Why does the American right hate this country so much?


the president is a classification level unto himself.

thats the point of the act.

again, why are you so fucking dumb?

And yet everything i said is accurate and true.

your stupidity makes you deny that in the ONLY 3 cases, Trump and his WH lawyers, themselves argued in court, that Trump through writing something is declassified in an official writing, or Trump going on the News and saying something is declassified IS NOT ENOUGH. That Trump must ALSO go thru the process of having them officially declassified and not just 'writing' or 'saying' it, OR IT DOES NOT DECLASSIFY them.

How much more stupid can you be to deny that when Trump and his Lawyers got a Judge to agree with them that the documents were NOT declassified, and thus the FOIA did not apply and the media could not have them.
And yet everything i said is accurate and true.

your stupidity makes you deny that in the ONLY 3 cases, Trump and his WH lawyers, themselves argued in court, that Trump through writing something is declassified in an official writing, or Trump going on the News and saying something is declassified IS NOT ENOUGH. That Trump must ALSO go thru the process of having them officially declassified and not just 'writing' or 'saying' it, OR IT DOES NOT DECLASSIFY them.

How much more stupid can you be to deny that when Trump and his Lawyers got a Judge to agree with them that the documents were NOT declassified, and thus the FOIA did not apply and the media could not have them.


everything you said is dumb and stupid.

you just keep pretending the presidential records act doesn't exist.
Trump is in a grey zone because he took what he did while President. I certainly don't condone it, and I see zero reason Trump should have done it. Biden and Clinton enjoy no such protections from mishandling classified documents however. Neither was president when they did it.


him being president makes it a white zone.

why do you keep meeting these cretins halfway?

everything you said is dumb and stupid.

you just keep pretending the presidential records act doesn't exist.

You are irredeemably stupid.

IS this the PRA you are referring too:

Presidential Records Act (PRA) of 1978

Specifically, the PRA:

- Establishes public ownership of all Presidential records and defines the term Presidential records.

- Requires that the President and his staff take all practical steps to file personal records separately from Presidential records.

-Establishes that Presidential records automatically transfer into the legal custody of the Archivist as soon as the President leaves office.

you missed a part.

Places the responsibility for the custody and management of incumbent Presidential records with the President.

I did not miss that part. i am just not stupid, like you.

The top part speaks to what the POTUS role is when he is STILL IN OFFICE, and then it says this CLEARLY once he leaves office...

-Establishes that Presidential records automatically transfer into the legal custody of the Archivist as soon as the President leaves office.
That they would attack the Capitol, the Bastion of Democracy to try to overturn a valid and certified election.

Why would they follow and worship an admitted dictator, a person who stole from a children's charity, committed business fraud and was found guilty of sexual assault?

True. People sometimes hate what they don't understand, and students of Trumpism don't understand America any longer if they ever did. Their fascination now with autocrats runs counter to the founding principles of liberty and democracy.
I did not miss that part. i am just not stupid, like you.

The top part speaks to what the POTUS role is when he is STILL IN OFFICE, and then it says this CLEARLY once he leaves office...

-Establishes that Presidential records automatically transfer into the legal custody of the Archivist as soon as the President leaves office.

whatever the president manages to give him.

the president manages it.
whatever the president manages to give him.

the president manages it.


All work product of the POTUS is owned by the public (citizens of the USA) and MUST be transferred to the Archivist whent he POTUS leaves office. NOt 'whatever the POTUS chooses.'

- Establishes public ownership of all Presidential records and defines the term Presidential records.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Easy to prove....just post the Congressional record or any video or news article that confirms what you said. NOT your usual "I think, therefore it is" BS.

The Democrat party is more than just those in Congress.

For example: The second one listed, What kind of car you can buy and drive (EV's only)

These 9 States Are Banning the Sale of Gas-Powered Cars
More states are following California's lead in ending the sale of new vehicles with internal combustion engines.

Seventeen states have historically followed California's regulations, but so far only Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Oregon,Rhode Island and Washington have announced they'll enforce the Advanced Clean Cars II rule and prohibit the sale of new gasoline-powered vehicles.


All Democrats...

Or this one: Who gets elected (No voter ID, automatic same-day voter registration, no purging of voter rolls, all mail-in ballots...)

Both HB 1 For the Voters Act, and SB 1 The John Lewis Voting Act had all that and more in it to ensure that the Democrat party would have an easy time winning elections, even if cheating were necessary.

Again, all Democrats.

Again, you're full of it! Post #24, you said ALL on that list were done by Democrats. I asked for documented proof, but YOU HAVE NONE. So you do the usual MAGA/Alt-Right shuffle by posting a segway and adding on your usual supposition and conjecture. Then you'll ignore all else and INSIST that this new BS dodge of yours is proof of all you say. Especially since NO "law" has been passed or is proposed to take into effect in another 11 years. And current owned gas cars WILL NOT be banned.

GTFU and/or sober up, bunky. This crap of yours hasn't worked in years...as the current GOP fiasco is displaying daily in the news.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Yes, and in effect the courts ruled on "attempted insurrection" or what is commonly known as "seditious conspiracy", as explained in 2022 https://www.click2houston.com/news/i...th-that-crime/.

So while you can jerk off to "they didn't get convicted of insurrection!", those going to jail/in jail really don't give a damn about the subtle legal difference ... and neither do I.

Enjoy your "victory", bonehead! :laugh:

"In effect." "Seditious conspiracy." Ya. Ok. Yes. The most powerful nation on earth was toppled by a small flock of unarmed and unorganized idiots. And given back 3 hours later! LOL!

What "victory" is that?

