Why does the American right hate this country so much?

No shit sherlock! Now, can you tell the class what they were charged (and convicted) with? (Class, let's see if Mr. RB can find the answer in Mr. Taichiliberal's previous answers).

You freaks have been screaming "insurrection" for the last 3+ years. (Class, is Taichi one of those stoned and acid popping libtard teachers we had in middle school?)
What kind of healthcare and health insurance you can or can't have (universal government run healthcare)
What kind of car you can buy and drive (EV's only!)
What kind of home you can live in ("Equitable" multi-tenant high rise apartments, townhomes, or row houses)
Who gets elected (No voter ID, automatic same-day voter registration, no purging of voter rolls, all mail-in ballots...)
How much money you can have and make (high progressive income and wealth taxes)
What kind of job you can have (forced union membership, affirmative action hiring...)
Wealth redistribution (welfare for life, government run retirement only, handouts not a hand up, a "living" wage even if your productivity is negative)
Lots of "free" (government controlled and paid for) stuff like education, cell phones, medical procedures...)
Forced use of public transit by eliminating alternatives.
Speech (Speech codes, disinformation czars, using law enforcement to intimidate those that say the wrong thing)
Eliminate firearm possession
Education (public school only or only if the government approves curricula, no home schooling or religious schools)
Foods you can have and eat (meat = bad, insects and nasty vegetables like kale = good)
What kind of appliances you can have (gas = evil / no, electric = okay / acceptable)
Getting a vaccine

Democrats want every one of those put into law and practice--every one of them.
You freaks have been screaming "insurrection" for the last 3+ years. (Class, is Taichi one of those stoned and acid popping libtard teachers we had in middle school?)

Yes, it was an insurrection. That is why we said that. The people trying to kill our politicians and install a pretender to the presidency were mostly responding to instructions set up by leaders like Trump. They were acting in violence and acting to what they were told online before 1-6 and at the rally that day. Trump and his cabal were the real insurrectionists and should be so charged.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
No shit sherlock! Now, can you tell the class what they were charged (and convicted) with? (Class, let's see if Mr. RB can find the answer in Mr. Taichiliberal's previous answers).

You freaks have been screaming "insurrection" for the last 3+ years. (Class, is Taichi one of those stoned and acid popping libtard teachers we had in middle school?)

Yes, and in effect the courts ruled on "attempted insurrection" or what is commonly known as "seditious conspiracy", as explained in 2022 https://www.click2houston.com/news/...-why-has-no-one-been-charged-with-that-crime/.

So while you can jerk off to "they didn't get convicted of insurrection!", those going to jail/in jail really don't give a damn about the subtle legal difference ... and neither do I.

Enjoy your "victory", bonehead! :laugh:
Yes, it was an insurrection. That is why we said that. The people trying to kill our politicians and install a pretender to the presidency were mostly responding to instructions set up by leaders like Trump. They were acting in violence and acting to what they were told online before 1-6 and at the rally that day. Trump and his cabal were the real insurrectionists and should be so charged.

Hell, half of them didn't know for what or why they were there. They wanted to see the inside of the capitol? Most didn't cause damage, they all should be charged accordingly.
You are claiming a bunch of riled up, unarmed and unorganized idiots overthrew the fucking United States of America! And gave it back 3 hours later! That's some funny shit.
Yes, and in effect the courts ruled on "attempted insurrection" or what is commonly known as "seditious conspiracy", as explained in 2022 https://www.click2houston.com/news/...-why-has-no-one-been-charged-with-that-crime/.

So while you can jerk off to "they didn't get convicted of insurrection!", those going to jail/in jail really don't give a damn about the subtle legal difference ... and neither do I.

Enjoy your "victory", bonehead! :laugh:

"In effect." "Seditious conspiracy." Ya. Ok. Yes. The most powerful nation on earth was toppled by a small flock of unarmed and unorganized idiots. And given back 3 hours later! LOL!

What "victory" is that?
Easy to prove....just post the Congressional record or any video or news article that confirms what you said. NOT your usual "I think, therefore it is" BS.

The Democrat party is more than just those in Congress.

For example: The second one listed, What kind of car you can buy and drive (EV's only)

These 9 States Are Banning the Sale of Gas-Powered Cars
More states are following California's lead in ending the sale of new vehicles with internal combustion engines.

Seventeen states have historically followed California's regulations, but so far only Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Oregon,Rhode Island and Washington have announced they'll enforce the Advanced Clean Cars II rule and prohibit the sale of new gasoline-powered vehicles.


All Democrats...

Or this one: Who gets elected (No voter ID, automatic same-day voter registration, no purging of voter rolls, all mail-in ballots...)

Both HB 1 For the Voters Act, and SB 1 The John Lewis Voting Act had all that and more in it to ensure that the Democrat party would have an easy time winning elections, even if cheating were necessary.

Again, all Democrats.
Democrats want every one of those put into law and practice--every one of them.

Typical comment from a radical far right wing extremist. Most far right wing extremists swallow that bullshit.
Most others don't.
If you truly believe all that, the RNC has you right where they want you. They don't have to win your vote. They've got you in their cult forever. You're a Republiclown for life.

Here's a little test for you, TA. Tell me how many of these you believe to be true?

Trump won the 2020 election by a lot
The Dems cheated
The FBI BLM and Antifa caused 911
Pelosi was supposed to call out the National Guard
Biden is controlling the DOJ to go after Trump on false charges
Trump never met Stormy Daniels or E. Jean Carroll
Trump reads the Bible and is Godly
HydroChloriquine and injecting disinfectant works better at curing COVID than the vaccine
The Jan 6 insurrectionists are hostages
The president can declassify any Top Secret document by just thinking about them
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Typical comment from a radical far right wing extremist. Most far right wing extremists swallow that bullshit.
Most others don't.
If you truly believe all that, the RNC has you right where they want you. They don't have to win your vote. They've got you in their cult forever. You're a Republiclown for life.

