Why is America SO Great?

"ever known to mankind"...?

You have such a weird way of writing. What's the standard for comparison on that one, compared to the Roman or British empires, ancient Egypt, Greece, etc.?

We've actually had a pretty short run as the lone superpower in the world, and Bush has shortened our time in that position considerably. Beyond that, we're falling behind the world in areas like education, medical research & environmental consciousness.

You're really weird...

It may seem weird to you, but it is factual, which is probably why you find it weird, you aren't used to reading facts. The standard for comparisson is military strength, technology, contribution to mankind. Compare us to any empire in history, we are head and shoulders above all others.

Yes, we achieved lone superpower status in a relatively short time, but we are the greatest of all time. You mention a few areas you claim we are behind the world in, but is there any doubt we couldn't lead the world in these too, if we wanted to? Certainly we could, because we have something no other nation has ever had, our rights are endowed by our Creator, not a man, not a piece of paper, not a government or ideology.
"It may seem weird to you, but it is factual, which is probably why you find it weird, you aren't used to reading facts. The standard for comparisson is military strength, technology, contribution to mankind. Compare us to any empire in history, we are head and shoulders above all others. "

That's one of your 'broad side of a barn' generalizations. How can you compare us yet to such long-standing empires as the Roman & British? No one could touch the Romans for well over 500 years, and the advancements they made in science, technology, the arts & other areas are almost impossible to compare to our own contributions in a much shorter window of time.

If we could lead the world in education "if we wanted to," why don't we? Why isn't that one of our top priorities as a nation?

Priorities also contribute to greatness. If we could be #1 in education but choose not to, that's a notch down the ol' "greatness" yardstick, imo.

Frankly, and this isn't news, you sound like a real idiot on this one.
America is great, maybe not still the greatest, depending on how you measure, but we got great because we left the conventions of the last great (Europe) behind. THose who emmigrated were unshackled from an old way of doing things. They were free to "move up" in a society that did not yet have a structure that held the poor into there positions.

Mostly who moved here were the unwanted and the criminal. They had a spirit fronteerism and building a great nation. Too many now are fat froming having inherited that power and wealth, because our nation has codified the process of leaving power and wealth to generations who did not earn it... that spirit of fronteerism is no longer rewarded like it once was.

A hard working ruggid individual is much more likely to become rich from what he inherits and not from what he earns.... (Donald Trump is a prime example) The myth is still alive, but the reality is rare.

Trump is a great example... most belive he earned his power and wealth... Achually he inherited more than he has!

That's not true about Trump. He inherited mutliple millions. He is worth multiple billions.
I think the vast untapped resources we took from the native Indians might have something to do with our rise to power.

Oh really? We are the only nation ever to exploit the resources of whoever was there before? I think history is full of these instances, no need to list them all here, but needless to say, that isn't it. If this were the case, the Soviets would certainly still be a superpower.

Other empires have taken resources from their predecessors, boundless resources as a matter of fact, but they have long since fallen, if they managed to make it to the top to begin with, some couldn't do it even WITH the bountiful resources they captured. No, there is something much more fundamental and strong than simply capturing resources.

I can't believe how many of you Pinheads either don't believe we are the world's greatest superpower ever in the history of mankind, or think it is a fluke or we are at the end of our run. Anything but admit that it is because of what I said, the endowment of our rights by our Creator. It illustrates the danger present in today's society, where Atheist views have blinded you to what makes us great, and in fact, prompts you to try and destroy it on a daily basis.

This is a shocker to some of you, I know, but I did not post this to persuade you or change your minds. Those of you who are self-professed Atheists, are not going to accept what I've said, and I can understand that, I don't care if you do. I posted it for those who may be inclined to listen to your anti-religious, anti-christian attacks, and might think you made some valid points. People who are indifferent, and subject to be swayed by your arguments against our founding principles. It's important to keep this in perspective, and remind people that we are endowed our rights by our Creator, despite your attempts to construct a mythical 'wall of separation' around this concept. It is the single most important attribute of who we are and why we have become so great.
"I can't believe how many of you Pinheads either don't believe we are the world's greatest superpower ever in the history of mankind, or think it is a fluke or we are at the end of our run"

Are those the only choices in Dixieland?
How can you compare us yet to such long-standing empires as the Roman & British?

