Why does the American right hate this country so much?

Yep, just look at the Televangelists and their wealth, all due to the money the worshippers send them.

The worshippers are gullible and naive, just like the MAGA morons. There is no limit to their gullibility.
Trump is just another Televangelist for them.
How many times have you seen a MAGA moron say they're voting for Trump because he's 'Godly'.
You have to be a special kind of stupid and gullible to believe Trump is godly. That's how deep in the cult these pathetic humans are.

I've never seen someone so desperately in need of a padded cell. Wow!

Defending this administration and divisive, derisive, incompetent, corrupt, senile dipshit is the definition of stupid.

You're being too kind. To call this administration and its supporters stupid is an insult to stupid. They are far, far more insanely moronic, oblivious, imbecilic... Hell, there probably isn't a single word that can justly be used to describe how utterly bad Bribem and his supporters are.
You're being too kind. To call this administration and its supporters stupid is an insult to stupid. They are far, far more insanely moronic, oblivious, imbecilic... Hell, there probably isn't a single word that can justly be used to describe how utterly bad Bribem and his supporters are.

So very true. I stand corrected. :thumbsup:
You're being too kind. To call this administration and its supporters stupid is an insult to stupid. They are far, far more insanely moronic, oblivious, imbecilic... Hell, there probably isn't a single word that can justly be used to describe how utterly bad Bribem and his supporters are.

Most Trumppers are the result of intentional failure of many states to teach basic American history in school.

They have no concept of Democracy or classical liberalism.
False charges?

I don't care if somebody goes after Trump for his ugly looks.

As long as he's brought down by ANYone for ANY reason, I'm good.

He broke laws

That’s why he needs to go

Just like the founders hoped the system would work to protect us

The laws are going to take him out
Most Trumppers are the result of intentional failure of many states to teach basic American history in school.

They have no concept of Democracy or classical liberalism.

You have no concept of democracy or classical liberalism, what's your excuse?
See this one you posed: (w/ my answer in red)

Biden is controlling the DOJ to go after Trump on false charges Believable, even probable.

Pretty radical statement with absolutely zero evidence.
If you really think it's probable that Biden is pushing buttons within the DOJ to go after Trump, that would definitely qualify you for radical far right wing extremist status. Are you a member of Qanon as well?
Yes, and in effect the courts ruled on "attempted insurrection" or what is commonly known as "seditious conspiracy", as explained in 2022 https://www.click2houston.com/news/...-why-has-no-one-been-charged-with-that-crime/.

So while you can jerk off to "they didn't get convicted of insurrection!", those going to jail/in jail really don't give a damn about the subtle legal difference ... and neither do I.

Enjoy your "victory", bonehead! :laugh:

Love your reply, Taich.
Isn't it hilarious?
First, MAGA claimed the insurrection was just a regular tourist visit, legitimate political discourse.
Then, when America saw the violent videos, MAGA went with it was caused by the FBI, BLM and Antifa.
Then, after Trump kept going on about pardoning the insurrectionists in prison, they realized the FBI, BLM bullshit want going to work.
So they went with "It was a protest that got a little out of hand, but definitely NOT an insurrection" bullshit.

Rioters are chanting "Hang Mike Pence" while Trump says "If Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election."

That pretty much spells INSURRECTION!!

Pretty radical statement with absolutely zero evidence.
If you really think it's probable that Biden is pushing buttons within the DOJ to go after Trump, that would definitely qualify you for radical far right wing extremist status. Are you a member of Qanon as well?

Then why wasn't Biden charged for the exact same thing? Mishandling classified information is chargeable. Biden even admitted he showed documents to his ghost writer, and others. Unlike Trump, he couldn't claim executive privilege or say he, acting as President, declassified them. Biden had no excuse.

Hillary Clinton, likewise, had no excuse. Sandy Berger got a slap on the wrist for stealing classified documents out of the National Archives. The only difference it seems to me is when it involves someone with a D behind their name, it's brushed off and glossed over. Only when it's someone with an R or someone the establishment hates that's persued.

Nothing was pursued when Debbie Wassermann-Schultz hired two Pakistani nationals to run her computer stuff in Congress, then got 35 other Democrats to use them, and let them have full access to everything on those computers including classified information--foreign nationals from a country unfriendly the US! It all just disappeared as if it never happened because everybody involved had a D after their name...

FBI agents aren't going to homes of Antifa members who post on YouTube and elsewhere in social media, but there are lots of videos of them showing up at homes of people who don't like the Democrats or Biden...
You have no concept of democracy or classical liberalism, what's your excuse?

I have a concept of it, do you? I believe in elected leaders over despots or absolute kings or whatever you call Putin. I believe in government by the people.

Democracy requires a level of faith when the result is something you do not agree with. A lack of arrogance about being right all the time.
Then why wasn't Biden charged for the exact same thing? Mishandling classified information is chargeable. Biden even admitted he showed documents to his ghost writer, and others. Unlike Trump, he couldn't claim executive privilege or say he, acting as President, declassified them. Biden had no excuse.

Hillary Clinton, likewise, had no excuse. Sandy Berger got a slap on the wrist for stealing classified documents out of the National Archives. The only difference it seems to me is when it involves someone with a D behind their name, it's brushed off and glossed over. Only when it's someone with an R or someone the establishment hates that's persued.

