Why Should Anyone Believe in Global Warming?

For the sake of moving on, we can focus on the health of ONE person. That way you don't have an excuse to avoid my question.
Are you going to define "health"?

My grandfather, when I was much younger, was very active. He hiked multiple times per week, played in an adult softball league, biked long distances regularly and was very fit for his age. Later in life, he developed diabetes and it caused all kinds of circulation problems, which eventually prevented him from doing all the things he used to do. He eventually had both of his legs amputated below the knee before he passed away.
So, he's dead now. Does he have any health now?

Did his health change from when I first remember him to the time before he died where he was a wheelchair-bound diabetic?
How do you define "health"? Do you still define it as "differences between people"? Are you now changing your definition? Don't you think you should have opened with that definition first?
Repeating "health can't change" isn't defining or describing it. You haven't described or defined it because you know that any intelligent, reasonable description will be immediately followed by me asking "and you believe health, as you described it, can't change?"
We both know, even without a single measurement, that health can and does change for people e v e r y single day. You're just to intellectually dishonest to have a real conversation.
You don't get to speak for others, Sock. You only get to speak for you. Omniscience fallacy.
Health cannot change.
Nope. You two are claiming that things like health, pain, etc cannot change because there isn't a single measure for them.
I didn't say this, but you are close. Take a look at your own inability to define health and it should become obvious to you why the undefined cannot change.

Hint: can your blood pressure change? How can you tell if it has changed? Does your health change every time your blood pressure changes, or does your health not change even though your blood pressure changed?

Yep.....the running, tap dancing, deflecting and avoiding continues.

Better luck next time. You've both shown your ass enough for awhile. :laugh:
