doesn't actually believe that.

There you go with the usual off topic deflections. Find the link where I said it was stolen you dishonest lying half-witted dumbass. :laugh:

I stated very clearly that it was far from perfect and contained a lot of fraud. The evidence bares that out. But you would need a brain and a scintilla of common sense to comprehend the obvious.

He knows why Trump lost in 2020...his big, fat, stupid, lying mouth.

What I know is that Democrats were election deniers in 2016 and now deflect, flail and lie when Republicans question the corrupt actions that led to the presumed Biden election victory.
How do I support it? What does this even mean you miscreant halfwit?

Funnier still how I never asked you that dumbass. How old are you? Three? God you're one stupid dumbass. :laugh:

Still in denial.

You support 1/6. You hate America, especially more than half of population. Do you go around mumbling?
There you go with the usual off topic deflections. Find the link where I said it was stolen you dishonest lying half-witted dumbass. :laugh:

I stated very clearly that it was far from perfect and contained a lot of fraud. The evidence bares that out. But you would need a brain and a scintilla of common sense to comprehend the obvious.

What I know is that Democrats were election deniers in 2016 and now deflect, flail and lie when Republicans question the corrupt actions that led to the presumed Biden election victory.

It is not then same thing, halfwit.
You blame 1/6 on Democrats.

How were they not involved? Isn't the House Speaker in charge of the Capitol police? Didn't she shut down Trumps offer for the National Guard?

How about Muriel Bowser? As Mayor, she has to approve using the National Guard. Why did she shut down Trumps offer for troops?

Anyone of sound intelligence, mind and honesty has to ask why, given the advance intelligence everyone had, they would deny using the Guard to protect the Capitol.

Then there's the idiotic lie that Trump incited them and planned the riot. There's just so many unanswered questions. Like why did Democrats on the January 6th inquisition destroy evidence and testimony from their investigations?

I know. You're a simple minded, uneducated dumbass whose only ability is to parrot the bullshit you're fed by MSNBC and the DNC.

Why would they want to defeat their own win?

How was it a win halfwit? If anything it was just piling on more division and derision. Something Biden lied about as a candidate he would end.
How were they not involved? Isn't the House Speaker in charge of the Capitol police? Didn't she shut down Trumps offer for the National Guard?

How about Muriel Bowser? As Mayor, she has to approve using the National Guard. Why did she shut down Trumps offer for troops?

Anyone of sound intelligence, mind and honesty has to ask why, given the advance intelligence everyone had, they would deny using the Guard to protect the Capitol.

Then there's the idiotic lie that Trump incited them and planned the riot. There's just so many unanswered questions. Like why did Democrats on the January 6th inquisition destroy evidence and testimony from their investigations?

I know. You're a simple minded, uneducated dumbass whose only ability is to parrot the bullshit you're fed by MSNBC and the DNC.

How was it a win halfwit? If anything it was just piling on more division and derision. Something Biden lied about as a candidate he would end.

Blah blah blah.

You own it.
You couldn't beat your way out of a wet paper sack. What I would like you to do is kill yourself. No one would care. No one would notice. One less lying leftist dumbass in the world.

So I guess you do.

I guess you want me to make you look stupid yet again.

I guess you want to make yourself look like a cowardly, lying piece of shit again too.

I have no problem doing that...it's super easy and requires little effort.
Still in denial.

Indeed you are. Still projecting a lot too. You're a very stupid and dishonest person.

You support 1/6. You hate America, especially more than half of population. Do you go around mumbling?

More moronic stupidity. I question January 6th and the 2020 results. Most people with a brain will do that. But you America haters just want to deflect, flail and lie about those events.

You're a very stupid and dishonest person.