Why is trump afraid of automatic voter registration?

Former President Donald Trump ranted Monday on Truth Social, his social media platform, that Pennsylvania’s recent adoption of automatic voter registration, or AVR, was “unconstitutional” and “a disaster for the Election of Republicans, including your favorite President, ME!” In the same post, Trump complained that the Republican National Committee should focus on suing the state over the policy instead of hosting “meaningless” presidential debates that he refuses to attend. That diatribe came a couple days after an all-caps-lock post about how “Obama and his radical left thugs” were behind the policy and how it was a “scam” designed to “steal Pennsylvania again.”

That's not a hard question to answer. He's right in a way -- the larger the voter turnout, particularly among citizens <45 years of age, the less likely fascists will get elected to office. Including the manchild who would be King.
So, in Pennsylvania if you are 16 or 17 and get a driver's license do you get registered to vote? If you are in the country illegally or are a foreign national and you get a driver's license are you going to be registered to vote?

What a stupid question. Did you not have to show ID, including a birth certificate and proof of residency, when you applied for your driver's license? Or can't you remember that far back? For me it was 54 years ago, but I still remember bringing my birth certificate, an envelope with my name/address and a birthday card from my aunt with a canceled stamp on it, and my library card to the DMV office.

Admit it. The idea of people being easily registered and encouraged to vote scares you RWers to death, doesn't it?
I was reading about the Spanish Civil War last night, and the conservatives eventually became openly hostile to democracy because they became convinced they could never convince a majority/plurality of voters that their ideas were superior, and the only way they could excercise power was to ignore the results of elections and sieze power by force.
What a stupid question. Did you not have to show ID, including a birth certificate and proof of residency, when you applied for your driver's license? Or can't you remember that far back? For me it was 54 years ago, but I still remember bringing my birth certificate, an envelope with my name/address and a birthday card from my aunt with a canceled stamp on it, and my library card to the DMV office.

Admit it. The idea of people being easily registered and encouraged to vote scares you RWers to death, doesn't it?

So? Read how this new system in Pennsylvania works. It is automatic when you fill out the paperwork. A DMV clerk that does nothing other than process the form means the person getting the license is now also registered to vote.

As for your last... Since when did voting become an obligation? It is a right each person can choose to exercise or not. Why would we want ill-informed idiots voting on anything, particularly the leaders of our country? That's the stuff of Left wing dictatorships.
So? Read how this new system in Pennsylvania works. It is automatic when you fill out the paperwork. A DMV clerk that does nothing other than process the form means the person getting the license is now also registered to vote.

As for your last... Since when did voting become an obligation? It is a right each person can choose to exercise or not. Why would we want ill-informed idiots voting on anything, particularly the leaders of our country? That's the stuff of Left wing dictatorships.

Sure it is, Cathy, sure it is. :rolleyes:

Once again, do you not recall having to show various forms of ID, proof of residency/citizenship/age, when you first applied for a driver's license? Are you seriously stating that the DMV clerks just rubber stamp everything and don't check the documentation provided?

How does automatic voter registration confer an obligation to vote, anyways? Does the PA law state that if you don't cast a ballot, you lose your license? Didn't think so.

BTW, Trump cultists would be well-advised to refrain from calling other voters "ill-informed idiots."
Sure it is, Cathy, sure it is. :rolleyes:

Once again, do you not recall having to show various forms of ID, proof of residency/citizenship/age, when you first applied for a driver's license? Are you seriously stating that the DMV clerks just rubber stamp everything and don't check the documentation provided?

How does automatic voter registration confer an obligation to vote, anyways? Does the PA law state that if you don't cast a ballot, you lose your license? Didn't think so.

BTW, Trump cultists would be well-advised to refrain from calling other voters "ill-informed idiots."

Because the clerk doesn't have to do anything other than issue you your license and you get registered to vote. If you present your documentation for a license and the clerk goes through the process to issue you one, you are registered to vote. The only way out of that is for the clerk to annotate the form(s) that you are not to be registered. If the clerk doesn't care, or the clerk is in on the fix, so-to-speak, you get registered regardless.

The previous system required you fill out separate forms for voter registration so the two weren't intermingled and automatic like they are now.

