why no chimp?

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Well, this is where I part ways with the no-moderation crowd. I don’t want to be part of a community where this is ok.

you have a problem with the truth? you must be half nigger.
The only thing I "defend" isn't the usage of the word. It is the idea that because he used it he is racist.

I don't like the word. I already said so. I won't let people around my kids who use it.

I only point out that however crass it was to use the word, I don't believe it was from a person with that particular darkness in their heart. It is often difficult to understand the kind of pain it may cause to another even when you didn't "mean it that way", and people who don't take offense easily at <put whatever insult here> may think others should react the same to this one. IMO, they are wrong to expect that from others, but they are not saying it to create the pain that they don't quite understand.

Whether he's a racist or just a moron, surely you're not surprised by his rejection, nor should you be surprised by Darla's reaction, especially given that you don't allow that bullshit around your own children .. and I'm sure you're don't care whether the person that uses it is a racist or just a moron.
blackascoal, are you a nigger? do you use that screen name because you are one of those apes who is so dark we can't even see you at night?
In fact .. you're right.

I'm done here.

I am not surprised to see BB take up for someone like this, and remember, he was a cop.

I won’t post anywhere that allows this bac. So either this piece of shit goes, or I go, and you can take that to the bank my friend.
I am not surprised to see BB take up for someone like this, and remember, he was a cop.

I won’t post anywhere that allows this bac. So either this piece of shit goes, or I go, and you can take that to the bank my friend.
As you were posting this, I was blocking his IP.
Don't leave, The idiot is on perma-ban. And I will continue banning if they find a way to sneak back in.

Thank you, your decision is much appreciated. I can’t post with that going on, it upsets me to an extent I don’t want to get into out here.
BAC, Darla, Damo, meme, Thorn, et al,

All you do is empower them and give people like them the attention that they are pining after. Its been my experience that they go away a lot faster when you don't even dignify their ignorance with a response. This person loves the fact that you guys are talkign about them and to them. From here on out, I'd recommend not even acknowledging their pathetic existence.
First let me be very clear my fine sister .. I KNOW YOU WOULD NEVER STAND UP FOR ANYTHING YOU THOUGHT RACIST.

Pardon me for shouting but I wanted to make that very clear. I'd rather say nothing than leave you with any impression otherwise. I trust that I have not.

Frankly, I haven't called Dillo a racist, but he engaged in moronic behavior .. and he, and only he, ended up siding with the troll .. who is obviously a moron.

I understand we all make mistakes. I've made "one" myself. Me and SF and Damo, "One" mistake. :rolleyes:

However, he doesn't see it as a mistake, but raher his right to be a moron because there are other morons out there.

From all accounts about Richard's tirade, the two guys he went off on weren't interfering with his act, but participating along as many in the audience was doing and he was encouraging. They were the only blacks in the audience.

I get you Bac. Your right that he is not showing much remorse for the hurt caused by the usage of the word. It could be I was being too much of a "fixer". I have always had a tendancy to be overly concerned with keeping the peace and understanding everyones motivations. Sometimes you just have to write people off. Im hoping Dillo rises to the occation.

As far as Richard goes he had no right to harrass anyone like he did wether they were talking during his how or not. He just acted like a flaming racist asshole, end of story.

Dillo at least let people know that if you did not intend the meaning so many felt your statement to convey and that you are sorry.
Excuse me.............

I am not surprised to see BB take up for someone like this, and remember, he was a cop.

I won’t post anywhere that allows this bac. So either this piece of shit goes, or I go, and you can take that to the bank my friend.

Read my comment again...I did not take up for this poster...I just said bye-bye to you and to take BAC,Cypress and soco with you!..I already said in another thread that I don't use this word and agreed with meme about that... I am also a defender of free speech...not that I always like what people say...you included missy!
If you're attempting to make a grown-up intellectual point by defending the use of a word that even children are smart enough not to use, do yourself a favor and save that bullshit for killanigger.

Perhaps you don't see any lessening of derogatory words in this society, but I do, as do millions of Americans and one of the reasons you don't recognize it is because you don't have their experience. Take the word "nigger." My father heard that bullshit all the time, almost everyday in one form or another. There was nothing endearing about the way it was said or meant. My father would recognize the lessening of the word, as would millions of white Americans who not only felt my father's pain and sense of rejection, but also understood the 400 year struggle of blacks in this country. For those white people it was as offensive to them as it was to my father.

So what did they do about it? They removed it from mainstream ADULT conversation and relegated it to the backroom. THUS, it is no longer acceptable in the mainstream, and in fact, its use identifies the user as a moron.

As for "not being crushed" .. who's crushed? Where's the anger? Racism is difficult to understand, nor is moronic behavior. Using "nigger" isn't the problem of the people hearing it, it's the problem of the person using it. It identifies the user as a moron .. a moron who has no sense of humanity. Do you also believe in denigrating Jews as some symbolic gesture of freedom of speech .. how about gay people and hispanics? Neither Jews, gays, or hispanics have to tolerate OTHER people denigrating them in the mainstream any longer becuaes society itself has rejected such moronic behavior.

As for rappers using the "N" word .. they do it because they can. They mocked it, redefined it, and reshaped its context .. for them. Are you a rapper? Intelligent adults also recognize the context rappers use, but also have no desire to be a rapper nor speak like them.

Gay people sometimes call each other "fags" .. is that what you do? Are you gay, or do you believe you shouyld just be able to talk like you're gay?

At the core of this issue is character. You can use derogatory names all day if you choose .. if that's your character. I don't denigrate racial and ethinic groups because that's not my character. I would feel like a moron.

But you're an adult on an adult website. You can do whatever you want within the bounds of the rules. But you're talking to the wrong person trying to sell your twisted justification for moronic behavior.

Mainstream adult conversation ?? HERE ??? That's patently absurd. Read it.

If you choose to write me off as moronic, be my guest but you will have made a poor decision. I've never backed the troll. IN FACT I spoke right through him without even acknowledging where he was trying to go with his use of nigger. Read the progression of this thread again.

Since you have no clue as to who I am and how I treat people you're in no position to judge my character nor am I in any postition to judge yours.

Do you refuse to offend and denigrate ALL people or do you draw the line at race and ethnicity ?

Mainstream adult conversation ?? HERE ??? That's patently absurd. Read it.

If you choose to write me off as moronic, be my guest but you will have made a poor decision. I've never backed the troll. IN FACT I spoke right through him without even acknowledging where he was trying to go with his use of nigger. Read the progression of this thread again.

Since you have no clue as to who I am and how I treat people you're in no position to judge my character nor am I in any postition to judge yours.

Do you refuse to offend and denigrate ALL people or do you draw the line at race and ethnicity ?

I do believe that darla,desh and BAC thought this troll was you...because you used the word in another thread for a very different reason and effect...like you I talked right thru this poster troll and gave a jab at Ms.foul mouth who got her panties all in a wad...then she accused me of supporting SC whatever...once a liberal has their mind set in a direction ,they lose all site of what is going on thru the proverbial trees! They lash out at everyone on the other side of the fence!

and now you have desh trying to save your soul with her wisdom of life...she wants you to apologize for someone elses comment...how rude!
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