Why does the American right hate this country so much?

The democratic process also requires faith in the system used. If people believe the system is unjust or somebody has their thumb on the scale, then they may well not trust or believe in that system. Put in terms of elections--If the a good chunk of people think the election process is rigged, proven or not, then the process is in jeopardy. Those in power can say all they want that the process is fair and whatever, but if that isn't accepted or believed, the process is in trouble.

I agree, that is why the big lie is so dangerous.
Yes, it was an insurrection. That is why we said that. The people trying to kill our politicians and install a pretender to the presidency were mostly responding to instructions set up by leaders like Trump. They were acting in violence and acting to what they were told online before 1-6 and at the rally that day. Trump and his cabal were the real insurrectionists and should be so charged.

There was no insurrection on Jan 6th, Sock. Trump did not organize the riots. DEMOCRATS did.
Yes, and in effect the courts ruled on "attempted insurrection" or what is commonly known as "seditious conspiracy", as explained in 2022 https://www.click2houston.com/news/...-why-has-no-one-been-charged-with-that-crime/.

So while you can jerk off to "they didn't get convicted of insurrection!", those going to jail/in jail really don't give a damn about the subtle legal difference ... and neither do I.

Enjoy your "victory", bonehead! :laugh:

Redefinition fallacy, Sock. There was no insurrection.
Typical comment from a radical far right wing extremist. Most far right wing extremists swallow that bullshit.
You can't deny what you are, Sock.
Trump won the 2020 election by a lot

There was no 2020 election.
The Dems cheated
They did. You cannot make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats just disappear, Sock.
The FBI BLM and Antifa caused 911
No, Sock. A terrorist raid using hijacked commercial aircraft caused 9/11.
Pelosi was supposed to call out the National Guard
She was, but didn't.
Biden is controlling the DOJ to go after Trump on false charges
Trump never met Stormy Daniels or E. Jean Carroll
Trump reads the Bible and is Godly
Certainly more godly than YOU, Sock.
HydroChloriquine and injecting disinfectant works better at curing COVID than the vaccine
Chanting your own statements as Trump's won't work, Sock.
The Jan 6 insurrectionists are hostages
No insurrection, Sock.
The president can declassify any Top Secret document by just thinking about them.
He doesn't need to, but yes...the President can declassify any document in the executive branch (including any military document).
If that's true, then why did the FBI raid Mar-a-lago to retrieve the stolen documents and send Trump subpoenas to get them back?
The documents were not stolen, Sock. The FBI raided Mar-a-lago due to corruption in the FBI and a corrupted judge. They broke the law doing it.
BTW, this is straight from the Presidential Records Act:

Establishes that Presidential records automatically transfer into the legal custody of the Archivist as soon as the President leaves office.
No such law, Sock.
Yep, pretty much. The method for declassification is an executive order. Any president can declassify whatever they want on a whim.

There are several variants of this order out there:

Executive Order 11652—Classification and Declassification of National Security Information and Material

Executive Order 12958—Classified National Security Information

Executive Order 13549 -- Classified National Security Information Programs for State, Local, Tribal, and Private Sector Entities

So, yes, a President can declassify whatever he wants on essentially a whim.

He can, out side a very few exceptions.

BUt the lie in your statement is that you omit there is a process that even the POTUS must follow or things DO NOT declassified.

So for instance, Trump can, as he did, claim in his official Twitter writings, that he declassified a document (which he has the power to do) but then Trump, himself can have his WH lawyer and Mark Meadows go to court and fight to deny the Press access to that document, via FOIA, stating in court 'since Trump did not direct anyone to follow thru and ACTUALLY declassify them per the process, they remain classified'. And Trump and his WH lawyers won that case in court and the judge found they WERE NOT declassified, despite Trumps clear 'official writing', saying they were.

Also for instance, Trump can, as he did, go on News shows twice claiming he declassified a document (which he has the power to do) but then Trump, himself AGAIN had his WH lawyer and Mark Meadows go to court and argue they where not, in fact, declassified as again a way to deny the Press access to that documents, via FOIA, stating in court 'since Trump did not direct anyone to follow thru and ACTUALLY declassify them per the process, they remain classified'. And Trump and his WH lawyers won those two cases in court and the judge found they WERE NOT declassified, despite Trumps clear 'official words', saying they were.