Many voters are ill-informed idiots, whether they are Republicans, Democrats, or something else.

As for how the Pennsylvania system now works, once registered to vote you will automatically receive a mail-in ballot for each election. Pennsylvania allows ballot harvesting.

As for compulsory voting, you are correct there is no requirement you must vote. By the same token, there should be no requirement you be registered to vote and registration should be voluntary to opt in, not opt out. By opting everyone in, you open up elections to massive numbers of ballots sent to people who possibly won't bother to fill it out and return it. Worse, anyone including political operatives can collect such ballots.

It's a system rife with possibilities for mass voter fraud.
Because the clerk doesn't have to do anything other than issue you your license and you get registered to vote. If you present your documentation for a license and the clerk goes through the process to issue you one, you are registered to vote. The only way out of that is for the clerk to annotate the form(s) that you are not to be registered. If the clerk doesn't care, or the clerk is in on the fix, so-to-speak, you get registered regardless.

Again, so what? Could not the same clerk be "in on the fix" when someone shows up to register to vote? This is just silliness. For one thing, how would the clerk know what party the applicant prefers? Maybe he/she is getting new (R) voters while "in on the fix."

The rest of your post shows that you, as a RWer, fear the citizens of this country because you know that (R) policies -- and most of their politicians -- are antithetical to American ideals. You fear that the more registered voters we have, the less likely it is that fascists like DeSantis, Trump, Gaetz, Boobert, etc. will win.

Instead of trying to make voting more onerous, why don't you focus on educating those voters you believe are ill-informed idiots? I'm in favor of this. What about you?

The social studies requirements are 3 credits. Courses must include 1 credit of US history and half a credit of government, which also has an end-of-course exam required. Additionally, all students in Missouri must take and pass exams on both the US constitution and the Missouri state constitution, which are likely to be administered after a course covering these documents. Students entering high school after 2017 are also required to take a civics exam similar to that given to immigrants applying for citizenship.

I chose this state requirement because it is the state where I graduated from h.s. We had the same requirements half a century ago.
Former President Donald Trump ranted Monday on Truth Social, his social media platform, that Pennsylvania’s recent adoption of automatic voter registration, or AVR, was “unconstitutional” and “a disaster for the Election of Republicans, including your favorite President, ME!” In the same post, Trump complained that the Republican National Committee should focus on suing the state over the policy instead of hosting “meaningless” presidential debates that he refuses to attend. That diatribe came a couple days after an all-caps-lock post about how “Obama and his radical left thugs” were behind the policy and how it was a “scam” designed to “steal Pennsylvania again.”

Because when Americans participate in large numbers Republicans lose elections

Republican have cheated in elections for decades

Not because it’s fun

But because it works for them
So, in Pennsylvania if you are 16 or 17 and get a driver's license do you get registered to vote? If you are in the country illegally or are a foreign national and you get a driver's license are you going to be registered to vote?

Why are you so stupid?

Its a perfectly safe way to register legal voters

You just hate it when Americans can vote
What a stupid question. Did you not have to show ID, including a birth certificate and proof of residency, when you applied for your driver's license? Or can't you remember that far back? For me it was 54 years ago, but I still remember bringing my birth certificate, an envelope with my name/address and a birthday card from my aunt with a canceled stamp on it, and my library card to the DMV office.

Admit it. The idea of people being easily registered and encouraged to vote scares you RWers to death, doesn't it?

I would be fine with letting 16 year olds vote

It would help teach teens about the importance of voting

They would take a class in the semester they are eligible to vote

Then register to vote knowing what the laws are and what their voting power gives them in life

Kids have the most to lose in elections
So? Read how this new system in Pennsylvania works. It is automatic when you fill out the paperwork. A DMV clerk that does nothing other than process the form means the person getting the license is now also registered to vote.

As for your last... Since when did voting become an obligation? It is a right each person can choose to exercise or not. Why would we want ill-informed idiots voting on anything, particularly the leaders of our country? That's the stuff of Left wing dictatorships.


You shits rely on Fox News for your thoughts

They have been repeatedly sued for fucking lying to you

You still gobble their lies

Talk about uninformed

You embody that