Why no lines? Why no shortage?

dude, solutions your the biggest retard I've ever run into that has a degree. I'd love to know what college. I might fall out of my chair laughing.
Oh USC is the biggest moron with a GED I know.
You don't know me at all topper.

If you did you would understand a lot more of the world that you currently cannot even fathom.
dude, solutions your the biggest retard I've ever run into that has a degree. I'd love to know what college. I might fall out of my chair laughing.
Oh USC is the biggest moron with a GED I know.

solutions your the biggest.....?

You would have to bow down if I told you, but I've already revealed too much information for now. You know, fascists, the left of me, commies to right, here I am, stuck in the middle with you.
asshat can't blame me for looking for a laugh.
USGED, I know you better than you think. And I'm sorry your alone and bitter.
Single is how you describe someone in there 20's. Alone is how you describe someone over 35
I am seldom alone, wish I was a bit more actually. Between my lady friend, the grandchildren, etc....

Had a great Pool party this weekend btw.
The government should subsidize the creation of a new oil company or two, or at the very lest, enforce the antitrust, pricefixing laws that are currently on the books.
you wouldn't think that if you went to college, but alas usged it's way to complicated for you.
Jarod, I didn't realize you were such a wussy boy.
you wouldn't think that if you went to college, but alas usged it's way to complicated for you.
Jarod, I didn't realize you were such a wussy boy.

This type of unsubstantuated attack has no substance. Make an argument, or sling insults but dont expect me to respond to teh slinging of baseless insults.

I have a Doctorate degree for your information.
LOFL, I bet it's not in business.
Must be social work
You debate like a high schooler on oil. Like the sheep listening to the dems
This type of unsubstantuated attack has no substance. Make an argument, or sling insults but dont expect me to respond to teh slinging of baseless insults.

I have a Doctorate degree for your information.
ad hominem is not a substantial argument. I agree with that.

Juris Doctrate does not equal a PhD. If it did there would be no PhD in law. (There is.)

It is the Legal Profession's equivalent of an MD, but it isn't the same thing as a PhD.
I have at least 2 PHD's in my tool shed. And one PTO driven one for the tractor.
What's all the fuss about ?
ad hominem is not a substantial argument. I agree with that.

Juris Doctrate does not equal a PhD. If it did there would be no PhD in law. (There is.)

It is the Legal Profession's equivalent of an MD, but it isn't the same thing as a PhD.

I never said it was a PhD. I said it was a doctorate degree, which it is...
Because of the higher price less people use the product, therefore those with the money have product to purchase.

Those who, say, take public transport rather than drive to save money, leave more product on the "shelf" for those with the need or the means to pay for it.

Oil is an inelastic product Damo. The price is irrelevant to demand until it starts getting to a point where it would otherwise force people to sell their home.
another potential lawyer exposes himself to be clueless on economics.
thanks for the entertainment gerber.
Oil is an inelastic product Damo. The price is irrelevant to demand until it starts getting to a point where it would otherwise force people to sell their home.
Total rubbish. The demand is larger than the US alone, therefore it is a product outside the normal product within one economy. It is not however not based on supply and demand, it follows the same economic theory that all other things flow from.
Total rubbish. The demand is larger than the US alone, therefore it is a product outside the normal product within one economy. It is not however not based on supply and demand, it follows the same economic theory that all other things flow from.

Yes. Internationalist Fascism.