Why does the American right hate this country so much?

I DID NOT leave that out moron.

Biden was POTUS the day Trump left office. And as it says, on the POTUS LAST DAY in office he must turn over all the documents to the Archivist which will then be under Biden's control.

Thus Trump had no right to keep holding on them and it specifically states that.

You are just too stupid to connect those dots.

you've become tiresome.

i don't care if you wallow in your stupidity.

I shant return to this thread unless you're really top shelf provocative.

make it punchy.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Again, you're full of it! Post #24, you said ALL on that list were done by Democrats. I asked for documented proof, but YOU HAVE NONE. So you do the usual MAGA/Alt-Right shuffle by posting a segway and adding on your usual supposition and conjecture. Then you'll ignore all else and INSIST that this new BS dodge of yours is proof of all you say. Especially since NO "law" has been passed or is proposed to take into effect in another 11 years. And current owned gas cars WILL NOT be banned.

GTFU and/or sober up, bunky. This crap of yours hasn't worked in years...as the current GOP fiasco is displaying daily in the news.

What? Too stupid or just too lazy to bother to look at the links I provided? Either way, your crap ass whining of an answer tells me you couldn't bother to verify what you likely knew was true but hated to admit.

The Left and Democrats are fucking America up royally. They're turning it into a lazy, poverty stricken, stupid, welfare state where taxes are high, and desire to actually work is low.

From the link I provided, that you were to intellectually lazy (aka known as stupid) to look at:

Seventeen states have historically followed California's regulations, but so far only Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Oregon,Rhode Island and Washington have announced they'll enforce the Advanced Clean Cars II rule and prohibit the sale of new gasoline-powered vehicles.

All are run by Democrats. Democrats are fucking morons. They are scientific illiterates and incapable of anything other than groupthink and a herd mentality. That's why they're drawn to dictatorships and welfare states.

Translation: another willfully brain dead MAGA mook who just ignores any response that factually disproves his diatribe (as I stated he would) and then doubles down of his previous prattle. The truly objective reader clicks on the links, reads carefully and comprehensively, then sees how bogus T.A.'s squawking is in relation to the FACT based points I relate from HIS link (highlighted above for emphasis). Yep, all T.A. has is parroting the SOS with blinders on while getting hand jobs from his equally dim brethren. But the chronology of the posts will always be their undoing.
Translation: another willfully brain dead MAGA mook who just ignores any response that factually disproves his diatribe (as I stated he would) and then doubles down of his previous prattle. The truly objective reader clicks on the links, reads carefully and comprehensively, then sees how bogus T.A.'s squawking is in relation to the FACT based points I relate from HIS link (highlighted above for emphasis). Yep, all T.A. has is parroting the SOS with blinders on while getting hand jobs from his equally dim brethren. But the chronology of the posts will always be their undoing.

The truth here is, tacky is just conflating lies as fact. The states listed have stated or passed legislation that will ban the sale of new vehicles other than EV's starting in 2035. While that doesn't ban ICE vehicles in use, it does mean their eventual demise as no more new ones can be sold and those in service wear out.
Tacky also ignored the point that this move is 100% Democrat and Leftist driven on pseudo-science. He / she / it also ignores totally the potential impacts of this.

It doesn't matter that it's 11 years out until the ban takes effect, it's that the ban is coming in Democrat controlled states and economic and mobility disaster WILL follow. All the parsing of terms, equivocating, and hair splitting Tacky is doing won't change the FACT that the Left is driving America off a proverbial cliff in the field of transportation.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
You are one dumb ass, stubborn MAGA/Alt-right mook, ain't ya bunky?

As you beat off to your intellectual myopia (as I knew you would), you may want to re-read the link and then ask an adult to explain it to you. Also, I find it fascinating how you and your ilk try to minimize and trivialize Jan. 6th, yet you carry on about the BLM protests and riots that happen during the George Floyd protest as the end of American civilization.

Ahhh, didn't think that one through, did ya bunky? See, you get be a glaring hypocrite in print and then deny it. Makes you look stupid....or worse, like that orange faced creep circling the legal drain. Like I said, enjoy your "victory", as I'm sure your heroes in jail are. :rofl2:

Debunk what I wrote, simpleton.

Yes, you are a simpleton if you think what you wrote is such the slam dunk MAGA mook point.

By your "logic", since the yahoos didn't get to the Senators and didn't occupy the Capitol as a hostage tactic, then there was no insurrection or attempted insurrection. No problem. Forget the cops injured and killed as a result, forget the jokers found with weapons before they could utilize them. Nope, but you bizarre "logic", it failed, so it doesn't matter.

