Why is America SO Great?

Why is she so great? Why is America the world's largest and most powerful nation ever known to mankind? Why do millions upon millions envy what we have and want to come here? How did America get to be so great in a relatively short period of time, as nations go? Why are We The Undisputed #1?

Certainly, there have been nations to stand the test of time longer than we have, so why didn't they become as powerful and great as America? There have even been democracies similar to ours before, and they never had the level of success we've enjoyed. So, what is it about America? What is so special, that our nation rises above all others in just a couple hundred years?

It can't be chance, there has to be some rational explanation for such a feat. Many empires have aspired to our greatness, and none have ever achieved the level we have. America is the Michael Jordan and Muhammad Ali of Superpowers, no one can touch us. WHY????

Here is my explanation. We are endowed inalienable rights of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, by our Creator. This detail is more significant than it appears, and it makes our nation unique in the annals of world powers. Oh, I can already hear some atheistic pinhead screaming and moaning about us not being a theocracy, but I have not mentioned religious belief. This fundamentally has nothing to do with an organized religion, so it can't be theocracy.

"Our Creator" is representative of what we believe in as individuals. Whatever entity or force we believe is greater than ourselves. For some, it is obviously God Almighty, for others it may be nature or 'inner-self' or 'conscience awareness' or whatever. Maybe it's Alien Life Forms for some? Maybe it's Allah or Buddha, or Jehovah, but it doesn't have to be any of them, it can just be your own personal "Jesus", it doesn't have to be religious. Even if you want to choose not to believe in anything, you are certainly entitled to disbelieve in what endowed your rights. Your right to have that belief is protected as well.

It is this feature of our national declaring of independent freedom, which empowers 'the people' to control their destiny, not a government, figurehead or king. I think this is the key to why we are the greatest of all time. We have a foundation based on universal understanding of where man obtains his rights, without encroaching on the freedom of religious belief.
Because Cawacko has a 12 inch cock and all the ladies on Want Cawacko Board love his Johnson.

Hey Dixie, start the bidding bra.
America isn't great.


we in the decline mode - we were the new rome - like other cities

i think it will be china's turn next - but they have many internal problems to solve first

we have the mightiest sea and air forces but china has the mightiest land force and is working on its navy and air forces

but more than anything else, they have a growing and strong economy but both china and the us of a have clouds on their horizons and that is the cost of energy

i suspect that the demand for and cost of energy will eventually bring on a world wide depression

we in the decline mode - we were the new rome - like other cities

i think it will be china's turn next - but they have many internal problems to solve first

we have the mightiest sea and air forces but china has the mightiest land force and is working on its navy and air forces

but more than anything else, they have a growing and strong economy but both china and the us of a have clouds on their horizons and that is the cost of energy

i suspect that the demand for and cost of energy will eventually bring on a world wide depression

It's inevitable that China as a country is going to become the most powerful in the world. I can see their total economy becoming larger than our in the next 10-20 years.

America will still have the most powerful military for a long time.
It's inevitable that China as a country is going to become the most powerful in the world. I can see their total economy becoming larger than our in the next 10-20 years.

America will still have the most powerful military for a long time.


likely, but it depends on how much china invests in stealing our military secrets and wants to invest in their military

mostly likely scenario is that they will have to re-invest in consumer goods and find ways to mollify the over 20 million young adult males that can not find wives - it is this portion of the population that poses the greatest threat to internal security

likely, but it depends on how much china invests in stealing our military secrets and wants to invest in their military

mostly likely scenario is that they will have to re-invest in consumer goods and find ways to mollify the over 20 million young adult males that can not find wives - it is this portion of the population that poses the greatest threat to internal security


More than half of Ameircan men are unmarried, Don. Actually, Mississippi has a greater sex imbalance than China.

China generally says they put 70 billion a year into military, our government says it's twice that, but regardless, we are definitely spending a lot more. Then again, in a total war between them and us, they'd have a ridiculous amount of manpower and a lot of people to put to work making weapons.
Because Cawacko has a 12 inch cock and all the ladies on Want Cawacko Board love his Johnson.

