Why Should Anyone Believe in Global Warming?

Political Forum Instant IQ Test... just add trolls for a high score! :laugh:

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Prediction: Troll will now froth for 3-4 posts about what a coward I am, how right he is, putting him on ignore signals my defeat at his "mind" of brilliance, blah blah etc. blah blah. :rofl2:
Political Forum Instant IQ Test... just add trolls for a high score! :laugh:

This message is hidden because IBDaMann is on your ignore list.

Prediction: Troll will now froth for 3-4 posts about what a coward I am, how right he is, putting him on ignore signals my defeat at his "mind" of brilliance, blah blah etc. blah blah. :rofl2:

duhhh who believes in science duhhh
The right-wing sure have been desperate with the troll socks. Anyone else notice him earlier when he was mirroring that one very obscure and dumbass talking point from the other troll, Evmetro? The one about the size of holes in a mask compared to the virus.
The right-wing sure have been desperate with the troll socks. Anyone else notice him earlier when he was mirroring that one very obscure and dumbass talking point from the other troll, Evmetro? The one about the size of holes in a mask compared to the virus.

Yes! Not one leftist has a sock. Mason has no sock...
There are many religions in our world and they are all different. Each one has a unique dogma that affords comfort to the believer and helps him cope with a chaotic and confusing world ... each one except for Global Warming that is. This religion seems only to instill fear and panic. Most religions are portrayed as a form of "good news" to be celebrated whereas everything about Global Warming is hyped as "bad news" that might already be "too late" and "past the tipping point."

Further, most religions are honest matters of faith whereas the Church of Global Warming specifically targets for recruitment the gullible and the scientifically illiterate because its dogma mandates the belief that egregious violations of physics are "Settled Science."

Question: why would any rational adult adopt the Global Warming faith?

What weird buggers you do have over there! Where did this one escape from?
Oh yeah, I know I've hit close to home when the "troll" word comes out
Question: According to the warmizombie playbook, what is the final act of desperation signalling the tipping of the king?
Answer: Attempt a desperate accusation of being a "sock."
The right-wing sure have been desperate with the troll socks. Anyone else notice him earlier when he was mirroring that one very obscure and dumbass talking point from the other troll, Evmetro? The one about the size of holes in a mask compared to the virus.
Too funny! No rational basis for believing in Global Warming, only extreme shame for having said belief. "Everybody, just start yelling "SOCK!"

Let me know how that works out for you.

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What weird buggers you do have over there! Where did this one escape from?
Only those who enjoy cuddling up with bloody wankers stick around with your lot. You're probably still gnashing your teeth over BREXIT.

I take it you don't have any rational basis for your belief in Global Warming either, only shame. I get it.
Prediction: Troll will now froth for 3-4 posts about what a coward I am,
Let's count this as the first of 3-4 posts that I point out that you are an intellectual coward. Of course, I maintain the right to thusly point out for additional posts if I so desire.

By the way, I'm betting that you aren't fooling anyone with your implication that you are somehow ignoring me. I bet every single person on this board is totally aware that you read every single one of my posts, especially when you broadcast it by responding to each and every one of my posts.

Way too funny!

Let's count this as the first of 3-4 posts that I point out that you are an intellectual coward. Of course, I maintain the right to thusly point out for additional posts if I so desire.

By the way, I'm betting that you aren't fooling anyone with your implication that you are somehow ignoring me. I bet every single person on this board is totally aware that you read every single one of my posts, especially when you broadcast it by responding to each and every one of my posts.

Way too funny!


Don't you have something better to do than be an asshole troll?
How does the ozone layer rebuild?

Chelated iron is a supplemental form of iron that has been chemically altered
to allow it to pass through the digestive system without breaking apart.
“Chelated” means that metallic ions are bonded to non-metallic ions to form
a new molecule.

Why are there plans to seed areas of the ocean with iron?

The premise is actually simple. Iron acts as a fertilizer for many plants,
and some, like the phytoplankton that form the base of the marine food
web, need it to grow. Adding iron to the water stimulates phytoplankton
growth, which in turn gobble up carbon dioxide through photosynthesis.

We interrupt this whacko-fest for this important announcement:

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Don't you have something better to do than be an asshole troll?
Don't you have anything better to do than to be a brain-dead warmizombie who is regularly bent over furniture and reamed with misinformation by the slavemasters who do your thinking for you?

I didn't think so.

Can you think of any reason for a rational adult to believe in Global Warming?

I can't either.

Good luck with the reaming. In the future, if I want your opinion on something I'll just check the DNC website.
We interrupt this whacko-fest for this important announcement:

This message is hidden because IBDaMann is on your ignore list.

Too funny! You are about as bright as black paint. You respond to all my posts to tell me that you are ignoring me. I'm going to have a lot of fun with you.



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Only those who enjoy cuddling up with bloody wankers stick around with your lot. You're probably still gnashing your teeth over BREXIT.

I take it you don't have any rational basis for your belief in Global Warming either, only shame. I get it.
I never gnash my teeth about the idiocies of humanity, chum - it's a species that has got way, way above itself, let's face it. The evidence that we'll burn the world before blowing it up is, as everyone knows, overwhelming. The Lord, doubtless, has given you some Revelation that goes against all climate science, but He was doubtless drunk at the time. Do grow up, there's a good Yank! :)
The real question is: Why should anyone read an idiot who asks "Why Should Anyone Believe in Global Warming?" like it's a religion and not an actual current event. :rolleyes:
He's one of the few here that actually make an attempt to place his OP in the proper forum. Personally I think AGW belongs in Conspiracies.
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