Why does the American right hate this country so much?

Yes, the sort of delusion you have that it was an "insurrection." I don't think there was an insurrection in all of recorded history that lasted 3-hours and was self-ending... But then again, the radical Left is good at, like Humpty Dumpty, making words mean things they never did before--or after.

Attempted insurrection. The definition fits.
No, insurrections arise from ongoing friction between the established government and political groups out of power. They don't spontaneously arise in a day. They also don't last 3 hours and then disappear.

The definition doesn't say that and it makes no mention of the length of time.
That they would attack the Capitol, the Bastion of Democracy to try to overturn a valid and certified election.

Why would they follow and worship an admitted dictator, a person who stole from a children's charity, committed business fraud and was found guilty of sexual assault?[/SIZE][/B]

Democrats attacking the Capitol are on 'the Right', Sock. There is no Democracy. The United States was organized as a federated republic. There was no election in 2020.
Republicans don't follow any dictator, such as Gov Newsom of the SDTC.

Trump committed no fraud and no sexual assault. There was never even a trial for those crimes.
The rightys get furious when you question them. They insult and name-call. The funny part is a few years ago they claimed they were super patriotic Americans. Now they want a dictator and the end of the American experiment. They delude themselves into believing they still care about America. It gives you the creeps when you see what they believe and what would happen to the country if Trump had his way.

You are describing yourself again, Sock. You cannot project YOUR problems on 'the right' or anybody else.
Okay, you've got a lot of dumb trolls here and around the country, but you've also got sane, "educated" folk here who will argue the validity of voting for the Orange Oaf and all the heinous MAGA/ Christo-fascist policies that are now driving the GOP. They are in Congress, with law degrees and business acumen.

Their unifying factors are power, control, hate of race/creed/color/caste & class ... to be applied appropriately to the "others". They will do any and everything to maintain that....facts & logic be damned.

You are describing Democrats again, Sock. You cannot project YOUR problems on anybody else.
No, insurrections arise from ongoing friction between the established government and political groups out of power. They don't spontaneously arise in a day. They also don't last 3 hours and then disappear.

Since when are you the last word on the definition of insurrection? It didn't spontaneously arise in a day. It was planned over weeks.
Steve Bannon said: "All hell is going to break loose tomorrow. Just understand this. All hell is going to break loose tomorrow. It's gonna be moving. It's gonna be quick."

And the reason it 'disappeared' was because Trump called off his goons. The more you try to defend J6, the more pathetic you look.
I doubt you really, truly believe what you're saying about J6. I suspect you're just parroting the right wing gaslighting narrative because you feel it's your right wing duty to do so. Pathetic.

America saw the insurrection videos. They saw the Capitol police being beaten and overrun by the rioters. They saw the rioters screaming "Hang Mike Pence". They saw all the Trump flags. They know what happened. They know Trump was responsible and there's nothing you can do or say to change that.

All you're gaslighting and whitewashing ain't worth a shit. But keep it up if you like wasting your time. You're a typical MAGA moron.