Why is the media lying about the Georgian conflict?

And I don't think they do care Desh. I think Americans are a war-weary people - except for the hard-core republican base of course, never enough for them. But do Independents, swing voters, and moderate republicans even, want a fucking shooting war, or the threat of one, with Russia? I don't think so. I think you are going to see this backfire on McCain, so let him hardline all he wants. A hardon is surely out of the question, I guess he's got to have something.
And I don't think they do care Desh. I think Americans are a war-weary people - except for the hard-core republican base of course, never enough for them. But do Independents, swing voters, and moderate republicans even, want a fucking shooting war, or the threat of one, with Russia? I don't think so. I think you are going to see this backfire on McCain, so let him hardline all he wants. A hardon is surely out of the question, I guess he's got to have something.

How did this turn into an issue about McCain when she's claiming sky video made a mistake?
I understand but I think that Tiana's point is, wtf should Americans care enough about this to like McCain's "hardline" stand on it, when they don't give two shits about Darfur and places like it?

Because the neo cons are scewing this to garner votes.

They are doing a number on us again.
How did this turn into an issue about McCain when she's claiming sky video made a mistake?

"We have to care.

The cons are using it to bolster the republican hard line stance."

And please don't tell me you haven't "noticed" McCain hardlining this bullshit. In case you haven't "noticed" the McCain camp has been riding this like it was a thousand dollar a night whore, and they wAnt to make sure they get their money's worth.
"We have to care.

The cons are using it to bolster the republican hard line stance."

And please don't tell me you haven't "noticed" McCain hardlining this bullshit. In case you haven't "noticed" the McCain camp has been riding this like it was a thousand dollar a night whore, and they wAnt to make sure they get their money's worth.

Talking about McCain is fine but I'm just asking why not start off the conversation with that? It's a video of Sky TV who supposedly made a mistake.
We have to care because we are being lied to.

We can no longer stand by and shrug when they lie, people always end up dead because of it.

We stand more to lose in getting involved in this than we stand to gain. Bottom line, we need step back and stop policing the world.

If you are correct and there is some conspiracy its only being fueled by our constant need to intervene in countries that we shouldn't. Maybe if we stopped interfering invested parties wouldn't feel to need to lie to us by manipulating news. If we shrugged at everything they more than likely wouldn't bother.
Because the neo cons are scewing this to garner votes.

They are doing a number on us again.

So what? The 30% that still support Bush will blindly support McCain too and believe me, even if it is found out that there was conspiracy with the video footage, it won't budge their votes or their stupidity.

When I started this thread, I was really questioning whether or not I should care about the conflict.

I've talked myself into a, "whatever I don't give a rats a$$"
More outlets than sky used the video just this way.

The facts are that the Russians went in to stop Georgian from bombing and sniping the speratists.

They were then labeled the aggressors with bullshit like this.

The same assholes who gave you lies to go to Iraq are behind this crap.
More outlets than sky used the video just this way.

The facts are that the Russians went in to stop Georgian from bombing and sniping the speratists.

They were then labeled the aggressors with bullshit like this.

The same assholes who gave you lies to go to Iraq are behind this crap.

who's going to attach who here Desh?
A point you may have missed is that its a fact that Georgia bombed Tskhinvali and then the media showed pictures of Tskhinvali destruction and said it was the Russians bombing Gori.
I will say that I do think much of this is true, but I hope that the left will keep in mind, that regardless…Russia acted disproportionately. In fact, it reminds me very much of how Israel reacts to say, Lebanon. It is wrong. Let’s not be like the right wing, who reacts with “huh? Who? Where am i?” when confronted with the fact that Russia’s disproportionate response is very similar to Israels’ past responses. It’s wrong, no matter who does it, and that is something that the right will never acknowledge because they are whores. Don’t ever be like them.
Fox gave an interview of an American twelve year old girl who was in Tiskhinvali at the time of the bombing and to their surprize she praised the Russians for saving her life.
Fox gave an interview of an American twelve year old girl who was in Tiskhinvali at the time of the bombing and to their surprize she praised the Russians for saving her life.