Here's a little test for you, TA. Tell me how many of these you believe to be true?

Trump won the 2020 election by a lot Nope. Trump lost.
The Dems cheated Possibly, even probably, but it made no difference
The FBI BLM and Antifa caused 911 Nope. Did the FBI have operatives in the crowd? Possibly, even probably. Made no difference.
Pelosi was supposed to call out the National Guard Pelosi's approval was necessary but she wasn't "supposed to call out the National Guard"
Biden is controlling the DOJ to go after Trump on false charges Believable, even probable.
Trump never met Stormy Daniels or E. Jean Carroll Met them? Yes.
Trump reads the Bible and is Godly Nope, not a chance. Trump is secular. His god is the dollar bill.
HydroChloriquine and injecting disinfectant works better at curing COVID than the vaccine Nope. None of those "cure" Chinese Disease.
The Jan 6 insurrectionists are hostages Not hostages.
The president can declassify any Top Secret document by just thinking about them
Yep, pretty much. The method for declassification is an executive order. Any president can declassify whatever they want on a whim.

There are several variants of this order out there:

Executive Order 11652—Classification and Declassification of National Security Information and Material

Executive Order 12958—Classified National Security Information

Executive Order 13549 -- Classified National Security Information Programs for State, Local, Tribal, and Private Sector Entities

So, yes, a President can declassify whatever he wants on essentially a whim.
Yep, pretty much. The method for declassification is an executive order. Any president can declassify whatever they want on a whim.

There are several variants of this order out there:

Executive Order 11652—Classification and Declassification of National Security Information and Material

Executive Order 12958—Classified National Security Information

Executive Order 13549 -- Classified National Security Information Programs for State, Local, Tribal, and Private Sector Entities

So, yes, a President can declassify whatever he wants on essentially a whim.

If that's true, then why did the FBI raid Mar-a-lago to retrieve the stolen documents and send Trump subpoenas to get them back?

BTW, this is straight from the Presidential Records Act:

Establishes that Presidential records automatically transfer into the legal custody of the Archivist as soon as the President leaves office.

If that's true, then why did the FBI raid Mar-a-lago to retrieve the stolen documents and send Trump subpoenas to get them back?

BTW, this is straight from the Presidential Records Act:

Establishes that Presidential records automatically transfer into the legal custody of the Archivist as soon as the President leaves office.

See this one you posed: (w/ my answer in red)

Biden is controlling the DOJ to go after Trump on false charges Believable, even probable.
False charges?

I don't care if somebody goes after Trump for his ugly looks.

As long as he's brought down by ANYone for ANY reason, I'm good.
That they would attack the Capitol, the Bastion of Democracy to try to overturn a valid and certified election.

Why would they follow and worship an admitted dictator, a person who stole from a children's charity, committed business fraud and was found guilty of sexual assault?


I think many, if not most of the thugs who attacked the Capitol believed the lie that the election was being stolen from them. Their puppet masters, including Rudy, Bannon, Stone, etc. knew the "stolen election" was a lie but didn't care and wanted their cult leader to remain in power.

The biggest motivating factor for all the thugs was Christian white nationalism/aka nazism. They don't hate America per se, they just don't like that it's become too brown and non-Christian for their liking. They feel authoritarianism via trump is the way to restore their twisted concept of America.
That they would attack the Capitol, the Bastion of Democracy to try to overturn a valid and certified election.

PROJECTION. They didn't "attack" the Capitol. Most were let in by capitol police and escorted around the building. The violence began when police started attacking the protestors with tear gas.

Why would they follow and worship an admitted dictator, a person who stole from a children's charity, committed business fraud and was found guilty of sexual assault?

More MSNBC bullshit. You appear to enjoy wallowing in lie filled bullshit. Meanwhile you defend and voted for the real autocrat who influence peddled his position to countries like China and Russia via his son, actually stole classified documents, is trying to jail his political opponents and is dividing our nation with bizarre, absurd claims of racism and Naziism.

They don't get much dumber than you. But that is what happens to morons who get their news from MSNBC and CNN.

The Democratic Party hates America. That's why we have a wide-open unprotected border, massive job killing inflation, arresting political opponents and basically embarrassing us overseas.
It is the con. If you are susceptible, you can lose control. I saw a show on cons and a woman who was being conned out of money regularly by a guy who kept asking for more. The police broke up the con and told the woman the bleeding was over. Her attitude was distrustful because she believed she was getting closer and closer to getting rich.
The Nigeran king con finds fertile soil in America. There are countless people in America thinking they will soon become rich from a distant king giving them money. The same kind of people are sucked in by Trump.
They get angry when you show them Trump is using them.

trump's one strength is that of a carnival barker. He's an expert in separating non suspecting rubes from their money.
Okay, you've got a lot of dumb trolls here and around the country, but you've also got sane, "educated" folk here who will argue the validity of voting for the Orange Oaf and all the heinous MAGA/ Christo-fascist policies that are now driving the GOP. They are in Congress, with law degrees and business acumen.

Their unifying factors are power, control, hate of race/creed/color/caste & class ... to be applied appropriately to the "others". They will do any and everything to maintain that....facts & logic be damned.

Defending this administration and divisive, derisive, incompetent, corrupt, senile dipshit is the definition of stupid.