Why don't you Libtard/ Progressives/ Democrats just say it?

You're referring to racist Southern Democrats, not modern Conservatives, so yes, I want much more.
You keep dishonestly hiding behind that canard. Please, explain to me, what is the difference between southern conservative white democrats of the past and modern southern white republican conservatism now? There both entrenched in parochialism and identity politics. What is the difference?
You keep dishonestly hiding behind that canard. Please, explain to me, what is the difference between southern conservative white democrats of the past and modern conservatism now? There both entrenched in parochialism and identity politics.
Stop with the talking points Mott. I posted the position of the Conservative Party, and it has no relation to Southern Democrats at any time in history. I challenge you to prove otherwise.

It is the Democrat Party that your displeasure deserves, not Conservatives.
Pakistan was an example, duh.
and again you haven't explained your rational for choosing them. What makes Pakistan so different from the other nations with known terrorist activities (including the USA) that it would be ok for our government to violate my rights if I had a conversation with someone from this nation?

Nor did you answer my question that would not such reasoning extend to myself and my relationship with my wife who is not a US Citizen and who comes from a nation with known terrorist/terrorist activities?
Again, with regards to civil rights, you confuse 60's era Southern Democrats with modern Conservatives.

Please elaborate on your "Gay Americans ... right to free association" accusation.
and you have failed to explain the differences. What is the difference between white southern conservative democrats of the past and modern white southern conservative republicans today?
Stop with the talking points Mott. I posted the position of the Conservative Party, and it has no relation to Southern Democrats at any time in history. I challenge you to prove otherwise.

It is the Democrat Party that your displeasure deserves, not Conservatives.
What talking points? I'm asking you a question and a simple one at that. You should have no problems answering it. What is the difference between white southern conservative democrats or the past and modern white southern conservative republicans? What's so difficult about that?
1. Because its immoral.
2. Because its moral and historic.
3. Because every child deserves a normal life.
4. Some have, but its not a national position.
5. Against explicit sex education.
6. See item 4.
7. That wouldn't be necessary if queer marriage wasn't being forced on us.

1) According to whom?
2) Much of that is morality of a single religion. History is fine, but those same social conservatives agreed with Moore that no other display should be allowed.
3) A child being raised by a gay couple can have a normal life. But the social conservatives are working to guarantee that many children will spend their entire childhood in orphanages and group homes. How is that a normal childhood?
4) It is still the action of social conservatives.
5) Against sex education at all.
6) Again, it is still the action of social conservatives.
7) There is no need for the federal or state government to be involved in marriiage at all. YOu claim to want less gov't interference, but you don't want their interference removed when it supports your agenda. Funny how that sort of hypocrisy works.
and again you haven't explained your rational for choosing them. What makes Pakistan so different from the other nations with known terrorist activities (including the USA) that it would be ok for our government to violate my rights if I had a conversation with someone from this nation?

Nor did you answer my question that would not such reasoning extend to myself and my relationship with my wife who is not a US Citizen and who comes from a nation with known terrorist/terrorist activities?
I didn't choose that example Mott. Get a clue.
and you have failed to explain the differences. What is the difference between white southern conservative democrats of the past and modern white southern conservative republicans today?
The comparison is yours, solely. Therefore it is up to you to prove its validity, not me to disprove it. :pke:
1. The source of all morality: The Bible. Also see texts of the world’s other main religions.
2. Actually, it is two of the worlds major religions, as well as important historically relative to the court system. It is depicted on the frieze at the Supreme Court.
3. A child has the best chance for a normal life by growing up in a normal family. If unavailable, stable gay couples should then be considered.
4. Again, its not on any major conservative platform.
5. Ditto.
6. Ditto.
7. Again, there wouldn’t be if not for the attack on traditions by an extreme minority.
1. The source of all morality: The Bible. Also see texts of the world’s other main religions.
2. Actually, it is two of the worlds major religions, as well as important historically relative to the court system. It is depicted on the frieze at the Supreme Court.
3. A child has the best chance for a normal life by growing up in a normal family. If unavailable, stable gay couples should then be considered.
4. Again, its not on any major conservative platform.
5. Ditto.
6. Ditto.
7. Again, there wouldn’t be if not for the attack on traditions by an extreme minority.