Hey Dixie, start the bidding bra.

Cawacko gets smashed and breaks out into some Chuck Berry!

Oh my ding a ling, Everybody sing
I wanna play with my ding a ling a ling
My ding a ling, my ding a ling
I wanna play with my ding a ling a ling
It's inevitable that China as a country is going to become the most powerful in the world. I can see their total economy becoming larger than our in the next 10-20 years.

America will still have the most powerful military for a long time.

Nothing is inevitable. If we just simply stopped buying their goods we could stop them, despite what the gobalists tell us.
Oh and we can get off chinese goods. We have built all this shit before, we can redevelop capacity for production and we should. The initial high prices will be the driving force the second industrial buildout for the New American Century.
I think the vast untapped resources we took from the native Indians might have something to do with our rise to power.
"ever known to mankind"...?

You have such a weird way of writing. What's the standard for comparison on that one, compared to the Roman or British empires, ancient Egypt, Greece, etc.?

We've actually had a pretty short run as the lone superpower in the world, and Bush has shortened our time in that position considerably. Beyond that, we're falling behind the world in areas like education, medical research & environmental consciousness.

You're really weird...
Nothing is inevitable. If we just simply stopped buying their goods we could stop them, despite what the gobalists tell us.

We could stop them from becoming the biggest nation on Earth?

Idiotic, Asshat. Everything in the goddamn world doesn't hinge on whether or not America byes your goods. And it would be unfair to the Chinese people to force them back into poverty, you goddamn moron.

What do you want? Do you want CHina to be a place that farms rice forever, you fucking dickwad? China is modernizing. They're growing. In 50 years, they're per capita will probably be on our level. They're total economy will have surpassed ours a long time before that.

What's your "solution", asshat? Nuclear warfare? Because not buying goods and penalizing the Chinese citizens is a dumb fucking answer, you simple minded fool.
Oh and we can get off chinese goods. We have built all this shit before, we can redevelop capacity for production and we should. The initial high prices will be the driving force the second industrial buildout for the New American Century.

And so America is thrown back into the 1800's, while the rest of the world modernizes.
We could stop them from becoming the biggest nation on Earth?

Idiotic, Asshat. Everything in the goddamn world doesn't hinge on whether or not America byes your goods. And it would be unfair to the Chinese people to force them back into poverty, you goddamn moron.

What do you want? Do you want CHina to be a place that farms rice forever, you fucking dickwad? China is modernizing. They're growing. In 50 years, they're per capita will probably be on our level. They're total economy will have surpassed ours a long time before that.

What's your "solution", asshat? Nuclear warfare? Because not buying goods and penalizing the Chinese citizens is a dumb fucking answer, you simple minded fool.

Overthrow the tyranny of their government instead of joining with them in a fascistic collusion which is also a disservice to the american people. Colluding with fascists and becoming fascist totalitarians is not the answer either. I know that. I don't claim to have all the answers. But I can recognize danger, and your free market zealotry is just a perverse argument over fascistic totalitarianism. Good day to you, retardation station.
America is great, maybe not still the greatest, depending on how you measure, but we got great because we left the conventions of the last great (Europe) behind. THose who emmigrated were unshackled from an old way of doing things. They were free to "move up" in a society that did not yet have a structure that held the poor into there positions.

Mostly who moved here were the unwanted and the criminal. They had a spirit fronteerism and building a great nation. Too many now are fat froming having inherited that power and wealth, because our nation has codified the process of leaving power and wealth to generations who did not earn it... that spirit of fronteerism is no longer rewarded like it once was.

A hard working ruggid individual is much more likely to become rich from what he inherits and not from what he earns.... (Donald Trump is a prime example) The myth is still alive, but the reality is rare.

Trump is a great example... most belive he earned his power and wealth... Achually he inherited more than he has!