Why Should Anyone Believe in Global Warming?

FYI,how would I have adapted to living in Toledo during the ice age?The ice was two miles thick.

Considering it took millions of years to go from the age of the dinosaurs to the ice age you (man) would have adapted, well normal man would have.
Considering it took millions of years to go from the age of the dinosaurs to the ice age you (man) would have adapted, well normal man would have.

?? You implying Mason isn't normal??

Why I bet you give Shel, Margot, Sylvia or Jackie a bear skin bikini & a big O' spear any Mammoth would run in fear.....

Anyone of them babes teaming up w/ Mason would spread fear in all from the Mesozoic Era to the Holocene

?? You implying Mason isn't normal??

Why I bet you give Shel, Margot, Sylvia or Jackie a bear skin bikini & a big O' spear any Mammoth would run in fear.....

Anyone of them babes teaming up w/ Mason would spread fear in all from the Mesozoic Era to the Holocene

You nailed it.
I tend to listen to climatologists, kid, and note the evidence of my senses..
Too funny! Climatology is a religion like Scientology. You put your trust in religious WACKOS! Say it with me ... Gul - li - ble.

So, you follow the "evidence" that your religious preachers provide to you? Way too funny.

What the buggery the last lot is about is lost in American Nazi psychology, its meaning beyond normal guesswork. :)
If you don't mind me asking, what language do they speak over there in the UK? I see that English isn't your first. I'd like to understand you better.

But it doesn't mean that we can't begin doing what needs to be done so that our kids and g-kids don't have to go it alone.
Science tells us that nothing we do can affect Global Warming because Global Warming is nothing but fictitious religious dogma targetting the gullible and scientifically illiterate, like yourself.

What kind of sick, twisted fúck are you that you would instill fear, panic, anxiety and hopelessness in your own grandchildren to "motivate" them into spinning their wheels, accomplishing nothing except for earning the right to virtue-signal to other uneducated, scientifically illiterate and mathematically incompetent losers? (Yes, that one was a rhetorical question).

Considering it took millions of years to go from the age of the dinosaurs to the ice age you (man) would have adapted, well normal man would have.
Your time line is wrong,the ice age ended about 10 thousand years ago.Dinosaurs been gone millions
Mason?, Eagle_Eye is right, it took millions of years to go from the age of dinosaurs to the age of man ... unless you are a young-earth Christian.

Considering it took millions of years to go from the age of the dinosaurs to the ice age you (man) would have adapted, well normal man would have.

We've had multiple ice ages in the last 65 millions years, the time period when most paleontologists agree the majority of dinosaurs disappeared. Our last ice age ended ~10K years ago.
Nope. Fuck off. lol

This message is hidden because IBDaMann is your inescapable obsession.


What did I tell you, you are one sick, twisted fúck. You would do that to your own grandchildren. Well, I suppose that just makes my grandchildren all the more competitive relatively. I'll tell my grandchildren to give your grandchildren a break and to find work for them, maybe dusting doorknobs or whatever they can handle. Will they be under the belief that CNN contributors are actually scientists? I just need to get a rough idea of how deep the problem is going to be.

Of course the topic of how you totally screwed them over might come up.


We've had multiple ice ages in the last 65 millions years, the time period when most paleontologists agree the majority of dinosaurs disappeared.
Did the dinosaurs disappear or are they now what we call "birds"? You know ... like owls, for example?
Too funny! Climatology is a religion like Scientology. You put your trust in religious WACKOS! Say it with me ... Gul - li - ble.

So, you follow the "evidence" that your religious preachers provide to you? Way too funny.

If you don't mind me asking, what language do they speak over there in the UK? I see that English isn't your first. I'd like to understand you better.


You are out of your tiny mind, kiddiewinkie. I suppose, if you insist on worshipping a senile bully, you do get muddled up about religion, and in that flat earth of yours you've never come across science. Cymro dw'i, blydu ianc! :) What do they speak back in your cave, I wonder. I've a Ph.D in English, by the way! And I am a bit baffled by your sending me a black oblong: is it the new Nazi flag?
Your time line is wrong,the ice age ended about 10 thousand years ago.
Dinosaurs been gone millions

Wrong again sport!

The Ice Ages began 2.4 million years ago and lasted until 11,500 years ago. During this time, the earth’s climate repeatedly changed between very cold periods, during which glaciers covered large parts of the world (see map below), and very warm periods during which many of the glaciers melted. The cold periods are called glacials (ice covering) and the warm periods are called interglacials.

maps showing ice coverage during Ice Age and today
There were at least 17 cycles between glacial and interglacial periods. The glacial periods lasted longer than the interglacial periods. The last glacial period began about 100,000 years ago and lasted until 25,000 years ago. Today we are in a warm interglacial period.
https://www.cdm.org/mammothdiscover...ce Ages began 2.4,many of the glaciers melted.
I've a Ph.D in English, by the way!


... but seriously, what is your native language, i.e. the one you in which you are proficient?

... and in that flat earth of yours you've never come across science.
Is that a challenge I'm reading? Are you looking to go toe-to-toe with me on science? Great! You probably believe in Global Warming and that it is "thettled thieth!" Let's begin raking you over the coals, shall we?


Just for the record, as this thread clearly shows, there is absolutely no reason for any rational adult to believe in Global Warming unless he is OBEYING slavemasters who do his thinking for him and who tell him what to think, what to believe and who to HATE.

We can close this one out with this truism:

Show me someone who believes in Global Warming or Climate Change or Greenhouse Effect and I'll show you someone who is either scientifically illiterate or who is a flat out science denier.

The nails are in the coffin.

Since you claim the greenhouse effect doesn't exist, give us your explanation for why North America doesn't get down to -200 F overnight?

What is the science that causes it to stay warm when the sun goes down in your humble opinion?

Please provide math to support your claim.