1) The bible is not an acceptable source of the law - see the Bill of Rights. And many religions (and those who are not religious) accept homosexuality.

2) And it has nothing to do with the rest of the world's religions. Also, if you are going to bring up the frieze at the US Supreme Court, do remember that the frieze is only part of a larger display. The display in the Alabama courthouse lobby was the only display allowed.

3) Study after study after study has shown no difference between children raised by gay parents and children raised by straight parents.

4) It is still the actions of social conservatives. If you choose to blame all liberals for the acts of a few, you get to share the blame placed on all social conservatives. And it is not as if it is rare.

5) Ditto

6) Ditto

7) The fight to remove the gov't from marriage altogether is not limited to advocates of gay marriage. You are defending the practice out of fear. But the gov't has no business in the marriage arena.
which religion accepts homosexuality?
Buddhism. While there are proscriptions against those who are Priests or Monks it isn't against homosexuality specifically, just all sexual activity. If you are caught you get kicked out, if it is illegal you are turned in....
Buddhism. While there are proscriptions against those who are Priests or Monks it isn't against homosexuality specifically, just all sexual activity. If you are caught you get kicked out, if it is illegal you are turned in....

so it is against homosexual sex.
so it is against homosexual sex.
No. If you are not a Priest or Monk it doesn't care, and there it has nothing to do with what kind of sex... It would be against harmful sex, but not homosexual sex.

Say, if two men were in agreement and decided to do it like rabbits then it's cool so long as one is not trying to hurt the other... Cheating on each other would be anathema, having consensual sex not...
No. If you are not a Priest or Monk it doesn't care, and there it has nothing to do with what kind of sex... It would be against harmful sex, but not homosexual sex.

Say, if two men were in agreement and decided to do it like rabbits then it's cool so long as one is not trying to hurt the other... Cheating on each other would be anathema, having consensual sex not...
And according to your conservative brethren, your false religion should have no say. You are a minority, and as SouthernDictator has pointed out, minorities are not granted the rights that majorities don't want them to have (see same sex marriage). This is the true position of actual conservatives, rights are subject to the tyranny of the majority (see Madison) when it suits them. Conservatives, for whatever reason, believe that rights are subject to democratic majorities, and not really possessed by all people.
No. If you are not a Priest or Monk it doesn't care, and there it has nothing to do with what kind of sex... It would be against harmful sex, but not homosexual sex.

Say, if two men were in agreement and decided to do it like rabbits then it's cool so long as one is not trying to hurt the other... Cheating on each other would be anathema, having consensual sex not...

I doubt it...
And according to your conservative brethren, your false religion should have no say. You are a minority, and as SouthernDictator has pointed out, minorities are not granted the rights that majorities don't want them to have (see same sex marriage). This is the true position of actual conservatives, rights are subject to the tyranny of the majority (see Madison) when it suits them. Conservatives, for whatever reason, believe that rights are subject to democratic majorities, and not really possessed by all people.
Not all of them Soc. Far more people think like me than you believe.

Theravada Buddhism is most commonly found in Southeast Asia, and focuses on the original teachings of the Buddha. In Theravada Buddhism, there are two main ways of life: the life of the monk and the life of the lay person (i.e. ordinary person with a job, a family, a home, etc.)

Buddhist monks are expected to live lives of celibacy, meaning abstinance from any type of sex. There is no explicit rule prohibiting those with a homosexual orientation from monastic life. [1] However, in the Vinaya, the Buddha is recorded as opposing the ordination of those who openly expressed cross-gender features [2] or strong homosexual desires and actions [7]. The Buddhist sacred texts do contain a great deal of instances of loving relationships between unmarried men, which some believe to have homoerotic overtones. No sexual contact is mentioned in these instances, however. [1]

Lay Buddhists (those who live outside the monastery) are expected to adhere to Five Precepts, the third of which is a vow "not to engage in sexual misconduct." But what is sexual misconduct? Right and wrong behavior in Buddhism is generally determined by considerations such as the following:

* Universalibility principle - "How would I like it if someone did this to me?"
* Consequences - Does the act causes harm and regret (in oneself or others) or benefit and joy?
* Utilitarian principle - Will the act help or harm the attainment of goals (ultimately spiritual liberation)?
* Intention - Is the act motivated by love, generosity and understanding?

