Why is there something rather than nothing?

Here is your problem, you and the dunce you're responding to think God "needs" worship. BTW you and baby huey there are entirely free not to worship God. If God actually was needy he could have easily created him to do nothing but worship him but he didnt. Not to over state the obvious but as i said, youre dunces

Hmmm, then why all the bullshit from you “Christians” about worshipping your god?

Why do you “Christians” need to believe in your god in order to be saved? Just being a good person isn’t good enough, is it? You need that extra little piece.

What is that “You shall have no other gods before me” bullshit? Kinda needy there isn’t it? “I’m number one and fon’t you forget it!”

Hmmm, then why all the bullshit from you “Christians” about worshipping your god?

Why do you “Christians” need to believe in your god in order to be saved? Just being a good person isn’t good enough, is it? You need that extra little piece.

What is that “You shall have no other gods before me” bullshit? Kinda needy there isn’t it? “I’m number one and fon’t you forget it!”


He's not a Christian so don't expect an honest answer...or a factual one.
Leibniz thinks God has a choice to make a universe or not. So nothingness is a very real possibility. Though, God still exists.

We can't invoke magic like God to reason about this.

Anything with density, temperature, length, width, or height is something, not nothing.

I don't think humans can even think of nothingness. That would be like imagining a zeroth dimension.

The Big Bang did not start out from a state of nothingness, as best as we can currently tell. The universe existed in a hot, dense state at or above Planck density for an unknown period of time before it began inflating and expanding.
We can't invoke magic like God to reason about this.

Anything with density, temperature, length, width, or height is something, not nothing.

I don't think humans can even think of nothingness. That would be like imagining a zeroth dimension.

The Big Bang did not start out from a state of nothingness, as best as we can currently tell. The universe existed in a hot, dense state at or above Planck density for an unknown period of time before it began inflating and expanding.

When the Oscillating Universe theory was still in play, that would have explained everything. Since we now know we live inside a One-Shot Universe that will probably end in "The Big Chill", it still begs the question of causal factors for the origin of the "hot, dense state" and why it suddenly inflated and expanded.
When the Oscillating Universe theory was still in play, that would have explained everything. Since we now know we live inside a One-Shot Universe that will probably end in "The Big Chill", it still begs the question of causal factors for the origin of the "hot, dense state" and why it suddenly inflated and expanded.

That's the 64 thousand dollar question, why the hot, dense primordial universe inflated and expanded.

I think nothingness is mathmatically possible (a singularity seems to be within the realm of maths). I just don't think the human mind is evolved to conceive of anything outside conventional three dimensional space
Why is there something rather than nothing?

Perhaps the most remarkable fact about the Universe is simply that it, and everything in it, exists. But what's the reason why?

It's a question that almost everyone has wondered at some point: given all the things that exist around us, in this world and in the great Universe beyond, what's the reason for why it all exists?

This is one of those questions, I’m sorry to say, that science not only doesn’t have a satisfactory answer for right now, but will probably never have one.

There’s an enormous difference between a “why” question, which science isn’t really well-equipped to answer, with a “how” question, which is the bread-and-butter of what science is good for. If we were to ask the question of why we’re all here, there isn’t a scientific way to approach this question: we can’t formulate a testable hypothesis and derive what sorts of things we can go out and measure to answer that. Even if we determine the underlying rules that reality follows, there’s a limit to what we can derive from them: we can derive physical consequences that stem from those rules and some set of initial conditions, but we cannot derive any sort of purpose behind those consequences using the tools of science.

This is about as dumb as asking "why is there air."
Well, this is tragic. Not. :rofl2:

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That's the 64 thousand dollar question, why the hot, dense primordial universe inflated and expanded.

I think nothingness is mathmatically possible (a singularity seems to be within the realm of maths). I just don't think the human mind is evolved to conceive of anything outside conventional three dimensional space
....or where it came from.

Math isn't my strong suit but I fail to see how nothingness can be something such as a singularity.
....or where it came from.

Math isn't my strong suit but I fail to see how nothingness can be something such as a singularity.

I'm not the expert that gets to define nothingness, but it seems to me that anything with spatial dimension, density, or energy is something, not nothing.

A singularity is supposed to lack any spatial dimension. Some people used to claim the Big Bang started from a singularity, but that's not quite right
I'm not the expert that gets to define nothingness, but it seems to me that anything with spatial dimension, density, or energy is something, not nothing.

A singularity is supposed to lack any spatial dimension. Some people used to claim the Big Bang started from a singularity, but that's not quite right

The spatial dimension between your ears is epic! ;)
Yes, your posts reek of it. But one thing we do know, there is "nothing" between your ears. ;)
Too stupid to understand people can't live with "nothing between" their ears.

Poor Trump Dummy. Nothing to do all day except post moronic posts on the Internet all day. What other forums do you post your demented drivel on all day, Trump Dummy?