There are only 3 cases in history, all with Trump dealing with a POTUS simply saying or writing something was declassified, with no process to back them up and in all three Trump and Courts said 'NO, they are not. It is not enough for a POTUS to simply write it or say it and he must then order the declassification process to take place'.
Correct. He's trying to blame the problems of the Democrats on Trump again. DEMOCRATS caused the rioting.
They didn't "attack" the Capitol. Most were let in by capitol police and escorted around the building.
Correct. The building is a damn maze.
The violence began when police started attacking the protestors with tear gas.
No. It began when Democrats starting rioting, attacking the police, and vandalizing property.
More MSNBC bullshit.
MSNBC certainly has no shortage of bullshit.
You appear to enjoy wallowing in lie filled bullshit.
He seeks it out.
Meanwhile you defend and voted for the real autocrat who influence peddled his position to countries like China and Russia via his son,
Which violates federal law.
actually stole classified documents,
...and exposed them to agents from China and Ukraine. That's espionage, an act of treason.
is trying to jail his political opponents and is dividing our nation with bizarre, absurd claims of racism and Naziism.
Biden has called for civil war against American citizens several times (including the infamous 'red' speech. That's an act of treason.
They don't get much dumber than you. But that is what happens to morons who get their news from MSNBC and CNN.
Fake news is not news. It's just Fake News.
The Democratic Party hates America.
That they do. They hate the Constitution and all State constitutions.
That's why we have a wide-open unprotected border,
Another act of treason by Biden.
massive job killing inflation,
About 34% since Biden was installed.
arresting political opponents
and/or persecuting them. The act of a dictator.
and basically embarrassing us overseas.
I really don't give a fuck about opinions overseas.

The EU is currently an oligarchy, imposing incredible misery on it's own people.
In the UK, the people are being jailed for censorship.
Most of Africa is racked by internal wars.
Russia, North Korea, and China are both bastions of communism and tyranny.
Most nations in South America are oligarchies or dictatorships.
Canada has become a dictatorship.
Currently the SDTC is a dictatorship, while SOTNY, SOTCO, and SOTHI are oligarchies.
Haiti has dissolved into anarchy.
Radical Islam calls America 'The Great Satan', and is in charge of many nations in the mid-East.

So...what do we need the opinions of these nations for?
Bullshit. I've seen people charged for mishandling classified information numerous times. A sailor for example took a classified technical manual home to study so he could get qualified on a watch station on ship faster. He showed it to no one, but because it left the secure area it was supposed to be in, he was court martialed.

One I had to do was go on board a Trident class SSBN to take photos of some components of a dry food storage locker. The locker and components aren't classified, but the inside of the sub is, so I had to hand the film--yes, I used film--over to the Navy to be developed and then it was sent to my command via secure mail.
Another sailor took photos on the boat (SSBN) he was on and removed them from the ship. He was caught with photos of the interior of the sub. Nothing special, but he was busted for taking those photos without permission.

That's how it works. Biden and Clinton both mishandled classified information and were goddamned guilty as fuck. The excuses letting them off were just that. Cooperation or not, is no excuse. Biden admitted he showed documents to persons not cleared to see them (his ghost writer for example). Both had documents in areas that weren't secure and knew they were there. That's enough to be charged.

In Biden's case, when somebody found the documents and called authorities, it sure as shit wasn't Biden ratting himself off.

The DOJ and FBI were weaponized to go after Trump for political reasons. That is clear as fuck here.

So, I guess you also believe Trump is guilty as fuck as well.

I have no problem charging Biden, Clinton and anybody else if the law concludes they mishandled classified docs. If you think Biden and Clinton are guilty, you must think Trump is guiltier since what he did was much worse.

Well, do you?
He can, out side a very few exceptions.

BUt the lie in your statement is that you omit there is a process that even the POTUS must follow or things DO NOT declassified.