Ahhh, if only dummies like you would have applied that to the banshee wails you did regarding the George Floyd protests or the riots that occurred at the BLM demonstrations and protests.

But you didn't, because you're just another insipidly stubborn, intellectually dishonest dumb ass MAGA/Alt-Right crank who can't honestly debate worth a damn ....who is too much of a snowflake to even admit on an anonymous format such as this that you're wrong on anything.

From this point on, you can't say anything that hasn't already been covered in the chronology of the posts. So I leave you to prattle the usual BS.

RB60 - Really Boorish 60 year old.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Translation: another willfully brain dead MAGA mook who just ignores any response that factually disproves his diatribe (as I stated he would) and then doubles down of his previous prattle. The truly objective reader clicks on the links, reads carefully and comprehensively, then sees how bogus T.A.'s squawking is in relation to the FACT based points I relate from HIS link (highlighted above for emphasis). Yep, all T.A. has is parroting the SOS with blinders on while getting hand jobs from his equally dim brethren. But the chronology of the posts will always be their undoing.

The truth here is, tacky is just conflating lies as fact. The states listed have stated or passed legislation that will ban the sale of new vehicles other than EV's starting in 2035. While that doesn't ban ICE vehicles in use, it does mean their eventual demise as no more new ones can be sold and those in service wear out.
Tacky also ignored the point that this move is 100% Democrat and Leftist driven on pseudo-science. He / she / it also ignores totally the potential impacts of this.

It doesn't matter that it's 11 years out until the ban takes effect, it's that the ban is coming in Democrat controlled states and economic and mobility disaster WILL follow. All the parsing of terms, equivocating, and hair splitting Tacky is doing won't change the FACT that the Left is driving America off a proverbial cliff in the field of transportation.

So now the TRUTH that I spoke and you repeat "doesn't matter". :palm:

THINK, YOU MORON, THINK! What happens in those 11 years? Hint: ELECTIONS. That means new gov't local and national. That means THINGS CHANGE (example being Roe V. Wade). And since no previous owned gas driven vehicles will be banned under the proposed law, your initial and parroted MAGA hyperbole is just that.....hype!

GTFU, will ya please? YOU WERE WRONG! You tried to claim something as present and definite WHEN IT IS NOT! You tried to insinuate that all gas driven cars would be banned. THEY WILL BE NOT!

In short, you're just another stupid MAGA troll bleating talking points hoping that if you do so in various ways, loudly and often, no one will notice the serious flaws in them. Goebbels would be proud.

Now, stupidly repeat your drivel as usual in hopes of hand jobs from your brethren. I'm done hashing over the SOS. Adios for now.
Yes, you are a simpleton if you think what you wrote is such the slam dunk MAGA mook point.

By your "logic", since the yahoos didn't get to the Senators and didn't occupy the Capitol as a hostage tactic, then there was no insurrection or attempted insurrection. No problem. Forget the cops injured and killed as a result, forget the jokers found with weapons before they could utilize them. Nope, but you bizarre "logic", it failed, so it doesn't matter.

Ahhh, if only dummies like you would have applied that to the banshee wails you did regarding the George Floyd protests or the riots that occurred at the BLM demonstrations and protests.

But you didn't, because you're just another insipidly stubborn, intellectually dishonest dumb ass MAGA/Alt-Right crank who can't honestly debate worth a damn ....who is too much of a snowflake to even admit on an anonymous format such as this that you're wrong on anything.

From this point on, you can't say anything that hasn't already been covered in the chronology of the posts. So I leave you to prattle the usual BS.

RB60 - Really Boorish 60 year old.

Yes, you certainly are insipidly stubborn, intellectually dishonest and just plain stupid.
So now the TRUTH that I spoke and you repeat "doesn't matter". :palm:

THINK, YOU MORON, THINK! What happens in those 11 years? Hint: ELECTIONS. That means new gov't local and national. That means THINGS CHANGE (example being Roe V. Wade). And since no previous owned gas driven vehicles will be banned under the proposed law, your initial and parroted MAGA hyperbole is just that.....hype!

GTFU, will ya please? YOU WERE WRONG! You tried to claim something as present and definite WHEN IT IS NOT! You tried to insinuate that all gas driven cars would be banned. THEY WILL BE NOT!

In short, you're just another stupid MAGA troll bleating talking points hoping that if you do so in various ways, loudly and often, no one will notice the serious flaws in them. Goebbels would be proud.

Now, stupidly repeat your drivel as usual in hopes of hand jobs from your brethren. I'm done hashing over the SOS. Adios for now.

