why no chimp?

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Dildo duck, Desh is right. It's very telling that you can't acknowledge that your use of the word is harmful and unwarranted.

This is the 21st century. You need to TRAIN yourself to not use that word in public. It's unacceptable. And you and your supporters on the thread need to stop crying like schoolgirls that some rapper might use the word. First, its childish to point to the behaviour of others to excuse your own idiocy. Second, there is a legitimate debate in the african american community about deconstructing that word and robbing it of its power. That debate doesn't involve YOU. When white people use it, its not an act of collective solidarity with rappers to deconstruct that word and its power. When whites use it, everyone is fully aware of the historical and current context of its useage.

You've outed yourself here dude. You could have tried to make things right, and recognized you did something stupid. Instead you spent 60 posts crying like a girl and trying to excuse your use of the word. Pathetic.
Dildo duck, Dish is right. It's very telling that you can't acknowledge that your use of the word is harmful and unwarranted.

This is the 21st century. You need to TRAIN yourself to not use that word in public. It's unacceptable. And you and your supporters on the thread need to stop crying like schoolgirls that some rapper might use the word. First, its childish to point to the behaviour of others to excuse your own idiocy. Second, there is a legitimate debate in the African American community about deconstructing that word and robbing it of its power. That debate doesn't involve YOU. When white people use it, its not an act of collective solidarity with rappers to deconstruct that word and its power. When whites use it, everyone is fully aware of the historical and current context of its usage.

You've outed yourself here dude. You could have tried to make things right, and recognized you did something stupid. Instead you spent 60 posts crying like a girl and trying to excuse your use of the word. Pathetic.

I do believe that darla,desh and BAC thought this troll was you...because you used the word in another thread for a very different reason and effect...like you I talked right thru this poster troll and gave a jab at Ms.foul mouth who got her panties all in a wad...then she accused me of supporting SC whatever...once a liberal has their mind set in a direction ,they lose all site of what is going on thru the proverbial trees! They lash out at everyone on the other side of the fence!

and now you have desh trying to save your soul with her wisdom of life...she wants you to apologize for someone elses comment...how rude!

your helpin again.

how is you that you always misunderstand what anyone though about anything?

I never for one fraction of a second thought Dillo was this troll.
your helpin again.

how is you that you always misunderstand what anyone though about anything?

I never for one fraction of a second thought Dillo was this troll.
I am glad to see that I am not the only one that has noticed this. There is a Jethro Tull song about you BB called Thick as a Brick.
Now I understand why I masturbate incessently. It is the only action I can get. And I lay on my arm long enough for it to fall asleep so if feels like getting a hand job from a stranger.
You NEVER Cease to amuse yourself do you? Good thing you can amuse one person.
Dildo duck, Desh is right. It's very telling that you can't acknowledge that your use of the word is harmful and unwarranted.

This is the 21st century. You need to TRAIN yourself to not use that word in public. It's unacceptable. And you and your supporters on the thread need to stop crying like schoolgirls that some rapper might use the word. First, its childish to point to the behaviour of others to excuse your own idiocy. Second, there is a legitimate debate in the african american community about deconstructing that word and robbing it of its power. That debate doesn't involve YOU. When white people use it, its not an act of collective solidarity with rappers to deconstruct that word and its power. When whites use it, everyone is fully aware of the historical and current context of its useage.

You've outed yourself here dude. You could have tried to make things right, and recognized you did something stupid. Instead you spent 60 posts crying like a girl and trying to excuse your use of the word. Pathetic.

I didn't harm a fly. I realize that it's real chic to not say nigger but I'm not impressed by those who have taken the oath to not say it ( much less even spell it ).
why was it ok to compare bush to a monkey for 8 years but when Obama gets compared to curious george everyone starts to cry about it? He does look like the monkey. Then again, probably most of his relatives do to. are any of you seriously thinking about voting for a black man? you know it's a fact that blacks commit the highest percentage of crimes, and have the highest percentage in prison, and the highest percentage on welfare, and the lowest scores on intelligence? why would anyone contemplate putting someone into office that is just one step above a gorilla from africa?

Man I entirely missed this little nugget. Oh well.
I get you Bac. Your right that he is not showing much remorse for the hurt caused by the usage of the word. It could be I was being too much of a "fixer". I have always had a tendancy to be overly concerned with keeping the peace and understanding everyones motivations. Sometimes you just have to write people off. Im hoping Dillo rises to the occation.

As far as Richard goes he had no right to harrass anyone like he did wether they were talking during his how or not. He just acted like a flaming racist asshole, end of story.

Dillo at least let people know that if you did not intend the meaning so many felt your statement to convey and that you are sorry.

I came back to this thread to read your reponse to my last post to you .. glad to find you got my point.

You being a fixer is a good thing, an admirable thing. But sometimes we cannot fix what may be hopelessly broken.
Mainstream adult conversation ?? HERE ??? That's patently absurd. Read it.

