Why is there something rather than nothing?

Wait, you actually didn't know the origin, history and chemical composition of the atmosphere is an interesting scientific question that has been extensively studied for a century? :laugh:
There is no theory of science for the existence of a thing. Science isn't a 'study' or a 'research'. Age has NO bearing on any theory of science. You are still denying science. You are also denying logic.
^^ Doesn't know that there are very specific scientific reasons for the air in Earth's atmosphere.
Too funny. Next you'll be telling JPP that there are very specific scientific reasons that there is precipitation when it rains.
^^ Believes he is capable of deeply original and visionary insights into science, philosophy, religion.

CLICK HERE to see how IBDumbass fantasizes that he has deeply original, profound insights about science and religion, but he is actually just plagiarizing insights that other people have already had for many years

CLICK HERE To See Why IBDumbass Doesn't Post in Good Faith - He hounds me with what he imagines is a 'gotcha!' question, but when it blows up in his face he runs away from the thread like a little girl
My guess is he's victim of paranoid schizophrenia.
I’ve always wondered why a “god” needs worship.
An all-powerful entity wouldn't need worship. IMO, that's a man-made invention to show reverence for something that is greater than ourselves. Using Freud's model, it's part of the Super Ego to control the Id and produce a more balanced and socially functional Ego.
An all-powerful entity wouldn't need worship. IMO, that's a man-made invention to show reverence for something that is greater than ourselves. Using Freud's model, it's part of the Super Ego to control the Id and produce a more balanced and socially functional Ego.

That's a good point. I think Freud always said the Id was more powerful than the superego, and moral conscience and guilt could never overpower desire, avarice, primal instincts over the long run.

My investigations of MAGA certainly seem to confirm that MAGAs are driven by the Id.
That's a good point. I think Freud always said the Id was more powerful than the superego, and moral conscience and guilt could never overpower desire, avarice, primal instincts over the long run.

My investigations of MAGA certainly seem to confirm that MAGAs are driven by the Id.
A baby is pure Id. It's all desire and it screams when it's not getting what it wants.

Agreed on the MAGAts. Judging by most of the Trumpers on JPP, they never outgrew it and are severely lacking in Super Ego to form a well-balanced Ego. They only want and have no desire to give back.

Heinlein once wrote that all young males should be raised in a barrel and, when they turn 18, pull the bung out and look inside. If what is seen isn't liked, put the bung back in. There is merit in that idea. LOL
Bulverism 61

CLICK HERE To See Why IBDumbass Doesn't Post in Good Faith - He hounds me with what he imagines is a 'gotcha!' question, but when it blows up in his face he runs away from the thread like a little girl

IBDaMann is not hounding you, Sock. You are just being paranoid again.
He is also right on the following points:
* energy and matter are not interchangeable
* Wave-Particle duality is classical physics.
* There is no such thing as an accelerating reference frame!!
* Darwin's theory of evolution is not science


Your stupid laughing is just an argument of the Stone fallacy, Sock.
Humans have evolved with basically souped up chimpanzee brains, with limits to our cognition and reason.
So goes your religion.
I don't think the science and math the human mind is capable of can explain everything about the fabric of reality.
Reality doesn't need an explanation. It simply exists. You still do not know what this word means or how it's defined, Sock. Buzzword fallacy.
It doesn't follow that just because our limited tools can't explain it makes it a supernatural entity. The God of the Gaps reasoning is not good logic.
Fallacy fallacy. Circular argument fallacy (fundamentalism). You cannot prove your religion True, no matter how you try.
I wrote that science answers "how" questions, while religion focuses on "why" questions years ago, well before you were even registered on this forum -->
Science doesn't answer 'how' or 'why' questions. Science is a set of falsifiable theories.
You probably read me writing about science vs. religious questions, and adopted it as your own insight, like Perry PhD did.
No, he didn't. He already has stated why. Pay attention, Sock.
The fact is, neither you nor I originally had the insight that science and religion are asking different questions.
Paradox. You cannot argue both sides of a paradox. It's irrational, Sock.
But the fact you want to claim it as your own deeply original and visionary insight
IBDaMann does not claim you paradox.
is just evidence of the hubris that permeates internet message boards.
Like yours?
the tools aren't that limited....it's the choices you want to limit that cause the problem....you think that the universe must come from natural, observable origins because an origin that is beyond nature is not acceptable.....

Since it's not possible to observe the origins of the Universe (if any), he's just preaching his religion.