Well, simple... who developed the atomic bomb? who put a man on the moon? Impossible feats before we came along and did it for the first time. No other empire in he history of man has accomplished so much. If you read my initial post, I clearly pointed out, there have been longer-standing empires, the British Empire is a good example, they have us beat by thousands of years, but why are they not the world's lone superpower? The Romans, in their day, were powerful, and held the vast majority of the resources in the known world, why did they not endure? Hitler and Japan had nearly unstoppable military forces, why didn't they prevail? There have certainly been other contenders, but only America has been able to do what has been done. Why? What fundamental reason can explain such exceptionalism? I think it lies in the simple fact that we obtain our rights and freedoms from our Creator, not some other entity.
Well, simple... who developed the atomic bomb? who put a man on the moon? Impossible feats before we came along and did it for the first time. No other empire in he history of man has accomplished so much. If you read my initial post, I clearly pointed out, there have been longer-standing empires, the British Empire is a good example, they have us beat by thousands of years, but why are they not the world's lone superpower? The Romans, in their day, were powerful, and held the vast majority of the resources in the known world, why did they not endure? Hitler and Japan had nearly unstoppable military forces, why didn't they prevail? There have certainly been other contenders, but only America has been able to do what has been done. Why? What fundamental reason can explain such exceptionalism? I think it lies in the simple fact that we obtain our rights and freedoms from our Creator, not some other entity.

Man, you are so simplistic. You have to put accomplishments in context of the times. And it's kind of silly to ask "why didn't they endure" and say "only America can do what has been done," when we have been a superpower a fraction of the time as some of the ones you mentioned. We haven't withstood the test of time, and frankly, I doubt we will, because we're already losing ground.

You remind me of the rubes who say "we're the greatest country in the world," but haven't stepped a foot outside of our borders.
Man, you are so simplistic. You have to put accomplishments in context of the times. And it's kind of silly to ask "why didn't they endure" and say "only America can do what has been done," when we have been a superpower a fraction of the time as some of the ones you mentioned. We haven't withstood the test of time, and frankly, I doubt we will, because we're already losing ground.

You remind me of the rubes who say "we're the greatest country in the world," but haven't stepped a foot outside of our borders.

Au contraire. Remember, Dixie did some top secret work for the pentagon, and was in the Green zone, and dodging road side bombs in Iraq.
If we could lead the world in education "if we wanted to," why don't we? Why isn't that one of our top priorities as a nation?

Priorities also contribute to greatness. If we could be #1 in education but choose not to, that's a notch down the ol' "greatness" yardstick, imo.

Well, the reason we don't lead the world in education is because we allowed pinheads to infiltrate education. Instead of believing in the power of a people endowed by their creator to build the best educational system ever known to mankind, we allowed liberal idiots to let a government build education. In short, we failed to follow our founding principles, and in the past 40 years, we've literally gone out of the way to remove this principle from our schools in every way.

Furthermore, any attempt in recent times to return our education system to the people endowed by our creator, is met with vehement resistence from pinheads like yourself, who still believes we are given freedom by the government.
The soviets developed a nuclear bomb too. They also put people in space, etc. It took them longer, but not by much.
Another thing that made America great was compulsary universal education funded by the government.
Man, you are so simplistic. You have to put accomplishments in context of the times. And it's kind of silly to ask "why didn't they endure" and say "only America can do what has been done," when we have been a superpower a fraction of the time as some of the ones you mentioned. We haven't withstood the test of time, and frankly, I doubt we will, because we're already losing ground.

You remind me of the rubes who say "we're the greatest country in the world," but haven't stepped a foot outside of our borders.

It has been a fraction of the time, hasn't it? Why do you suppose that is? How did we luck out and create such a great power in such a short time? And not just a "great" power, but the greatest power ever known to man! Aside from a brief period in the 60~80's, no other nation has even come close to matching us in the past 100 years. While we've maintained this status, we have also practically saved the world from itself twice and no telling how many nations we've bailed out of financial trouble, given our resources to, or liberated because they couldn't do it themselves. Yet, we still have idiots like Waterhead muttering silly shit like "America isn't great" and you making some stupid point about those who've never travelled outside the borders. Do you people just not understand our greatness, or the scope and magnitude of it?

I've given you examples of it, military might, technologies, medicine, science, space exploration, and the general ingenuity to solve whatever problems we have ever set our minds to. All you can do is point to areas we haven't excelled in as well as other nations, but the argument wasn't that America is Perfect. We do have our flaws and faults, but most of them relate to Pinheads like yourself, who don't understand what makes America great, and who aren't willing to believe we are the greatest power ever known to man.
I'm starting to think this is a put-on. It sounds too dumbed-down, even for Dixie.

It's along the lines of those sarcastic "isn't liberalism great!" posts; it's gotta be.