If you choose to write me off as moronic, be my guest but you will have made a poor decision. I've never backed the troll. IN FACT I spoke right through him without even acknowledging where he was trying to go with his use of nigger. Read the progression of this thread again.

Since you have no clue as to who I am and how I treat people you're in no position to judge my character nor am I in any postition to judge yours.

Do you refuse to offend and denigrate ALL people or do you draw the line at race and ethnicity ?

Last thoughts on this ...

You can get away with saying just about whatever you want HERE, but even HERE it still identifies the user as a moron .. as you can clearly see.

Additionally, even you aren't dumb enough to believe your "right" to use it allows you to use it whenever you want. You use it where you can get away with it and not get thrown out of a public place or get a boot up your ass.

You can feign machoism if you want, but you aren't stupid enough to get around a bunch of blacks and start shouting "nigger." .. Many boots up your ass.

AND, yes I do have a very good clue about your character. You lack any sense of humanity and you are insensitive to the horrors millions of innocent people have had to endure in this country. Had you the opportunity, you would have been calling my father a "nigger" .. which is about all I need to know about you sir.

For your enjoyment and absolute orgasmic pleasure, I offer you the faces of "niggers" that you so don't give a fuck about .. with one exception .. 14 year old Emmitt Till


He no longer has a face.

Enjoy ..

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Last thoughts on this ...

You can get away with saying just about whatever you want HERE, but even HERE it still identifies the user as a moron .. as you can clearly see.

Additionally, even you aren't dumb enough to believe your "right" to use it allows you to use it whenever you want. You use it where you can get away with it and not get thrown out of a public place or get a boot up your ass.

You can feign machoism if you want, but you aren't stupid enough to get around a bunch of blacks and start shouting "nigger." .. Many boots up your ass.

AND, yes I do have a very good clue about your character. You lack any sense of humanity and you are insensitive to the horrors millions of innocent people have had to endure in this country. Had you the opportunity, you would have been calling my father a "nigger" .. which is about all I need to know about you sir.

For your enjoyment and absolute orgasmic pleasure, I offer you the faces of "niggers" that you so don't give a fuck about .. with one exception .. 14 year old Emmitt Till


He no longer has a face.

Enjoy ..


no it really doesn't identify me as a moron. It is a word that I did not not type out of hate and no magical thinking in the world can change that. Did I ever suggest that it's a great idea to yell nigger around a gang of blacks ? Sane people in Austin don't even GO to a place where gangs of blacks hang around. The chances of violence breaking out are too high.

I wouldn't jump to any conclusions about me using some clue that you think you have until you know how I act, what I do and how I treat people.
no it really doesn't identify me as a moron. It is a word that I did not not type out of hate and no magical thinking in the world can change that. Did I ever suggest that it's a great idea to yell nigger around a gang of blacks ? Sane people in Austin don't even GO to a place where gangs of blacks hang around. The chances of violence breaking out are too high.

I wouldn't jump to any conclusions about me using some clue that you think you have until you know how I act, what I do and how I treat people.

Who said anything about gangs?

Go stand around groups of professional black people and say "nigger" .. see if the result will be any different.

There is no question whatsoever that you use it HERE in your anonymity, but you aren't going to use it in the mainstream. What do you call that? .. Courage?

What point then are you trying to make other than, like children who curse when mom isn't home, you do it because you can get away with it .. HERE?

Desh gave you your way out many posts ago .. but because mom isn't home, you continue to defend it .. which is as I said, all I ever need to know about you and I wouldn't give a rats ass how you see yourself or what else you do in life.
Who said anything about gangs?

Go stand around groups of professional black people and say "nigger" .. see if the result will be any different.

There is no question whatsoever that you use it HERE in your anonymity, but you aren't going to use it in the mainstream. What do you call that? .. Courage?

What point then are you trying to make other than, like children who curse when mom isn't home, you do it because you can get away with it .. HERE?

Desh gave you your way out many posts ago .. but because mom isn't home, you continue to defend it .. which is as I said, all I ever need to know about you and I wouldn't give a rats ass how you see yourself or what else you do in life.

I think it's pretty obvious that the make up of one's audience will determine the reaction to what you say, don't you ? AGAIN--I have never advised that anyone use the word nigger in the public however I have used the "nigger" in mixed ethnic groups of professionals and they knew exactly HOW I was using the word.
I don't need a "way out" of anything, thanks. I'm doing fine. Quit trying to take a word and turn it into something it is not. It only serves to confuse the real issue.
no it really doesn't identify me as a moron. It is a word that I did not not type out of hate and no magical thinking in the world can change that. Did I ever suggest that it's a great idea to yell nigger around a gang of blacks ? Sane people in Austin don't even GO to a place where gangs of blacks hang around. The chances of violence breaking out are too high.

I wouldn't jump to any conclusions about me using some clue that you think you have until you know how I act, what I do and how I treat people.

Dillo put the shovel down.

You are making a fool out of yourself.