So for instance, Trump can, as he did, claim in his official Twitter writings, that he declassified a document (which he has the power to do) but then Trump, himself can have his WH lawyer and Mark Meadows go to court and fight to deny the Press access to that document, via FOIA, stating in court 'since Trump did not direct anyone to follow thru and ACTUALLY declassify them per the process, they remain classified'. And Trump and his WH lawyers won that case in court and the judge found they WERE NOT declassified, despite Trumps clear 'official writing', saying they were.

Also for instance, Trump can, as he did, go on News shows twice claiming he declassified a document (which he has the power to do) but then Trump, himself AGAIN had his WH lawyer and Mark Meadows go to court and argue they where not, in fact, declassified as again a way to deny the Press access to that documents, via FOIA, stating in court 'since Trump did not direct anyone to follow thru and ACTUALLY declassify them per the process, they remain classified'. And Trump and his WH lawyers won those two cases in court and the judge found they WERE NOT declassified, despite Trumps clear 'official words', saying they were.

There are only 3 cases in history, all with Trump dealing with a POTUS simply saying or writing something was declassified, with no process to back them up and in all three Trump and Courts said 'NO, they are not. It is not enough for a POTUS to simply write it or say it and he must then order the declassification process to take place'.

It's hilarious that the stupid MAGA morons actually believe Trump when he says he can declassify classified documents by just 'thinking about them'.
It's there any limit to MAGA morons gullibility? More evidence of the cult.
[h=2]Why does the American right hate this country so much?[/h]

The American right hates that the Northeast and the West Coast are part of their country.

I hate that ALL the red states are part of my country.

There's a solution to make everybody happy, but nobody is pursuing it.

It's hilarious that the stupid MAGA morons actually believe Trump when he says he can declassify classified documents by just 'thinking about them'.
It's there any limit to MAGA morons gullibility? More evidence of the cult.

Magats have no ability to think.

At times classified documents the POTUS is reviewing are also in the hands of people in many departments and many countries, in Consulates, etc.

So if Trump, simply by taking a classified document home, declassifies it, whether he tells anyone or not, or it sits in a Mar A logo bathroom, how do the people through out government now know their copies are declassified?

What if a year after Trump left office, some one in a part of the government is charged with sharing a classified doc, and they get convicted and yet years later we find out that doc was in one of the boxes Trump took home and thus it was declassified, thus that person should have never been charged.

Would Magats say that if Trump brings a document back, it gets reclassified? Again how are the people also reviewing those doc's to know?

All roads with Magats lead to stupid. What they think makes no sense and could NEVER be the case but because they are stupid they cannot think it thru and see why.
So, I guess you also believe Trump is guilty as fuck as well.

I have no problem charging Biden, Clinton and anybody else if the law concludes they mishandled classified docs. If you think Biden and Clinton are guilty, you must think Trump is guiltier since what he did was much worse.

Well, do you?

Trump is in a grey zone because he took what he did while President. I certainly don't condone it, and I see zero reason Trump should have done it. Biden and Clinton enjoy no such protections from mishandling classified documents however. Neither was president when they did it.

It's hilarious that the stupid MAGA morons actually believe Trump when he says he can declassify classified documents by just 'thinking about them'.
It's there any limit to MAGA morons gullibility? More evidence of the cult.

I already demonstrated that technically he can do it. I'd say it's sloppy to do so, but a president, any president, can at will declassify anything he wants to.
I already demonstrated that technically he can do it. I'd say it's sloppy to do so, but a president, any president, can at will declassify anything he wants to.


that's the point of the presidential records act.

this is so easy.

are dems really this dumb?

don't answer that, (but if you do, make it punchy).
Okay, you've got a lot of dumb trolls here and around the country, but you've also got sane, "educated" folk here who will argue the validity of voting for the Orange Oaf and all the heinous MAGA/ Christo-fascist policies that are now driving the GOP. They are in Congress, with law degrees and business acumen.

Their unifying factors are power, control, hate of race/creed/color/caste & class ... to be applied appropriately to the "others". They will do any and everything to maintain that....facts & logic be damned.

are you sure?

I think you need to repeat it a few more times.

It just rings false.