Why has Walz been to China dozens of times

Link to a reputable mainstream news source.
so far I haven't seen any reputable news links posting any thing on this , as of right now all I see is all the right wingers making up BS LIES like Trump does and trying to keep repeating them enough times to make their stupid low IQ friends think it is actually true.
yes as they say if you keep telling a lie enough times people WILL start thinking it is true. and that is all they are doing.
Have a nice day

Rep. Jim Banks probes Tim Walz’s ‘obvious security risk’ in dozen trips to China while serving in National Guard​

and the MAGA and people on the right think it is perfectly ok for Trump to have had 12 so called Russian " Diplomats " in the W H without another American in the room let alone a Russian speaking American.
and Trump didn't have another American in the room when he met with Putin, again NOT a Russian speaking American any where around.
why aren't they asking just what secrets / TOP secret info Trump MAY have given them.
Just how many secrets could Walz have had compared to what Trump had.
and was Walz alone in a room with 12 Russian " Diplomats " ?
I think they should take a REAL GOOD look at what secrets TRUMP may have given away and not make up BS about Walz.
Have a nice day
and the MAGA and people on the right think it is perfectly ok for Trump to have had 12 so called Russian " Diplomats " in the W H without another American in the room let alone a Russian speaking American.
and Trump didn't have another American in the room when he met with Putin, again NOT a Russian speaking American any where around.
why aren't they asking just what secrets / TOP secret info Trump MAY have given them.
Just how many secrets could Walz have had compared to what Trump had.
and was Walz alone in a room with 12 Russian " Diplomats " ?
I think they should take a REAL GOOD look at what secrets TRUMP may have given away and not make up BS about Walz.
Have a nice day
so it is OKAY with you that Trump may have given those 12 Russians or Putin ALL KINDS of TOP SECRET info ?
info Walz wouldn't been even allowed to get near?
yes MAGAS making up BS and not giving a shit on how many TOP secrets Trump could have given away.
I will ask you lying right wing assholes how can YOU sit there and tell us FOR SURE and I mean FOR SURE Trump didn't give Putin or any of those 12 Russians any secrets let alone TOP SECRET info?
I haven't got an HONEST answer from a right winger YET.
AGAIN ask yourselves WHY didn't Trump ALLOW any other American let alone a RUSSIAN SPEAKING American in the room when he had these meetings?
did he know he was going to be giving or maybe SELLING secret info to Putin or these 12 Russians?
it looks pretty funny to me he didn't want or allow any other Americans in the room when he had these meetings.
again ask yourself just what was Trump up to?
Have a nice day
Finding out who paid for the trips is important to figuring this out. If it is the Chinese then he is part of a Chinese controlled implosion of America.
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and the MAGA and people on the right think it is perfectly ok for Trump to have had 12 so called Russian " Diplomats " in the W H without another American in the room let alone a Russian speaking American.
and Trump didn't have another American in the room when he met with Putin, again NOT a Russian speaking American any where around.
why aren't they asking just what secrets / TOP secret info Trump MAY have given them.
Just how many secrets could Walz have had compared to what Trump had.
and was Walz alone in a room with 12 Russian " Diplomats " ?
I think they should take a REAL GOOD look at what secrets TRUMP may have given away and not make up BS about Walz.
Have a nice day
Vols is a dumb hick who never served in the military, he knows nothing about the need or no need for clearances .
Vols is a dumb hick who never served in the military, he knows nothing about the need or no need for clearances .
there are a few on here that IMO have no idea what it takes to get even a confidential clearance let alone a top secret or higher one.
and a lot of them don't understand even if you have a top secret clearance you do NOT have access to all top secret info.
Everything is on a NEED TO KNOW basis.
I had a " eyes only " ( eyes only was the top of the list back in the 70s ) top secret clearance even that didn't give me access to some info, like what was in the massages I delivered to Kissinger when he was on our base.
take it to him let him read it if he was done with it the two messengers had to take it and burn it and make sure the ashes were so small nobody could ever in a million years put it back together.
I know about clearances and the top ones are not easy to get.
have a nice day
and one more thing I still have NOT got an answer to my question from anybody on the right yet.
and that was just how do they know FOR SURE , and I mean FOR SURE, Trump didn't give any of the 12 Russians he had in the W H or Putin
and of our secrets?
He did NOT have another American in the room let alone a Russian speaking American.
so He could have given them a lot and we will never know unless one of them comes forward and tells us what he gave them.
and the CIA / FBI and NSA have come out and said there has been a large increase in our deep cover agents being outed and some even killed and this is all AFTER these meetings.
did He give them info on how to find these people, we are now having a hard time getting people to work for us.
Have a nice day