Why is there something rather than nothing?

We can't invoke magic like God to reason about this.

Anything with density, temperature, length, width, or height is something, not nothing.

I don't think humans can even think of nothingness. That would be like imagining a zeroth dimension.

The Big Bang did not start out from a state of nothingness, as best as we can currently tell. The universe existed in a hot, dense state at or above Planck density for an unknown period of time before it began inflating and expanding.

Paradox. Irrational. You cannot claim something exists and doesn't exist at the same time, Sock.
There are very specific reasons why the Earth has a nitrogen-oxygen breathable atmosphere.

Evidently, it never dawned on MAGAs to ask the questions or understand the answers.

Really? What are they? Do tell.
You thought asking why we have air was stupid question, so why would you be interested in the answer now?

I could tell you a tale of two billion year old cyanobacteria, primordial ammonia, and volcanic outgassing. But since your question wasn't asked in good faith, you would just respond to my efforts with an insult.
That's the 64 thousand dollar question, why the hot, dense primordial universe inflated and expanded.

I think nothingness is mathmatically possible (a singularity seems to be within the realm of maths). I just don't think the human mind is evolved to conceive of anything outside conventional three dimensional space

Time is treated as a fourth dimension, Sock.
That's the 64 thousand dollar question, why the hot, dense primordial universe inflated and expanded.

I think nothingness is mathmatically possible (a singularity seems to be within the realm of maths). I just don't think the human mind is evolved to conceive of anything outside conventional three dimensional space

Paradox. Irrational. You cannot claim something to exist and not exist at the same time, Sock.
Time is treated as a fourth dimension, Sock.
You thought asking why we have air was stupid question, so why would you be interested in the answer now?

I could tell you a tale of two billion year old cyanobacteria, primordial ammonia, and volcanic outgassing. But since your question wasn't asked in good faith, you would just respond to my efforts with an insult.

I can tell you a tale of unicorns, magic wands, and evil wizards too, Sock.
I'm not the expert that gets to define nothingness, but it seems to me that anything with spatial dimension, density, or energy is something, not nothing.

A singularity is supposed to lack any spatial dimension. Some people used to claim the Big Bang started from a singularity, but that's not quite right

Oh? Let's hear your description of this religion, Sock.
Too stupid to understand people can't live with "nothing between" their ears.

Poor Trump Dummy. Nothing to do all day except post moronic posts on the Internet all day. What other forums do you post your demented drivel on all day, Trump Dummy?

You are describing yourself again and you don't support Trump, Sock.
You don't allow for the possibility Science just has not advanced enough? A mere few years ago there are thousands of things Science could not explain that it now can... You should study the amazing advances of science in the last 150 years.

feel free to raise that argument in about 150 more years..... but obviously, science is the study of our universe.....it cannot study what lies beyond it......that should be axiomatic.......