I'm going with what has been done, not speculation on where it might go. You are saying in the next 11 years, the Democrats might change their minds (unlikely) or the Republicans take control of a state or states they haven't had control of in decades. You are talking pure speculation while I'm looking at the current reality. It is YOU that's not even in the ballpark.

I never "insinuate(d) that all gas driven cars would be banned." I stated that come 2035 they could no longer be sold in those states. That's a fact as it currently stands. If in 2035 the ban takes effect, then the use of ICE cars will decline as they wear out and have to be replaced. I'd suspect if the Democrats are still running things, they'll pass additional laws between now and then that accelerate that decline as well.

In short, you're just another stupid Leftist trying to justify the stupidity that your part of the political spectrum has foisted on society. Since the Left has a near 100% track record of fucking everything they do up and ruining country after country, I'd say you haven't got much of a track record to stand on.
Yes, you are a simpleton if you think what you wrote is such the slam dunk MAGA mook point.

By your "logic", since the yahoos didn't get to the Senators and didn't occupy the Capitol as a hostage tactic, then there was no insurrection or attempted insurrection. No problem. Forget the cops injured and killed as a result, forget the jokers found with weapons before they could utilize them. Nope, but you bizarre "logic", it failed, so it doesn't matter.

Ahhh, if only dummies like you would have applied that to the banshee wails you did regarding the George Floyd protests or the riots that occurred at the BLM demonstrations and protests.

But you didn't, because you're just another insipidly stubborn, intellectually dishonest dumb ass MAGA/Alt-Right crank who can't honestly debate worth a damn ....who is too much of a snowflake to even admit on an anonymous format such as this that you're wrong on anything.

From this point on, you can't say anything that hasn't already been covered in the chronology of the posts. So I leave you to prattle the usual BS.

RB60 - Really Boorish 60 year old.

Good luck trying to get anything intelligent out of Arby the rube

Fucking bigoted racist scum...
I DID NOT leave that out moron.

Biden was POTUS the day Trump left office. And as it says, on the POTUS LAST DAY in office he must turn over all the documents to the Archivist which will then be under Biden's control.

Thus Trump had no right to keep holding on them and it specifically states that.

You are just too stupid to connect those dots.

you're too stupid for plain readings of simple texts.
So now the TRUTH that I spoke and you repeat "doesn't matter". :palm:

THINK, YOU MORON, THINK! What happens in those 11 years? Hint: ELECTIONS. That means new gov't local and national. That means THINGS CHANGE (example being Roe V. Wade). And since no previous owned gas driven vehicles will be banned under the proposed law, your initial and parroted MAGA hyperbole is just that.....hype!

GTFU, will ya please? YOU WERE WRONG! You tried to claim something as present and definite WHEN IT IS NOT! You tried to insinuate that all gas driven cars would be banned. THEY WILL BE NOT!

In short, you're just another stupid MAGA troll bleating talking points hoping that if you do so in various ways, loudly and often, no one will notice the serious flaws in them. Goebbels would be proud.

Now, stupidly repeat your drivel as usual in hopes of hand jobs from your brethren. I'm done hashing over the SOS. Adios for now.

he pegged you hard.

you're strictly a sophist, denying reaity on all fronts, with cheap tricks and low brow stupidity.
The stock market is firing on all cylinders, with the S&P 500 surging around 9% year to date — and that’s after its 24% gain in 2023.
According to Jeremy Siegel, economist and professor of finance at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, the uptrend in stocks is here to stay.

Guno צְבִי;5959570 said:
Good luck trying to get anything intelligent out of Arby the rube

Notice that "Arby" and T.A. both do what I call the "two step" (done by MAGA, neocon, teabagger, Alt-right, fibbertarian, etc.). When faced with facts they cannot disprove, they either just double down and blather the SOS (or lie about what is in print) or just throw out some school yard retort. In their minds (and I use that term loosely), this is "owning the libs" because they have the last word. :rolleyes: You'd think after all these years they'd learn different.
Notice that "Arby" and T.A. both do what I call the "two step" (done by MAGA, neocon, teabagger, Alt-right, fibbertarian, etc.). When faced with facts they cannot disprove, they either just double down and blather the SOS (or lie about what is in print) or just throw out some school yard retort. In their minds (and I use that term loosely), this is "owning the libs" because they have the last word. :rolleyes: You'd think after all these years they'd learn different.

Watching right-wing media 24-7 surely doesn't help:

BREAKING: After sueing One America News Network (OAN) for LIES about the 2020 election, Voting technology company Smartmatic has just come to a settlement agreement.
The terms of the agreement are not made public, but this is the second settlement from Right-wing media companies for lying to the public about the 2020 election.