You are one dumb ass, stubborn MAGA/Alt-right mook, ain't ya bunky?

As you beat off to your intellectual myopia (as I knew you would), you may want to re-read the link and then ask an adult to explain it to you. Also, I find it fascinating how you and your ilk try to minimize and trivialize Jan. 6th, yet you carry on about the BLM protests and riots that happen during the George Floyd protest as the end of American civilization.

Ahhh, didn't think that one through, did ya bunky? See, you get be a glaring hypocrite in print and then deny it. Makes you look stupid....or worse, like that orange faced creep circling the legal drain. Like I said, enjoy your "victory", as I'm sure your heroes in jail are.:rofl2:
Again, you're full of it! Post #24, you said ALL on that list were done by Democrats. I asked for documented proof, but YOU HAVE NONE. So you do the usual MAGA/Alt-Right shuffle by posting a segway and adding on your usual supposition and conjecture. Then you'll ignore all else and INSIST that this new BS dodge of yours is proof of all you say. Especially since NO "law" has been passed or is proposed to take into effect in another 11 years. And current owned gas cars WILL NOT be banned.

GTFU and/or sober up, bunky. This crap of yours hasn't worked in years...as the current GOP fiasco is displaying daily in the news.

What? Too stupid or just too lazy to bother to look at the links I provided? Either way, your crap ass whining of an answer tells me you couldn't bother to verify what you likely knew was true but hated to admit.

The Left and Democrats are fucking America up royally. They're turning it into a lazy, poverty stricken, stupid, welfare state where taxes are high, and desire to actually work is low.

From the link I provided, that you were to intellectually lazy (aka known as stupid) to look at:

Seventeen states have historically followed California's regulations, but so far only Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Oregon,Rhode Island and Washington have announced they'll enforce the Advanced Clean Cars II rule and prohibit the sale of new gasoline-powered vehicles.

All are run by Democrats. Democrats are fucking morons. They are scientific illiterates and incapable of anything other than groupthink and a herd mentality. That's why they're drawn to dictatorships and welfare states.
You are one dumb ass, stubborn MAGA/Alt-right mook, ain't ya bunky?

As you beat off to your intellectual myopia (as I knew you would), you may want to re-read the link and then ask an adult to explain it to you. Also, I find it fascinating how you and your ilk try to minimize and trivialize Jan. 6th, yet you carry on about the BLM protests and riots that happen during the George Floyd protest as the end of American civilization.

Ahhh, didn't think that one through, did ya bunky? See, you get be a glaring hypocrite in print and then deny it. Makes you look stupid....or worse, like that orange faced creep circling the legal drain. Like I said, enjoy your "victory", as I'm sure your heroes in jail are.:rofl2:

Debunk what I wrote, simpleton.

All work product of the POTUS is owned by the public (citizens of the USA) and MUST be transferred to the Archivist whent he POTUS leaves office. NOt 'whatever the POTUS chooses.'

- Establishes public ownership of all Presidential records and defines the term Presidential records.

......under the presidents management.

you can't fucking read.

why don't you make a case for biden instead of trying to arrest trump.

you people are sad and pathetic losers.
......under the presidents management.

you can't fucking read.

why don't you make a case for biden instead of trying to arrest trump.

you people are sad and pathetic losers.

Yes you simpleton moron.

If was under Trumps control (POTUS) up until the day he left office and then it was under Bidens control (POTUS) the day he took office.

So try to read 3 times and understand it you fucking simpleton...

- Establishes public ownership of all Presidential records and defines the term Presidential records.

- Establishes that Presidential records automatically transfer into the legal custody of the Archivist as soon as the President leaves office.


Trump lost ALL CONTROL the day Biden took office and Trump had no right to keep any documents.
Yes you simpleton moron.

Expecting Asshat to function at moron or even imbecile level is highly unreasonable.
Idiot is his maximum potential.

Trumpanzee mutants generally come in two breeds only.

The more advanced ones have a nub on top of their spinal cords about the size of a walnut.
With the more typical ones, we're talking BB size (.177" diameter).

They both have to put in a maximum effort to function at idiot level
as ice cube level is their natural performance potential.

I have observed intently enough to have pretty much become certain of this assessment.
RB 60 said:
"In effect." "Seditious conspiracy." Ya. Ok. Yes. The most powerful nation on earth was toppled by a small flock of unarmed and unorganized idiots. And given back 3 hours later! LOL!

What "victory" is that?

You are one dumb ass, stubborn MAGA/Alt-right mook, ain't ya bunky?

As you beat off to your intellectual myopia (as I knew you would), you may want to re-read the link and then ask an adult to explain it to you. Also, I find it fascinating how you and your ilk try to minimize and trivialize Jan. 6th, yet you carry on about the BLM protests and riots that happen during the George Floyd protest as the end of American civilization.

Ahhh, didn't think that one through, did ya bunky? See, you get be a glaring hypocrite in print and then deny it. Makes you look stupid....or worse, like that orange faced creep circling the legal drain. Like I said, enjoy your "victory", as I'm sure your heroes in jail are.:rofl2:

Yes Taichiliberal, while idiots like RB 60 trivialize the Jan 6th riots, they need to take note that Roger Stone organized the same (but even smaller) type riot, back in Bush versus Gore to 'Stop the Count' and it WORKED.

He got the recount disrupted and stopped, which lead to the SC having to jump in and ultimately a decision to certify WITHOUT finishing the count, which if finished showed Gore would have won.

So they can chuckle all they want that these riots could not over throw a govt but one already played a major role in doing just that.

How the Brooks Brothers Riot Helped Make George W. Bush President
