Why is there something rather than nothing?

I'm not the expert that gets to define nothingness, but it seems to me that anything with spatial dimension, density, or energy is something, not nothing.

A singularity is supposed to lack any spatial dimension. Some people used to claim the Big Bang started from a singularity, but that's not quite right


Since we can't see inside them, it's hard to know what's in there but since even a hole (nothingness) has edges, then a singularity is "something".
Lacking any brains is a tragic thing. I wish you had one, really I do.
This message is hidden because Truth Detector is on your ignore list for making you look like the ignorant, repugnant, uneducated lying hack that you are. ;)
The spatial dimension between your ears is epic! ;)
QED on Trump Dummy's vacuousness. Sad.

Poor, poor Trump Dummy. Nothing to live for except hating all day. Ease your pain, Trump Dummy. Trolling isn't a path to easing your pain, Trump Dummy. Try something that allows you to ease your pain.
but doesn't it honestly and literally be exactly that?......if it were natural it would BE within the realm of what science is capable of understanding from those underlying rules.....I agree it is not....which means the answer lies beyond what is natural......

You don't allow for the possibility Science just has not advanced enough? A mere few years ago there are thousands of things Science could not explain that it now can... You should study the amazing advances of science in the last 150 years.
QED on Trump Dummy's vacuousness. Sad.

Poor, poor Trump Dummy. Nothing to live for except hating all day. Ease your pain, Trump Dummy. Trolling isn't a path to easing your pain, Trump Dummy. Try something that allows you to ease your pain.

Mental case hypocrite says what? :laugh:
This is about as dumb as asking "why is there air."

There are very specific reasons why the Earth has a nitrogen-oxygen breathable atmosphere.

Evidently, it never dawned on MAGAs to ask the questions or understand the answers.

"The important thing is to not stop questioning." --> Albert Einstein

"Familiar things happen, and mankind does not bother about them. It requires a very unusual mind to undertake the analysis of the obvious." --> Albert North Whitehead
There are very specific reasons why the Earth has a nitrogen-oxygen breathable atmosphere.

Evidently, it never dawned on MAGAs to ask the questions or understand the answers.
They can't ask what they are too stupid or demented to know.

Trump Dummy is demented, wracked with the pain of his age and infirmities. He should seek relief through medical science.
There are very specific reasons why the Earth has a nitrogen-oxygen breathable atmosphere.

Really? What are they? Do tell.

Evidently, it never dawned on MAGAs to ask the questions or understand the answers.

What is a MAGA? Is that supposed to be insulting? Why do Non thinking halfwits on the left think Make America Great Again is a slur? Is it due to their hatred of America and what it stands for?

Do tell.
There are very specific reasons why the Earth has a nitrogen-oxygen breathable atmosphere.

Evidently, it never dawned on MAGAs to ask the questions or understand the answers.

They can't ask what they are too stupid or demented to know.

Trump Dummy is demented, wracked with the pain of his age and infirmities. He should seek relief through medical science.

:lolup: Dumbest and Dumb fuck in an echo chamber. :laugh:

They can't ask what they are too stupid or demented to know.

Trump Dummy is demented, wracked with the pain of his age and infirmities. He should seek relief through medical science.

Why is there air? is actually a very profound scientific question.

The question doesn't occur to MAGA, because like domestic farm animals, their psychology revolves around the primordial instincts of food, shelter, sex, entertainment.
Why is there air? is actually a very profound scientific question.

The question doesn't occur to MAGA, because like domestic farm animals, their psychology revolves around the primordial instincts of food, shelter, sex, entertainment.
Profound from a scientific POV, but not from an infirm old man too demented to understand the answer.
Hmmm, then why all the bullshit from you “Christians” about worshipping your god?

Why do you “Christians” need to believe in your god in order to be saved? Just being a good person isn’t good enough, is it? You need that extra little piece.

What is that “You shall have no other gods before me” bullshit? Kinda needy there isn’t it? “I’m number one and fon’t you forget it!”


What is 'needy' about sacrificing yourself to save Man??