why is it only the nutcase Rs post anymore?

and what then do you do with the elderly poor with no place to live and nothing to eat?

here's a thought.....instead of taking tax money and using it to replace the SS fund which is missing we could use the tax money to provide people in need with what they need......
I've either proven it or failed....depending on your perspective.....you can't say I haven't tried....

apparently desh and Howie seem to agree with you....that should trigger warning alarms in your mind if they haven't gone off already.....

Is what they say any more stupid and vitriolic than what 007 or ILA or even yourself at times say? No.....it's just that YOU don't like it when it's pointed in your direction.
Is what they say any more stupid and vitriolic than what 007 or ILA or even yourself at times say? No.....it's just that YOU don't like it when it's pointed in your direction.

well yes, actually.....if it wasn't for the fact you don't care what other people say you would have seen some of it.....and amusingly, tekky thanked your post even though she's been seen to "thank" things they said that were more stupid and vitriolic than what 007 or ILA or certainly even myself at times say.....
well yes, actually.....if it wasn't for the fact you don't care what other people say you would have seen some of it.....and amusingly, tekky thanked your post even though she's been seen to "thank" things they said that were more stupid and vitriolic than what 007 or ILA or certainly even myself at times say.....

I've seen it...believe me....But as long as there are ILA's, PMP's and 007's out there...an equally opposing force is certainly allowable.

Plus...the only reason their vitriol is "worse" than you and yours is.....is because it's pointed at your ideology.
I've seen it...believe me....But as long as there are ILA's, PMP's and 007's out there...an equally opposing force is certainly allowable.

don't you know that's precisely why we're here?......../grins......shucks....when I got here people actually thought Mott was smart.....
Social security should be phased out. Wrong from the get go, got worse over time.

Military benefits should be cost of government.

Phasing out SS is going to take walking a fine line for quite a while, however.

People like me who have been paying into SS our entire life deserve to have our "investment" repaid to us as per the contract we have with DC.

If the Government owes benefits to retired military personnel as a way of saying thanks for their service, then they owe me and everyone else who have paid into SS for our financial assistance.
If the “elderly poor” had any fucking brains when they were the “young and able,” they wouldn’t have thought a fucking government program was worth a fuck as being their retirement program and they’d have saved and invested for their own fucking retirement like I did.

Furthermore the Constitution does not authorize the federal government to operate a retirement plan that kind of authority IS RESERVED TO THE STATES OR THE PEOPLE. States can if they choose operate social safety-net programs, the Constitution forbids the federal government from doing so.

Furthermore the first responsibility for the poor is the family not the fucking federal government. The duty of the federal government is to keep us from killing each other, keep the States from going to war with each other and keeping us all safe from foreign invaders.

Okay...another nice little rant filled with absolutely no solutions to the question asked.

Now that you've gotten that out of your system, what do you think should be done with the elderly who have nothing to eat and no place live.
Phasing out SS is going to take walking a fine line for quite a while, however.

People like me who have been paying into SS our entire life deserve to have our "investment" repaid to us as per the contract we have with DC.

If the Government owes benefits to retired military personnel as a way of saying thanks for their service, then they owe me and everyone else who have paid into SS for our financial assistance.

How old are ya Zap?
What the fuck is wrong with this country when our greatest generation is maligned to this extent? Then we have snot nosed trolls like Grind wishing death upon the baby boomers, which by inclusion means his own parents. Then we have senile fuckers like Classic Liberal who draw Ss and Medicare declaring poor ppl don't deserve it???

It's all part of the overarching Rightie mantra:

"I got mine...the rest of you can go F*CK yourselves".
Hey...I'm just sayin'....you'd think that a prophet like yourself would be.more God-like. Or is it "Do as I say, not as I do" with you?

you haven't read much about the OT prophets have you......they had this tendency to walk up to a king and say things that had him send entire armies after them......
Isaiah 41
21 “Present your case,” says the Lord.
“Set forth your arguments,” says Jacob’s King.
22 “Tell us, you idols,
what is going to happen.
Tell us what the former things were,
so that we may consider them
and know their final outcome.
Or declare to us the things to come,
23 tell us what the future holds,
so we may know that you are gods.
Do something, whether good or bad,
so that we will be dismayed and filled with fear.
24 But you are less than nothing
and your works are utterly worthless;
whoever chooses you is detestable.
Social security should be phased out. Wrong from the get go, got worse over time.

Military benefits should be cost of government.

I think we should cancel the social security and medicare of the parents and grandparents (and folks like Classic Liberal who actually get them) and require their children to pay the bills.

After all, they paid their bills when they were raising them.
I think we should cancel the social security and medicare of the parents and grandparents (and folks like Classic Liberal who actually get them) and require their children to pay the bills.

After all, they paid their bills when they were raising them.

Unfortunately, people like CL would toss their parents under a bus rather than take care of them.
Isaiah 41
21 “Present your case,” says the Lord.
“Set forth your arguments,” says Jacob’s King.
22 “Tell us, you idols,
what is going to happen.
Tell us what the former things were,
so that we may consider them
and know their final outcome.
Or declare to us the things to come,
23 tell us what the future holds,
so we may know that you are gods.
Do something, whether good or bad,
so that we will be dismayed and filled with fear.
24 But you are less than nothing
and your works are utterly worthless;
whoever chooses you is detestable.

Sounds like your false God of money and power. You should consider changing the spelling of your name to PostmodernPROFIT.