why no chimp?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Reggi Nallik
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The whole "rappers use it so why can't we?" argument is just plain stupid. Chris Rock had a bit about it once where he said out of the thousands of words in the English language this is the ONE word whites can't use. And the reason whites can't use it, is context. When white people used it, it was used in a derogatory hateful manner that was meant to demean. When Ice T calls Lord Finesse "My nigga" it is not derogatory, it is not hateful. When Dildoduck or the other platerine headed hominid use the term it is used to demean and to be hateful. Though punks like that ONLY use the words on websites. I would invite either of them to go down to Crenshaw in South Central Los Angeles and talk like that. Even Reginald Denny would be like "Man I am so glad they didn't do that to me". Anyway, it is the one word that is off limits white people. Get used to it. It's not that big a deal. I am sure you cracker ass racists have a plethora of other words you can use for the people that you so amusingly assume are inferior to you.

Well said .. and they have derogatory names they call other white people that I would not and cannot use .. such as "cracker" .. as do all racial and ethnic groups.
Well said .. and they have derogatory names they call other white people that I would not and cannot use .. such as "cracker" .. as do all racial and ethnic groups.
I use the word cracker. Cracker refers to a certain type of mouth breathing bigoted white person. While all bigoted crackers are white, not all whites are crackers,
Well said .. and they have derogatory names they call other white people that I would not and cannot use .. such as "cracker" .. as do all racial and ethnic groups.

Perhaps by not being crushed by words our civilization can get past the simple lesson of sticks and stones cuz I don't see any let up in derogatory words showing up. Or are certain groups fair game for verbal assaults while others are protected against same ?
I understand Darla how you feel.

I feel the same.

I really do think after looking at how he used it he was highlighting the use of ageist remarks about McCain. I think he feels they are not much different than defining any person who is of color.

If I did not know him as well as I do I would not have some to his defense. I dissagree with Dillo on most things but he has a certain sense of humor and in my experience he has not reacted like a racist.

Honestly, I surprised by this response.

White people using it under the cover of "humor" makes it ok?

So you'd have no problem with this ...


... or is it just ok that Dildo uses it because you "know" him?

Don't get it twisted, you're still one of my favorite posters, but I am surprised by your post.
You are such a fraud BAC........

Honestly, I surprised by this response.

White people using it under the cover of "humor" makes it ok?

So you'd have no problem with this ...


... or is it just ok that Dildo uses it because you "know" him?

Don't get it twisted, you're still one of my favorite posters, but I am surprised by your post.

Just by reading this rediculous assessment of Dillo and desh leads one to believe you are not actually black..just a troll stirring the proverbial pot...:readit:
Honestly, I surprised by this response.

White people using it under the cover of "humor" makes it ok?

So you'd have no problem with this ...


... or is it just ok that Dildo uses it because you "know" him?

Don't get it twisted, you're still one of my favorite posters, but I am surprised by your post.

I've been around the block enough, to not buy the "it was just a joke" bullshit. That pathetic attempt to legitimize the use of a hateful and vile word doesn't wash with me. I've seen too many cons - and frankly, others - try to fall back on that excuse.
Whatever cupcake...........

I've been around the block enough, to not buy the "it was just a joke" bullshit. That pathetic attempt to legitimize the use of a hateful and vile word doesn't wash with me. I've seen too many cons - and frankly, others - try to fall back on that excuse.

The gig is up...you and BAC are frauds...even a sixth grade girl could figure y'all out...how are the baths in the Bay area treating you and BAC...the water clean?
As a white guy who hangs around with a crowd that is almost entirely black, let me just tell you that there is officially no reason any of you should be saying that word.

I sit there and listen to them call each other "my *****" this and "***** that", but it would simply be wrong for me to say it.

If I can go through that without saying it, there is no reason any of you should be "letting it slip".

Occasionally I will accidentally drop it in front of them during singin along wit a rap song or somethin, but they are almost always understanding. They know that I don't mean it the way it was originally used, but I still try not to use it out of respect for its historical implications.
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Honestly, I surprised by this response.

White people using it under the cover of "humor" makes it ok?

So you'd have no problem with this ...


... or is it just ok that Dildo uses it because you "know" him?

Don't get it twisted, you're still one of my favorite posters, but I am surprised by your post.

You know I had never really watched that clip. The guy was obviously mad at them for talking during his show. I dont think that was anything but obvious racism. What an asshole.

The distiction I was making with this poster is a familiarity with how he posts. Its a style thing that combined with his humor.

The post should have obviously been qualified with a "then its OK to say this" type of precursor. In the past in talking to him I have seen him do the same type of retort often so that is why I was offended when it was first brough to my attention. After the reflextion on the post and knowing the guy I came to my second understanding of his meaning.

Its not because hes "my friend" its because I have some knowledge of his comunnication style. That and he has responded in a non racist fashion in dealings with me on the other site when others who dissagreed with me did respond in racist ways. He could have joined their band wagon safety in numbers bullshit but did not.

Really Bac I think you know I would never stand up for someone in this type of situation unless I really did think the guy was not a racist. Sometimes each of us do a poor job of communicating our meanings. I really think this was the case here.

You just constantly amaze me with you total cluelessness.

and you actually know BAC...on a personal basis?..Me thinks you watch way too many B movies...like the Bubble Gum...'Clueless'...see if I will help you out anymore...you go girl sleep with the enemy all you want...cyber love is so funny!:cof1:
As a white guy who hangs around with a crowd that is almost entirely black, let me just tell you that there is officially no reason any of you should be saying that word.

I sit there and listen to them call each other "my *****" this and "***** that", but it would simply be wrong for me to say it.

If I can go through that without saying it, there is no reason any of you should be "letting it slip".

Occasionally I will accidentally drop it in front of them during singin along wit a rap song or somethin, but they are almost always understanding. They know that I don't mean it the way it was originally used, but I still try not to use it out of respect for its historical implications.

Nice post.
.......Occasionally I will accidentally drop it in front of them during singin along wit a rap song or somethin, but they are almost always understanding. They know that I don't mean it the way it was originally used, but I still try not to use it out of respect for its historical implications.

LOL. Chris Rock did a bit on that. He did two impressions: one with white guys singing Dre albums without and black people with them and the other with black people with them.

Good stuff.
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