I tried (like Bac said) to give a the room to explain yourself. Instead you keep missing the simple point that all words have meanings to others. Language is alive and is ever changing. To pretend this word does not convey the meaning to much of our society (people of all colors) that it does is to deny the human emotions of the people you purposely or inadvertantly insulted. When you deny the words impact and insult the emotions of others and then try to argue they are not allowed to be insulted then you are in la la land.

Its simple this word insults people. They get insulted wether you think they should or not. If you dont care about these peoples emotions or the fact that they are people just like you then you insist they should not get offended. Its as simple as that. What it says is "I dont care about you" . If you said something that insulted your bother or sister because there is a certain word they dont allow to be used in there presence. Would you accept that that is how they feel and act appropriatly? Yes you would and this is the point . By insisting that black people(as well as others who hate the word) are not allowed to be offended or are just pretending to be offended you are insulting them further. Why do you simply refuse to see this??????

It leaves us to think you dont trust or like people who are black.

It is a logical conclusion unlike your illogical assumtion that black people have less rights to be offended and to deside what offends them.

I just dont understand why people get stuck in that crazy thought loop? Oh well maybe I do. Are you catching on yet Dillo?
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no it really doesn't identify me as a moron. It is a word that I did not not type out of hate and no magical thinking in the world can change that. Did I ever suggest that it's a great idea to yell nigger around a gang of blacks ? Sane people in Austin don't even GO to a place where gangs of blacks hang around. The chances of violence breaking out are too high.

I wouldn't jump to any conclusions about me using some clue that you think you have until you know how I act, what I do and how I treat people.

"Sane people in Austin don't even GO to a place where gangs of blacks hang around."

Oh. My. God.

Dildo duck is afraid of black people, and african-american neighborhoods.

This is just sad dude. You've outed yourself. Take your George Bush car bumpersticker, and your backwards klan attitude and shove it up your frightened white ass.

I can't believe you're afraid of black people.

I would be nervous around a white trailor park known for crystal meth labs and violence, just as I would be nervous about accidently busting in on a gang meeting of the crips. But, I've never been afraid to walk around a latino, or black neighborhood unless there was some legitimate reason to be afraid. I've never been mugged, beaten, or robbed by a latino, a muslim, or a black person. But, I'll tell you this: the times I have been fucked over by someone, it's usually a white guy. A rich white guy. He might work for an HMO insurance company, he might work for a dishonest credit card company, he might work in the white house. He might send my neighbors to their deaths, and kill a million people in a foreign land we had no business invading. But, he didn't have dark skin.
Who said anything about gangs?

Go stand around groups of professional black people and say "nigger" .. see if the result will be any different.

There is no question whatsoever that you use it HERE in your anonymity, but you aren't going to use it in the mainstream. What do you call that? .. Courage?

What point then are you trying to make other than, like children who curse when mom isn't home, you do it because you can get away with it .. HERE?

Desh gave you your way out many posts ago .. but because mom isn't home, you continue to defend it .. which is as I said, all I ever need to know about you and I wouldn't give a rats ass how you see yourself or what else you do in life.

Of course. Its patently obvious that, in spite of Dillo's plaintiff whine about "freedom of speech", and "just kidding around", he would never use that word outside of the confines of the safety of his keyboard. Or perhaps, among his white friends.

Dillo would never use that word in front of Shaquille O'Neal. And God help him, if he ever used in in front of my significant other.
Why is it............

You NEVER Cease to amuse yourself do you? Good thing you can amuse one person.

That you turn everything into sex...is this a defense attorney thingee...are you that frustrated counselor?...try the Mustang Ranch...the girls may be able to help you...:rolleyes:
Dillo put the shovel down.

You are making a fool out of yourself.

I tried (like Bac said) to give a the room to explain yourself. Instead you keep missing the simple point that all words have meanings to others.

It leaves us to think you dont trust or like people who are black.

It is a logical conclusion unlike your illogical assumtion that black people have less rights to be offended and to deside what offends them.

I'll start with you ,lucky girl, because I guess you speak for a group since you used the word "us". Please explain
"It is a logical conclusion unlike your illogical assumtion that black people have less rights to be offended and to deside what offends them."

I have no clue what that means.

I can't help what you decide to think about my relationships with those who are black but I can assure you that none of them would EVER accuse me of treating them poorly because they are black. They have heard me say nigger and know full well what I mean when I say it. They use it comfortably in front of me and throw in a "white boy" from time to time for laughs.

They avoid the same black areas of town that I do for the very same reason I do. It's not safe---period. My friends son and his friends learned their lesson the hard way after being beaten and robbed. My apartment was robbed last Dec by blacks. My neighbor ratted on them and I called the cops who to this day have done nothing.

I'm way more afraid of what I might do to these assholes than what they have already done to me. You see they don't give a shit if they go to jail and obviously are pretty safe from that ever happening since Austin cops are on a pretty short leash. I DO care of the consequences of my behavior so you know what I did?


How many times could you walk into your apt and see the guy that robbed you sitting on his upstairs front porch smiling at you ?

That outta be enough to give your team something to work with for now.
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