Nothing was pursued when Debbie Wassermann-Schultz hired two Pakistani nationals to run her computer stuff in Congress, then got 35 other Democrats to use them, and let them have full access to everything on those computers including classified information--foreign nationals from a country unfriendly the US! It all just disappeared as if it never happened because everybody involved had a D after their name...

FBI agents aren't going to homes of Antifa members who post on YouTube and elsewhere in social media, but there are lots of videos of them showing up at homes of people who don't like the Democrats or Biden...

I have a concept of it, do you? I believe in elected leaders over despots or absolute kings or whatever you call Putin. I believe in government by the people.

Democracy requires a level of faith when the result is something you do not agree with. A lack of arrogance about being right all the time.
Just do your job, answer the phones.
Then why wasn't Biden charged for the exact same thing? Mishandling classified information is chargeable. Biden even admitted he showed documents to his ghost writer, and others. Unlike Trump, he couldn't claim executive privilege or say he, acting as President, declassified them. Biden had no excuse.

Nothing was pursued when Debbie Wassermann-Schultz hired two Pakistani nationals to run her computer stuff in Congress, then got 35 other Democrats to use them, and let them have full access to everything on those computers including classified information--foreign nationals from a country unfriendly the US! It all just disappeared as if it never happened because everybody involved had a D after their name...

FBI agents aren't going to homes of Antifa members who post on YouTube and elsewhere in social media, but there are lots of videos of them showing up at homes of people who don't like the Democrats or Biden...

Because it wasn't the exact same thing.
There's your extreme right wing bias again.
Biden discovered the documents, called NARA and cooperated to hand them over. Trump denied having them and went out of his way to hide them.

In both cases, the Archives reported the discovery of classified documents to the Department of Justice.

When the Archives informed Trump's people early last year that it was going to hand the documents over to the intelligence community for a review of any potential damage to national security, Trump's team objected and asked for a temporary delay. The Archives granted Trump's first request but denied his second, court papers show.

The FBI later obtained information that Trump had more government documents and issued a subpoena for their return. In June, Trump's lawyers turned over a packet that included 38 classified documents, including 17 marked top secret. Trump's lawyers showed the agents the storage room where the documents had been held but refused to allow them to look into boxes that were still inside, according to court filings. They also gave investigators a declaration that a "diligent search was conducted" and that "all responsive documents had been turned over," government court filings show.

The FBI then learned Trump had not fully complied with the subpoena and still had more classified documents. They obtained a search warrant for his Mar-a-Lago property in August and found over 100 documents marked confidential, secret and top secret in the storage room and in Trump's office.

Trump later sought to slow the feds' investigation by asking for a special master to review the documents and demanded their return, claiming they had been declassified and were his personal property.

Another search for documents carried out later in the year at the behest of Trump’s attorneys turned up two more documents with classified markings at a Florida storage facility used by Trump near Mar-a-Lago, NBC reported last month.

In the Biden case, Sauber said that since the documents were found on Nov. 2, “the president’s personal attorneys have cooperated with the Archives and the Department of Justice in a process to ensure that any Obama-Biden Administration records are appropriately in the possession of the Archives.”

Bill Barr on the classified documents investigation:

"This is not a case of the DOJ conducting a witch hunt...This would have gone nowhere had the president just returned the documents, but he jerked them around for a year and a half...There is no excuse for what he did here."

I rest my case.
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Because it wasn't the exact same thing.
There's your extreme right wing bias again.
Biden discovered the documents, called NARA and cooperated to hand them over. Trump denied having them and went out of his way to hide them.

In both cases, the Archives reported the discovery of classified documents to the Department of Justice.

When the Archives informed Trump's people early last year that it was going to hand the documents over to the intelligence community for a review of any potential damage to national security, Trump's team objected and asked for a temporary delay. The Archives granted Trump's first request but denied his second, court papers show.

The FBI later obtained information that Trump had more government documents and issued a subpoena for their return. In June, Trump's lawyers turned over a packet that included 38 classified documents, including 17 marked top secret. Trump's lawyers showed the agents the storage room where the documents had been held but refused to allow them to look into boxes that were still inside, according to court filings. They also gave investigators a declaration that a "diligent search was conducted" and that "all responsive documents had been turned over," government court filings show.

The FBI then learned Trump had not fully complied with the subpoena and still had more classified documents. They obtained a search warrant for his Mar-a-Lago property in August and found over 100 documents marked confidential, secret and top secret in the storage room and in Trump's office.

Trump later sought to slow the feds' investigation by asking for a special master to review the documents and demanded their return, claiming they had been declassified and were his personal property.

Another search for documents carried out later in the year at the behest of Trump’s attorneys turned up two more documents with classified markings at a Florida storage facility used by Trump near Mar-a-Lago, NBC reported last month.

In the Biden case, Sauber said that since the documents were found on Nov. 2, “the president’s personal attorneys have cooperated with the Archives and the Department of Justice in a process to ensure that any Obama-Biden Administration records are appropriately in the possession of the Archives.”

I rest my case.