"Sexual misconduct" has thus traditionally been interpreted to include actions like coercive sex, sexual harassment, child molestation and adultery. As Homosexuality is not explicitly mentioned in any of the Buddha's sayings recorded in the Pali Canon (Tripitaka), most interpreters have taken this to mean that homosexuality should be evaluated in the same way as heterosexuality, in accordance with the above principles.

A Buddhist author of an article on homosexuality concludes:

In the case of the lay man and woman where there is mutual consent, where adultery is not involved and where the sexual act is an expression of love, respect, loyalty and warmth, it would not be breaking the third Precept. And it is the same when the two people are of the same gender. Likewise promiscuity, license and the disregard for the feelings of others would make a sexual act unskillful whether it be heterosexual or homosexual. All the principles we would use to evaluate a heterosexual relationship we would also use to evaluate a homosexual one. In Buddhism we could say that it is not the object of one's sexual desire that determines whether a sexual act is unskillful or not, but rather the quality of the emotions and intentions involved. [1]
"Sexual Misconduct ...

There are also occasions on which it is unsuitable to have intercourse even with your rightful companion. ...

3. It is unsuitable to have intercourse in an inappropriate orifice, such as engaging in the manner of animals.

Tsogyal, ... As before, the act of sexual misconduct is consummated by means of the four completing aspects, and again there are three types of results.

1. Through the result of ripening you will be reborn in the three lower realms. Even if you do take rebirth in the higher realms, you will have fights with your spouse and so forth.

2. The dominant result is that even in future lives your helpers, spouse, and so forth will be unresponsive and show various acts of ingrattitude.

3. The result corresponding to the cause is that your unwholesome habitual tendencies will cause you to take pleasure in sexual misconduct.

Tsogyal, if you give up these acts and refrain from engaging in them, you will obtain the opposites of their results, so abandoning them is of great importance. ..."

(Dakini Teachings, pp. 39-40)


Theravada Buddhism is most commonly found in Southeast Asia, and focuses on the original teachings of the Buddha. In Theravada Buddhism, there are two main ways of life: the life of the monk and the life of the lay person (i.e. ordinary person with a job, a family, a home, etc.)

Buddhist monks are expected to live lives of celibacy, meaning abstinance from any type of sex. There is no explicit rule prohibiting those with a homosexual orientation from monastic life. [1] However, in the Vinaya, the Buddha is recorded as opposing the ordination of those who openly expressed cross-gender features [2] or strong homosexual desires and actions [7]. The Buddhist sacred texts do contain a great deal of instances of loving relationships between unmarried men, which some believe to have homoerotic overtones. No sexual contact is mentioned in these instances, however. [1]

Lay Buddhists (those who live outside the monastery) are expected to adhere to Five Precepts, the third of which is a vow "not to engage in sexual misconduct." But what is sexual misconduct? Right and wrong behavior in Buddhism is generally determined by considerations such as the following:

* Universalibility principle - "How would I like it if someone did this to me?"
* Consequences - Does the act causes harm and regret (in oneself or others) or benefit and joy?
* Utilitarian principle - Will the act help or harm the attainment of goals (ultimately spiritual liberation)?
* Intention - Is the act motivated by love, generosity and understanding?

"Sexual misconduct" has thus traditionally been interpreted to include actions like coercive sex, sexual harassment, child molestation and adultery. As Homosexuality is not explicitly mentioned in any of the Buddha's sayings recorded in the Pali Canon (Tripitaka), most interpreters have taken this to mean that homosexuality should be evaluated in the same way as heterosexuality, in accordance with the above principles.

A Buddhist author of an article on homosexuality concludes:

In the case of the lay man and woman where there is mutual consent, where adultery is not involved and where the sexual act is an expression of love, respect, loyalty and warmth, it would not be breaking the third Precept. And it is the same when the two people are of the same gender. Likewise promiscuity, license and the disregard for the feelings of others would make a sexual act unskillful whether it be heterosexual or homosexual. All the principles we would use to evaluate a heterosexual relationship we would also use to evaluate a homosexual one. In Buddhism we could say that it is not the object of one's sexual desire that determines whether a sexual act is unskillful or not, but rather the quality of the emotions and intentions involved. [1]
Yes, a more detailed version of what I was saying.