Why is FBI searching without a warrant?

Where my dear do you find any indication that this President is under federal investigation?
Are you on drugs????

Garland appoints special counsel to investigate Biden docs

Attorney General Merrick Garland on Thursday appointed a special counsel to investigate the presence of classified documents found at President Joe Biden’s home in Wilmington, Delaware, and at an unsecured office in Washington dating from his time as vice president.
One of my favorite things is that righties never even dispute that Trump is a pathological liar anymore. They're left with "well, they all lie!"
This is so much worse than Trump. This fool left classified documents everywhere around his house for anyone to find, obtain, photograph, copy...

This family is a walking threat to National Security.

All the Trump docs, were locked in a secure location. In this case, they were in some random desk drawer, some random box in the garage and who knows where else.
This is so much worse than Trump. This fool left classified documents everywhere around his house for anyone to find, obtain, photograph, copy...

This family is a walking threat to National Security.

When people use the term "double standard" - this is exactly what they're talking about.
Why hasn't Archives been wondering what happened to all these documents dating back to Joe's enate days ?

Pretty slip shod record keeping.

Not only did Trump lie, but that simply does not work. There is a process for classification that has to be followed. This was Trump spitballing for an excuse for stealing a truckload of classified documents. It is the best he, at his level of intelligence, could come up with. You can probably figure out that declassifying affects other people in the government, can't you? The docs that they use are suddenly open for all to see. If you give them away or sell them. it is now fine. It is simply a stupid idea that Trump settled on and it does not work.
Why hasn't Archives been wondering what happened to all these documents dating back to Joe's enate days ?

Pretty slip shod record keeping.

Because there are levels of classification. The government has always been chastised for overclassification. It just seems like a safer thing to do. Biden's docs sat around for years. They were obviously not important. Biden can be hit for a very minor charge. It is regulation-level error. Trump was stealing a truckload and lied to the FBI repeatedly trying to keep them. Trump was caught in the act of a major crime.
Biden's lawyers did a search for documents and turned over the ones they found. It the FBI wants to search, Biden will go along. He is not hiding anything. He did not know they were there.
While the FBI is largely accepted to be a Fucking Bunch of Idiots,
this nation is bursting with people who make them look like Aristotle and Einstein rolled into one.
Despite the headline, he didn’t actually say it. He claimed the act of sending it to Mar a Lago declassified it, untrue!

Using that logic, Biden can claim he declassified his documents before he sent them to Delaware.
The VP can't declassify documents that he didn't originally classify, the President can. Those Classified documents in Biden's possession were transferred there when he was VP not when he was pResident.