Why does the American right hate this country so much?

I already demonstrated that technically he can do it. I'd say it's sloppy to do so, but a president, any president, can at will declassify anything he wants to.

That's just not true. It has to go through a process. The POTUS can't declassify on his own.
And Trump refused to give up the documents even after a subpoena and went out of his way to hide them from the government.
That is a fact, dude. You can't right-wing-bullshit your way or of that, ta.
That's just not true. It has to go through a process. The POTUS can't declassify on his own.
And Trump refused to give up the documents even after a subpoena and went out of his way to hide them from the government.
That is a fact, dude. You can't right-wing-bullshit your way or of that, ta.

yes he can.

that's the point of the act.
This message is hidden because Blackwater Lunchbreak is on your ignore list.

That's just not true. It has to go through a process. The POTUS can't declassify on his own.
And Trump refused to give up the documents even after a subpoena and went out of his way to hide them from the government.
That is a fact, dude. You can't right-wing-bullshit your way or of that, ta.

You are an idiot. Declassification is done by executive order. The process for someone other than the President doing it is spelled out in the President's executive order. I posted three variants of those executive orders, one from Nixon, one from Clinton, and one from Obama. A President can, AT WILL, declassify anything they want unilaterally since Presidents determine the process and can change it on a whim.
The rabid lefties' mercilessly crush a man, his family, and his followers every day for more than four years. Now you want "unity".
Your hypocrisy knows no bounds and you can kiss my ass.
Not just the Right, but many segments of our culture hate anything that connects them to reality.
Correct. He's trying to blame the problems of the Democrats on Trump again. DEMOCRATS caused the rioting.

Correct. The building is a damn maze.

No. It began when Democrats starting rioting, attacking the police, and vandalizing property.

MSNBC certainly has no shortage of bullshit.

He seeks it out.

Which violates federal law.

...and exposed them to agents from China and Ukraine. That's espionage, an act of treason.

Biden has called for civil war against American citizens several times (including the infamous 'red' speech. That's an act of treason.

Fake news is not news. It's just Fake News.

That they do. They hate the Constitution and all State constitutions.

Another act of treason by Biden.

About 34% since Biden was installed.

and/or persecuting them. The act of a dictator.

I really don't give a fuck about opinions overseas.

The EU is currently an oligarchy, imposing incredible misery on it's own people.
In the UK, the people are being jailed for censorship.
Most of Africa is racked by internal wars.
Russia, North Korea, and China are both bastions of communism and tyranny.
Most nations in South America are oligarchies or dictatorships.
Canada has become a dictatorship.
Currently the SDTC is a dictatorship, while SOTNY, SOTCO, and SOTHI are oligarchies.
Haiti has dissolved into anarchy.
Radical Islam calls America 'The Great Satan', and is in charge of many nations in the mid-East.

So...what do we need the opinions of these nations for?

It's hilarious that the stupid MAGA morons actually believe Trump

More hilarious that you don't think you're the triggered moron.

when he says he can declassify classified documents by just 'thinking about them'.

Apparently, because you are a low IQ, lying leftist dumbass lacking any intelligence or education, you don't know that it is a FACT that the President is the ultimate and final say what os classified and what is not.

The fact that you are a low IQ, lying leftist dumbass lacking any intelligence or education, you also don't know that Biden had zero authority to steal any classified documents.

It's there any limit to MAGA morons gullibility? More evidence of the cult.

Is there any evidence that you are not a triggered, mentally unsound leftist loon on steroids?

The American right hates that the Northeast and the West Coast are part of their country.

Lie, lame and moronic. But then, no one ever accused you, NiftyNitWit of having any intelligence.

I hate that ALL the red states are part of my country.

Lying leftist loons like you do a lot of hating. It's part of the mental breakdown Trump has caused.

There's a solution to make everybody happy, but nobody is pursuing it.

Well, it would be hard to kill all the leftist loons in the country and illegal. For now, we suffer their delusional lies and stupidity, and point and laugh at them.

Magats I have no ability to think.

Truer words were never corrected. You give new meaning to the term moron.

At times classified documents the POTUS is reviewing are also in the hands of people in many departments and many countries, in Consulates, etc.

So if Trump, simply by taking a classified document home, declassifies it, whether he tells anyone or not, or it sits in a Mar A logo bathroom, how do the people through out government now know their copies are declassified?

What if a year after Trump left office, some one in a part of the government is charged with sharing a classified doc, and they get convicted and yet years later we find out that doc was in one of the boxes Trump took home and thus it was declassified, thus that person should have never been charged.

Would Magats say that if Trump brings a document back, it gets reclassified? Again how are the people also reviewing those doc's to know?

All roads with Magats lead to stupid. What they think makes no sense and could NEVER be the case but because they are stupid they cannot think it thru and see why.

A moronic analogy from an epic moron. Yet leftist morons like you are okay when Joe steals classified documents and keeps them in multiple unsecured locations and shares them with his 8 million dollar ghost writer.

You're the definition of stupoid lying leftist hypocrites.
Trump is in a grey zone because he took what he did while President. I certainly don't condone it, and I see zero reason Trump should have done it. Biden and Clinton enjoy no such protections from mishandling classified documents however. Neither was president when they did it.

He is authorized to take them under the PRA. Unlike Clinton or Biden.
That's just not true. It has to go through a process.

Lie and very lame. Link us to this "process" you speak of halfwit.

The POTUS can't declassify on his own.

Wrong again halfwit. The President has the ultimate authority to classify and declassify.

And Trump refused to give up the documents even after a subpoena and went out of his way to hide them from the government.

Lie, lame and stupid. He has the right to negotiate what are personal and what are public. It is not up to the DOJ or the NRA to make that determination per the PRA.

You don't get out much or you watch too much MSNBC which is turning you into a triggred moron on steroids.

That is a fact, dude. You can't right-wing-bullshit your way or of that, ta.[/B]

It is obvious you would know a fact if it walked up and slapped you on your empty head halfwit.
You are an idiot. Declassification is done by executive order. The process for someone other than the President doing it is spelled out in the President's executive order. I posted three variants of those executive orders, one from Nixon, one from Clinton, and one from Obama. A President can, AT WILL, declassify anything they want unilaterally since Presidents determine the process and can change it on a whim.

Have you ever held a Top Secret security clearance. I have (SI/TK/SAO - I worked as a contractor for the CIA and DOD). Not sure where you're getting your info but it's wrong.
The POTUS is only president at the most 8 years. Then he's a private citizen. Because of this, He is not privy to ALL classified material and he does NOT have the authority to de-classify material "by thinking about them". You're a moron for thinking otherwise.
You been OWNED!!!