And you can find Iraqi children who will praise an American soldier for saving their life. Doesn’t change the fact that we murdered hundreds of thousands based on lies.

Russia killed a couple of thousand civilians Desh. They were wrong, as dead wrong as Israel often is when responding to provocative actions. Desh, you are too quick to fall into the “you bad me good” meme. Two people can be assholes. Just because the Georgian president did wrong, and he did, doesn’t mean Putin did right. Why do you have to make it that way? I try to understand because you do it a lot.
And you can find Iraqi children who will praise an American soldier for saving their life. Doesn’t change the fact that we murdered hundreds of thousands based on lies.

Russia killed a couple of thousand civilians Desh. They were wrong, as dead wrong as Israel often is when responding to provocative actions. Desh, you are too quick to fall into the “you bad me good” meme. Two people can be assholes. Just because the Georgian president did wrong, and he did, doesn’t mean Putin did right. Why do you have to make it that way? I try to understand because you do it a lot.

Good post.
And you can find Iraqi children who will praise an American soldier for saving their life. Doesn’t change the fact that we murdered hundreds of thousands based on lies.

Russia killed a couple of thousand civilians Desh. They were wrong, as dead wrong as Israel often is when responding to provocative actions. Desh, you are too quick to fall into the “you bad me good” meme. Two people can be assholes. Just because the Georgian president did wrong, and he did, doesn’t mean Putin did right. Why do you have to make it that way? I try to understand because you do it a lot.

I am by no means a Putin fan Darla. I just get very upset when the media LIES to me.

Why did they label as live footage of Gori being destroyed two day old tape of Georgia bombing the seperatists in Tskhinvali.

BTW it was Georgia who bombed anything first. They killed hundereds possibly thousands in Tskhinvali. Fact.

read more and you will learn the truth

Local Eastern Europeans see both sides in Georgia conflict
By Robert Morris - rmorris@thesunnews.com
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Gallery: The Battle for South Ossetia

Whether they have lived here for years or are only serving fast food for the summer, Russians and Eastern Europeans across the Grand Strand have been scouring the Internet this week for accounts about the recent conflict in Georgia.

In the media from their native countries, they read accounts about the fighting that may surprise many Americans: The South Carolina-sized republic of Georgia, emboldened by its growing ties with the United States and Western Europe, suddenly attacked an increasingly independent separatist region within its own borders.

Innocent civilians, including Russian citizens, were killed by the Georgian bombs, those Russian accounts say, and Russia was forced to send troops in to stop the violence.

"We were shocked, because in the American news they said Russia started the war with Georgia," said Valeriya Binyuk, a 21-year-old economics student working at Mad Myrtle's Ice Creamery for the summer. "Georgia started the war. I think Russia was just protecting its citizens."

In the American media, a completely different story has developed: Using the first excuse it could find, Russia invaded Georgia to reassert its faded glory since the fall of the Soviet Union. Commentators speculate that Moscow is punishing the former Soviet state for aligning itself with the West and trying to push so far into Georgia's interior that the ensuing fear will undermine support for the country's anti-Russian president.

Ultimately, elements of each side's story are likely to prove true and blame for the conflict will fall on both countries, say experts and some locals.

Either way, this week's fighting - and the widely disparate media accounts of it in both countries - may mark a significantly negative shift in U.S.-Russia relations.

"In a way, we've left one period of post-Soviet history and entered another," said Bill Richardson, dean of Coastal Carolina University's humanities college and an expert in Russian politics. "The Russian state is just more powerful, and we're moving back to a period of tension between Russia and the U.S."

Three-way combat

The five days of fighting in Georgia centered on two regions, Abkhazia and South Ossetia, which for more than a decade have both had limited and uneasy independence from the rest of Georgia. The two areas have significant numbers of Russian citizens.
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