Why has Walz been to China dozens of times

I know how he feels about Demmycrat intelligence....I feel the same way.......as to our agencies, how should we feel about the CIA who said Hunter's laptop wasn't Hunter's, the FBI who said Russian collusion wasn't sourced by Hilliary's campaign, the Secret Service who was in charge of security at Butler, PA..........
so it is 100% okay with you that TRUMP MAY have given the Russians some of our secrets that may have gotten some of our most deep cover agents outed and killed?
again we depend on these people for some of our most reliable intelligence on our enemies , and have for years.
and YOU are trying to derail from what I have asked you when you bring up this BS.
I will ask you AGAIN just how do we know Trump did NOT give those Russians or Putin some of our most secret secrets when he met with them?
YOU were NOT there and neither was ANY OTHER American , let alone a Russian speaking American.
Just how does Trump even know for SURE that these Russians were even telling the truth?
Come back and talk to me when YOU can give an HONEST answer to my simple questions and not try to derail from them
have a nice day
Who funded the trips for the students? What cabinet meetings?
The students who wanted Chinese experience on their resumes paid for the trips. You are suggesting some evil plot where there is none. The future cabinet meetings. Walz has valuable insights to present.
so it is 100% okay with you that TRUMP MAY have given the Russians some of our secrets that may have gotten some of our most deep cover agents outed and killed?
again we depend on these people for some of our most reliable intelligence on our enemies , and have for years.
and YOU are trying to derail from what I have asked you when you bring up this BS.
I will ask you AGAIN just how do we know Trump did NOT give those Russians or Putin some of our most secret secrets when he met with them?
YOU were NOT there and neither was ANY OTHER American , let alone a Russian speaking American.
Just how does Trump even know for SURE that these Russians were even telling the truth?
Come back and talk to me when YOU can give an HONEST answer to my simple questions and not try to derail from them
have a nice day
it is 100% okay with me that you lie nonstop about Trump.....I just hate to think anyone would be stupid enough to believe the shit you post......so I will just sit back and remind everyone that everything else you've claimed about him proved to be a lie......
it is 100% okay with me that you lie nonstop about Trump.....I just hate to think anyone would be stupid enough to believe the shit you post......so I will just sit back and remind everyone that everything else you've claimed about him proved to be a lie......
well that wasn't an answer to my question.
why can't you say there is no way to know for SURE Trump did not give them any secret info.
see just how easy that is.
stop trying to say Trump didn't give them any secret info FOR SURE , you don't know I don't know the ONLY ones that do know for SURE are Putin, the Russians and Trump and none of them are talking .
Have a nice night and have fun sucking on Trumps dick.
of course it is......my response is that you are lying when you pose your "fake video" question......did you think no one would notice?.....for fuck's sake, you're more obvious than Jarhead......
what are you smoking?
it has to be some really good shit.
what " fake video" ?
I posted the government copy of the " agreement " not any video.
sober up and come back tomorrow.
Have a nice day
of course it is......my response is that you are lying when you pose your "fake video" question......did you think no one would notice?.....for fuck's sake, you're more obvious than Jarhead......
and one more thing asshole I do not post MANY videos very often and I do not think I have posted any on this forum yet.
Have a nice day
what are you smoking?
it has to be some really good shit.
what " fake video" ?
I posted the government copy of the " agreement " not any video.
sober up and come back tomorrow.
Have a nice day
just drawing a parallel to your long history of lies......don't bother coming back tomorrow.....Jarhead doesn't like your efforts to challenge him for the title of JPP Troller in Chief.....
sad little demmycunt.......why can't you people ever admit the truth.....
LOL Look in the mirror and ask yourself the same question. because as of now YOU don't Know or want to know the TRUTH
YOU can't even listen to Trumps speeches and admit he has told you he wants to STOMP on Americans Constitutional rights. and YOU don't care. He has told you he wants to be Americas first Dictator / KING
he has come out and told you he DOES NOT give a SHIT about YOU or anybody else , he just wants your VOTE and your MONEY.
When are you assholes going to wake up to the FACT he is ONLY USING YOU .
Trump is ONLY out for TRUMP
Have a nice day
LOL Look in the mirror and ask yourself the same question. because as of now YOU don't Know or want to know the TRUTH
YOU can't even listen to Trumps speeches and admit he has told you he wants to STOMP on Americans Constitutional rights. and YOU don't care. He has told you he wants to be Americas first Dictator / KING
he has come out and told you he DOES NOT give a SHIT about YOU or anybody else , he just wants your VOTE and your MONEY.
When are you assholes going to wake up to the FACT he is ONLY USING YOU .
Trump is ONLY out for TRUMP
Have a nice day
lies upon lies........fakes to left of us, fakes to the right of us.......nothing but fakes.....
service members are always ordered to report on such trips...DID HE?
Walz was called up to active service a few times while in the National Guard, but during those times was too busy to go to China. We know he went 30 times, because he reported the trips.

National Guardsmen have private jobs, which often entail international trips. That is not considered a big deal.

I’ve done the deep dive on Walz, he 100% fits the classic signature of a communist Chinese spy. He was recruited in college by one of their known front groups only to then spend all of his extra time in China and then go on to recruit more westerners to the communists Chinese. Then you have him promoting socialism and communism, standing down for four days while Minnesota burned, and his wife saying she loves the smell of burning tires and rioting. There’s are 100s of other data points that conclusively show, Walz is a hard core spy working for China against America. If they can steal this election Walz will fit right in because at least half of the Democrats in Congress are openly on the Chinese communist payroll.


I have been saying for a couple years that it looks like the Chinese are conducting a controlled implosion of America.