Why is trump afraid of automatic voter registration?

If you did look it up that just goes to show how stupid you are.

It takes two seconds to find, what anyone would know, is that built in to the system is exclusions for those not eligible to vote, just as in 24 other States that do this.

Only Trump cult derps think this is rocket science and complain against this when also complaining they want voters to use a Drivers license or similar lever ID.

I found the same info in about the same amount of time.

The right are so fucking lazy.
I found the same info in about the same amount of time.

The right are so fucking lazy.

And i just realized this is the adoption of TECHNOLOGY, and Terry, by default, rails against any and all new technologies being adapted. i have called him/her on that in many threads and yet he/she denies it and again, ...here we are.
The father of Repubs voter suppression and gerrymandering was this guy in 1980.
The Repubs are certain fewer voters helps them. so they do everything possible to keep the vote down. I suppose the logic is that the more people who vote, the more likely our politicians would be to represent most of the people. We think that is what it should reflect. The Reds stop
voting . That is called winning.
I did. It appears that yes, all those cases can indeed occur when you get a license. That is a 16 or 17 year old can be registered to vote, even though the laws in Pennsylvania prohibit it. The reason for that is the registration is automatic based on your getting a license. The same applies to illegals.

There are supposedly checks to prevent this but it would be incredibly easy to have someone slip through the cracks and get registered anyway.

There are quite a few counties that have more 'voters' registered than are of legal age to vote in that county! Guess how that happens?
Former President Donald Trump ranted Monday on Truth Social, his social media platform, that Pennsylvania’s recent adoption of automatic voter registration, or AVR, was “unconstitutional” and “a disaster for the Election of Republicans, including your favorite President, ME!” In the same post, Trump complained that the Republican National Committee should focus on suing the state over the policy instead of hosting “meaningless” presidential debates that he refuses to attend. That diatribe came a couple days after an all-caps-lock post about how “Obama and his radical left thugs” were behind the policy and how it was a “scam” designed to “steal Pennsylvania again.”

Trump is only afraid of one thing- THAT HE IS OUTNUMBERED BY THE NEVER-TRUMPERS!

So therefore, all he can do is whine about things like Automatic Voter Registration, Absentee Voting, Voter ID cards, and Early Voting!

Because Voter Suppression is the only thing that can help Trump win elections, AND HE IS FULLY AWARE OF THAT NOW, as proven by the outcome of the last 3 National elections.

A huge problem with Donald Trump's whining and mode of thinking, is Mainstream Republicans all like and depend on Automatic Voter Registration, Absentee Voting, Voting ID Cards, and Early Voting and without them being available to them, it would impact their votes as well as Democratic votes.

Donald Trump is self-Important, only cares about himself, and very STUPID!
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Trump had fwer votes than Hillry. It was a very close election and Trump cannot afford to lose many voters. I am sure some people will not vote for him because he is a crook. He is a terrible human being with severe mental problems.
That's not a hard question to answer. He's right in a way -- the larger the voter turnout, particularly among citizens <45 years of age, the less likely fascists will get elected to office. Including the manchild who would be King.

Which means conservatives and Trump would be elected instead.
I was reading about the Spanish Civil War last night, and the conservatives eventually became openly hostile to democracy because they became convinced they could never convince a majority/plurality of voters that their ideas were superior, and the only way they could excercise power was to ignore the results of elections and sieze power by force.

There is no democracy. The oligarchy you support is not a democracy either.
Again, so what? Could not the same clerk be "in on the fix" when someone shows up to register to vote? This is just silliness. For one thing, how would the clerk know what party the applicant prefers? Maybe he/she is getting new (R) voters while "in on the fix."

The rest of your post shows that you, as a RWer, fear the citizens of this country because you know that (R) policies -- and most of their politicians -- are antithetical to American ideals. You fear that the more registered voters we have, the less likely it is that fascists like DeSantis, Trump, Gaetz, Boobert, etc. will win.

Instead of trying to make voting more onerous, why don't you focus on educating those voters you believe are ill-informed idiots? I'm in favor of this. What about you?

I chose this state requirement because it is the state where I graduated from h.s. We had the same requirements half a century ago.

You are describing Democrats again.
Because when Americans participate in large numbers Republicans lose elections

Republican have cheated in elections for decades

Not because it’s fun

But because it works for them

You are describing Democrats again. You don't get away with projecting YOUR problems on others.